2015-08-19: 2.0.0 (0b710a5)
- Initial version

2015-10-26: 2.0.1 (0f0d6cd)
- Fix wrong order of callbacks

2016-02-09: 2.0.2 (63cf4a5)
- Fix possible data corruption if getters are called with high frequency

2016-02-25: 2.0.3 (292542c)
- Use DMA for I2C communication with BNO055. This allows for better SPI stack
  communication throughput, since we don't have to disable the interrupts for
  the whole communication

2016-08-29: 2.0.4 (d1e2be2)
- Make sure to use all chunks when writing Bricklet plugin (through bricklib)

2017-01-27: 2.0.5 (860e604)
- Add support for fusion mode and sensor configuration

2017-02-03: 2.0.6 (8fee65a)
- Add support for fusion mode without magnetometer

2017-03-16: 2.0.7 (15ffdcb)
- Move I2C mutex handling outside of interrupt.
  This fixes a race condition with the Accelerometer Bricklet (and 
  potentially other Bricklets that use I2C).

2017-05-11: 2.0.8 (8582e88)
- Add support for Co-MCU Bricklets

2017-06-28: 2.0.9 (85e3bdd)
- Fix incompatibility between Co-MCU support and LED Strip Bricklet (through bricklib)

2017-12-13: 2.0.10 (157789d)
- Make sure Brick does not restart on suspend/resume (through bricklib)
- Refactor initial enumeration handling, fix double-enumeration bugs (through bricklib)

2018-01-11: 2.0.11 (b5a366b)
- Fix message duplication bug (through bricklib)

2018-04-27: 2.0.12 (95d693d)
- Add calibration support for SAM4 processors
- Fix computation tick return bug (fixes erroneous callback periods)
- Fix potential deadlock between USB stack and Co-MCU enumeration (through bricklib)

2018-07-20: 2.0.13 (cb5d242)
- Add support for fusion mode without fast magnetometer calibration
- Add support for Isolator Bricklet (through bricklib)
- Improve Co-MCU Bricklet error handling (through bricklib)

2019-02-27: 2.0.14 (fa293e1)
- Changes through bricklib:
  - Fix Bricklet port miss-identification
  - Increase SPI stack timeout (for RED Brick)
  - Fix bugs in set/get_spitfp_* functions

2021-03-23: 2.0.15 (87c1a7b)
- Fix temperature callback response size