2012-02-15: 1.0.0 (e789418)
- Initial version

2012-02-21: 1.1.0 (a2de81e)
- Add support for tick types

2012-03-05: 1.1.1 (326879c)
- Fix bug with timeouts on Windows (through bricklib)

2012-03-11: 1.1.2 (4e32b76)
- Add USB request detection to allow Chibi slave stack to be powered over USB

2012-03-11: 1.1.3 (01d093b)
- Fix bug with ADC calibration readout (through bricklib)

2012-03-16: 1.1.4 (303a910)
- Use new heuristic for Chibi slave detection (master address == address)

2012-03-20: 1.1.5 (9852170)
- Disable IRQs in SPI master communication, otherwise Stepper Brick doesn't
  work over Chibi (through bricklib)

2012-03-22: 1.1.6 (c98f890)
- Fix several Chibi bugs:
  - Sanity check on Chibi participants discovery
  - If no ACK: slave recvs, master sends
  - No rx_aack_on state if Chibi recv buffer not empty

2012-03-29: 1.1.7 (957a138)
- Fix several Chibi bugs:
  - Check sequence number to eliminate duplicates
  - Different negotiation of send and recv states (now more messages from
    master to slave possible should be possible)

2012-06-27: 1.2.0 (d5a022d)
- Add RS485 support

2012-06-30: 1.2.1 (b936c3e)
- Add get_chip_temperature and reset function

2012-07-02: 1.2.2 (99509aa)
- Add USB hotplug support (through bricklib)

2012-07-24: 1.2.3 (72a6db9)
- Use dynamically calculated timeouts for RS485, improve Bricklet readout

2012-08-01: 1.2.4 (7dca31e)
- Send empty message if slave has timeout, to allow slave to process buffer

2012-09-18: 1.3.0 (a731acd)
- Add WIFI Extension support

2012-09-19: 1.3.1 (96f87c1)
- Remove unnecessary check (more bandwidth for WIFI Extension)

2012-09-20: 1.3.2 (35f8320)
- Add receive ringbuffer (prevent overflow due to callbacks)

2012-09-24: 1.3.3 (b0c36ea)
- Add support for ad-hoc and access point mode

2012-09-26: 1.3.4 (23e1a96)
- Add API for setting of WIFI regulatory domain

2012-10-04: 1.3.5 (bcd8582)
- Add GetUSBVoltage API
- Add autorestart after 3min without answer from GS1011
- add support for "," in WIFI passphrase

2012-10-04: 1.3.6 (e245cbc)
- Use WSEC=1 instead of auth mode = open for no encryption

2012-10-05: 1.4.0 (088c93d)
- Fix reset when multiple masters in a stack are used
- Add support for Master Brick 2.0

2012-10-07: 1.4.1 (8a1d82b)
- Fix bug in RS485 code (RS485 recv pin was set by WIFI code)

2012-10-11: 1.4.2 (578ea03)
- Add support for usage of two extensions at the same time

2012-10-16: 1.4.3 (2941a70)
- Fix mixup between ad-hoc DHCP and access point static IP

2012-10-16: 1.4.4 (2faed9e)
- Fix Chibi Extension initialization sequence

2012-10-18: 1.4.5 (f4f03f4)
- Fix Problem with RS485 + WIFI + Step Down PS combination

2012-10-26: 1.4.6 (cd9e0e5)
- Change Bricklet Context size from 250 to 256 (through bricklib)

2012-12-05: 2.0.0 (3710f26)
- Support for Protocol 2.0

2013-01-29: 2.0.1 (c96c28c)
- Fix buffer overflow in WIFI Extension code

2013-02-06: 2.0.2 (220a1c2)
- Fixes for a more stable WIFI Extension:
  - Remove command/data mode, use only one place for receiving/sending: allows
    for much better error handling, debugging and logging
  - Only save messages in brickd if return expected
  - Parse all command responses with human readable response
  - Parse <ESC>O, <ESC>F, <ESC>A options more thoroughly
  - Remove messages from brickd if socket disconnected
  - Make WIFI initialization asynchronous: allows to communicate with Master
    Brick while WIFI is connecting
  - Use 5 minute timeout before we assume a hang up (instead of 3)
  - Evaluate received data while sending command
  - Use different ATS configuration
  - Parse startup/reset message
  - Refactor data state machine

2013-02-07: 2.0.3 (03dedd5)
- Use smaller USB timeout on startup enumeration to allow faster enumeration
- Dont reread the config after the first WIFI association fails

2013-02-12: 2.0.4 (4b2c14a)
- Reset WIFI module after disassociate from access point
- Fix problem with changing of slave addresses of Chibi and RS485 Extension
- Externalize WIFI ringbuffer and feed bytes in state machine byte by byte
  (will allow the use of DMA controller later on)

2013-02-18: 2.0.5 (2728e6f)
- Reissue Low-Power-Mode after disassociate
- Add API for:
  - SetWifiHostname
  - GetWifiHostname
  - SetCurrentCallbackPeriod
  - GetCurrentCallbackPeriod
  - SetVoltageCallbackPeriod
  - GetVoltageCallbackPeriod
  - SetUSBVoltageCallbackPeriod
  - GetUSBVoltageCallbackPeriod
  - SetCurrentCallbackThreshold
  - GetCurrentCallbackThreshold
  - SetVoltageCallbackThreshold
  - GetVoltageCallbackThreshold
  - SetUSBVoltageCallbackThreshold
  - GetUSBVoltageCallbackThreshold
  - SetDebouncePeriod
  - GetDebouncePeriod
  - Current (Callback)
  - Voltage (Callback)
  - USBVoltage (Callback)
  - CurrentReached (Callback)
  - VoltageReached (Callback)
  - USBVoltageReached (Callback)

2013-04-04: 2.0.6 (44afc08)
- Add forced ACK after 10ms without answer
- Handle WIFI xon/xoff commands of GS1011MEES
- Add watchdog timer (restart after 16s of "deadlock")

2013-04-12: 2.1.0 (72d0099)
- Add support for Ethernet Extension

2013-06-06: 2.1.1 (cfac700)
- Increase Ethernet reset holding time from 2µs to 10µs to ensure proper bootup

2013-06-10: 2.1.2 (8699e40)
- Call Ethernet reset function 2 times to make sure it works always

2014-04-04: 2.2.0 (51d9e2a)
- Add support for Websockets for Ethernet Extension
- Add support for authentication of Ethernet/WIFI Extension
- Reset on USB resume to get a clean state
- Increase USB hotplug detect threshold
- SPI stack slave gives up immediately if message length too long

2014-04-09: 2.2.1 (679e62b)
- Remove "Suspend to Disk fix", seems to make problems on some windows versions
  (through bricklib)

2014-07-07: 2.2.2 (05aa82f)
- Remove USB hotplug support (through bricklib)

2014-11-25: 2.3.0 (60b3f17)
- Add support for new SPI protocol
- Add support for Master Brick 2.1

2015-02-20: 2.3.1 (baebb1a)
- Add support for Ethernet Extension 1.1
- Remove USB hotplug support for Master Brick 2.1 again

2015-05-20: 2.3.2 (b064927)
- Add magic number for unflashed Bricklet detection (through bricklib)
- New USB hotplug support (independent of USB detect)
- Use blocking send for broadcast message
- Fix "false-positive-ACK" bug in SPI communication (through bricklib)

2015-05-26: 2.3.3 (23fc63a)
- Reinitialize SPI state machine after initial stack enumerate

2015-07-28: 2.3.4 (3ff60f1)
- Fix bug with long waiting times for first Ethernet enumeration

2016-06-30: 2.4.0 (21bb23c)
- Fix error in ADC calibration
- Add support for WIFI Extension 2.0

2016-08-29: 2.4.1 (1353a54)
- Make sure to use all chunks when writing Bricklet plugin (through bricklib)

2017-01-23: 2.4.2 (b71c151)
- Fix socket listen/establish race condition (Ethernet Extension)
- Add support for WIFI Extension 2.0 mesh networking functions

2017-02-24: 2.4.3 (e9886be)
- Fix bug in double buffer RX peak
- Increase reaction time by decreasing ACK timeout
- Increase general WIFI send timeout (through bricklib)
- Add timeout count API (through bricklib)

2017-05-11: 2.4.4 (5f5a6a0)
- Remove support for WIFI password getters
- Add support for Co-MCU Bricklets

2017-06-28: 2.4.5 (a115de7)
- Fix incompatibility between Co-MCU support and LED Strip Bricklet (through bricklib)
- Add fix for W5500 (Ethernet Extension IC) ESD exposure problems

2017-12-13: 2.4.6 (f7657a2)
- Make sure Brick does not restart on suspend/resume anymore
- Refactor initial enumeration handling for USB/SPI/RS485/Chibi
- Fix double-enumeration bug
- Improve Co-MCU Bricklet reset handling
- Improve RS485 state machine (use hardware timer instead of busy waiting)
- Improve I2C communication (use DMA in synchronous case)

2018-01-11: 2.4.7 (e39d0bf)
- Fix message duplication bug (through bricklib)

2018-04-27: 2.4.8 (ed72e61)
- Fix potential deadlock between USB stack and Co-MCU enumeration (through bricklib)

2018-07-31: 2.4.9 (c0f8ead)
- Add support for Isolator Bricklet (through bricklib)
- Improve Co-MCU Bricklet error handling (through bricklib)

2019-02-27: 2.4.10 (e8ecdfc)
- Changes through bricklib:
  - Fix Bricklet port miss-identification
  - Increase SPI stack timeout (for RED Brick)
  - Fix bugs in set/get_spitfp_* functions

2021-02-23: 2.5.0 (7157f25)
- Add support for Master Brick hardware verison 3.0

2022-01-11: 2.5.1 (d0643ba)
- Show Master Brick 3.1 as 3.1 (3.0 was never released to public)
- Fix mixup with extension pins
- Make chip temperature compatible with both sam3s and sam4s (through bricklib)

2023-03-29: 2.5.2 (0beafd0)
- Add support for Master Brick 3.2 (will now show as hardware verison 3.2 in Brick Viewer)