2018-06-07: 2.0.0 (e29896b)
- Initial version

2018-10-04: 2.0.1 (c24b436)
- Fix race condition with potential buffer overflow (through bricklib2)

2019-05-29: 2.0.2 (48aa043)
- Fix SPITFP IRQ race condition with other higher prio IRQs (through bricklib2)

2019-11-20: 2.0.3 (abc5ee5)
- Fix set-led-values length check to allow setting the last (6143th) LED as well
- Fix streaming logic of get-led-values for length above 60 LEDs

2023-07-28: 2.1.0 (7d7d544)
- Add support for hardware version 2.2