2011-12-15: 1.0.0 (35935ef)
- Initial version

2012-01-02: 1.0.1 (01d2743)
- Add code for voltage divider to allow motor current below 100mA

2012-02-15: 1.1.0 (ef71419)
- Add support for tick types

2012-03-05: 1.1.1 (d898cbf)
- Fix bug with timeouts on Windows (through bricklib)

2012-03-11: 1.1.2 (2539276)
- Fix bug with ADC calibration readout (through bricklib)

2012-04-03: 1.1.3 (0d5a8e3)
- Add averaging for current measurement

2012-04-27: 1.1.4 (6a8b43f)
- Add get_chip_temperature and reset function

2012-07-02: 1.1.5 (aa1e9e2)
- Add USB hotplug support (through bricklib)

2012-07-03: 1.1.6 (f510f97)
- Add time base API, add all-data function and callback, add state callback

2012-07-24: 1.1.7 (74637b6)
- Stop state machine after disable call, don't drive if max velocity = 0

2012-07-27: 1.1.8 (d41a6e4)
- Stop completely if max velocity is set to 0 while in drive mode

2012-10-26: 1.1.9 (0990448)
- Change Bricklet Context size from 250 to 256 (through bricklib)

2013-01-17: 2.0.0 (c53a3b5)
- Support for Protocol 2.0

2013-01-23: 2.0.1 (456df76)
- Add missing header to minimum voltage setter

2013-04-11: 2.0.2 (019d2cc)
- Add watchdog timer (restart after 16s of "deadlock")

2013-05-28: 2.0.3 (6af702f)
- Fix bug in under voltage callback definition (wrong FID)

2013-06-27: 2.0.4 (ce91778)
- Use tick_task to detect USB connect/disconnect instead of interrupt

2014-07-24: 2.0.5 (7ec8e10)
- Remove USB hotplug support (through bricklib)

2014-11-25: 2.3.0 (4f88c2f)
- Add support for new SPI protocol

2015-05-19: 2.3.1 (7967f4b)
- Add magic number for unflashed Bricklet detection (through bricklib)
- Update state if only one step is set

2015-09-17: 2.3.2 (be8e75f)
- Increase external detection voltage to 6V

2016-08-29: 2.3.3 (6ad7c40)
- Make sure to use all chunks when writing Bricklet plugin (through bricklib)

2017-05-11: 2.3.4 (a68497b)
- Add support for Co-MCU Bricklets

2017-06-28: 2.3.5 (71ce9db)
- Fix incompatibility between Co-MCU support and LED Strip Bricklet (through bricklib)

2017-12-13: 2.3.6 (e4a4953)
- Make sure Brick does not restart on suspend/resume (through bricklib)
- Refactor initial enumeration handling, fix double-enumeration bugs (through bricklib)

2018-01-11: 2.3.7 (ac2fdd6)
- Fix message duplication bug (through bricklib)

2018-04-27: 2.3.8 (ab07a14)
- Fix potential deadlock between USB stack and Co-MCU enumeration (through bricklib)

2018-07-31: 2.3.9 (036986c)
- Add support for Isolator Bricklet (through bricklib)
- Improve Co-MCU Bricklet error handling (through bricklib)

2019-02-27: 2.3.10 (ee6d538)
- Changes through bricklib:
  - Fix Bricklet port miss-identification
  - Increase SPI stack timeout (for RED Brick)
  - Fix bugs in set/get_spitfp_* functions