2011-12-11: 1.0.0 (2e4773a)
- Initial version

2012-02-15: 1.1.0 (5bbcaa6)
- Add support for tick types

2012-02-24: 1.1.1 (d791db4)
- Add support for more then one Temperature IR Bricklet at once

2013-01-17: 2.0.0 (2b28ed5)
- Support for Protocol 2.0

2013-05-15: 2.0.1 (832b011)
- Don't send threshold callback twice

2013-12-19: 2.0.2 (cdbf8c6)
- Fix wrong length for GetDebounce packet (through brickletlib)

2014-03-27: 2.0.3 (ed5b4d9)
- Go back to synchronous I2C communication because of rare problems with

2014-12-30: 2.0.4 (d2f7dd0)
- Make sure that select line is pulled, so that I2C switch on Master Brick 2.1
  works properly