2017-04-21: 2.0.0 (3f60b83)
- Initial version

2017-05-11: 2.0.1 (1fa2aa8)
- Add support for Co-MCU Bricklets

2017-05-16: 2.0.2 (24985bf)
- Fix bug in calculation of current consumption

2017-06-28: 2.0.3 (3b4a00b)
- Fix incompatibility between Co-MCU support and LED Strip Bricklet (through bricklib)

2017-12-13: 2.0.4 (1d0c5d4)
- Make sure Brick does not restart on suspend/resume (through bricklib)
- Refactor initial enumeration handling, fix double-enumeration bugs (through bricklib)

2018-01-11: 2.0.5 (4cd704a)
- Fix message duplication bug (through bricklib)

2018-04-27: 2.0.6 (b450dc3)
- Fix potential deadlock between USB stack and Co-MCU enumeration (through bricklib)

2018-07-31: 2.0.7 (f0d639a)
- Add support for Isolator Bricklet (through bricklib)
- Improve Co-MCU Bricklet error handling (through bricklib)

2019-02-27: 2.0.8 (2cc3dfa)
- Changes through bricklib:
  - Fix Bricklet port miss-identification
  - Increase SPI stack timeout (for RED Brick)
  - Fix bugs in set/get_spitfp_* functions