2011-10-06: 1.0.0 (ccae7d1)
- Initial version

2012-02-15: 1.1.0 (33ed626)
- Add support for tick types

2012-03-09: 1.1.1 (9058ca8)
- Add sleep time between joystick direction change (otherwise analog switch
  sometimes gets hot)

2012-03-09: 1.1.2 (8769864)
- Use 16bit for joystick calibration (8 bit to small for some joysticks)

2012-06-01: 1.1.3 (979830e)
- Use correct bool logic for "outside callback"

2012-06-21: 1.1.4 (2c2464a)
- Fix threshold period error (missing parentheses)

2013-01-17: 2.0.0 (20df44a)
- Support for Protocol 2.0

2013-01-28: 2.0.1 (6919853)
- Fix timeout in threshold callback functions (through brickletlib)

2013-02-14: 2.0.2 (00f9953)
- Increase analog value integration time (through brickletlib) and decrease
  averaging to allow more stable joystick values if used over Wi-Fi

2013-12-19: 2.0.3 (05e1644)
- Fix wrong length for GetDebounce packet (through brickletlib)