2017-05-11: 2.0.0 (901f7c7)
- Initial version

2017-05-31: 2.0.1 (20419f8)
- Report speed correctly as km/h instead of knots

2017-09-01: 2.0.2 (7298b8d)
- Reset FireflyX1 if it doesn't talk anymore
- Fix millisecond date/time bug (did use us instead of ms)
- Add API to enable/disable SBAS (with 5Hz/10Hz update rate)

2018-04-19: 2.0.3 (5ffcc42)
- Reconfigure SBAS after cold-restart and factory-reset
- Handle different latitude, longitude and altitude resolutions correctly

2018-10-04: 2.0.4 (196cddd)
- Fix race condition with potential buffer overflow (through bricklib2)

2019-05-29: 2.0.5 (cba4577)
- Fix SPITFP IRQ race condition with other higher prio IRQs (through bricklib2)

2019-06-13: 2.0.6 (41393ee)
- Fix speed overflow at speeds >= 214.74 km/h

2020-02-28: 2.0.7 (67c896b)
- Add support for hardware version 2.1