// ==UserScript== // @name Stack-Exchange-Editor-Toolkit // @author Cameron Bernhardt (AstroCB) // @developer Jonathan Todd (jt0dd) // @developer sathyabhat // @contributor Unihedron // @contributor Tiny Giant // @contributor Mogsdad // @grant none // @license MIT // @namespace http://github.com/AstroCB // @updateURL https://github.com/SO-Close-Vote-Reviewers/UserScripts/blob/master/Magic%E2%84%A2Editor.user.js // @downloadURL https://github.com/SO-Close-Vote-Reviewers/UserScripts/blob/master/Magic%E2%84%A2Editor.user.js // @version // @description Fix common grammar/usage annoyances on Stack Exchange posts with a click // @include /^https?://\w*.?(stackoverflow|stackexchange|serverfault|superuser|askubuntu|stackapps)\.com/(questions|posts|review)/(?!tagged|new).*/ // ==/UserScript== (function() { "use strict"; function extendEditor(root) { var App = {}; // Place edit items here App.items = {}; App.originals = {}; // Place selected jQuery items here App.selections = {}; // Place "global" app data here App.globals = {}; // Place "const" app data here App.consts = {}; // Place "helper" functions here App.funcs = {}; // True to display counts and / or rule names in Edit Summary App.globals.showCounts = false; App.globals.showRules = false; App.globals.root = root; App.globals.reasons = {}; App.globals.replacedStrings = { "auto": [], "quote": [], "inline": [], "block": [], "lsec": [], "links": [], "tags": [] }; App.globals.placeHolders = { "auto": "_xAutoxInsertxTextxPlacexHolder_", "quote": "_xBlockxQuotexPlacexHolderx_", "inline": "_xCodexInlinexPlacexHolderx_", "block": "_xCodexBlockxPlacexHolderx_", "lsec": "_xLinkxSectionxPlacexHolderx_", "links": "_xLinkxPlacexHolderx_", "tags": "_xTagxPlacexHolderx_" }; App.globals.placeHolderChecks = { "auto": /_xAutoxInsertxTextxPlacexHolder_/gi, "quote": /_xBlockxQuotexPlacexHolderx_/gi, "inline": /_xCodexInlinexPlacexHolderx_/gi, "block": /_xCodexBlockxPlacexHolderx_/gi, "lsec": /_xLinkxSectionxPlacexHolderx_/gi, "links": /_xLinkxPlacexHolderx_/gi, "tags": /_xTagxPlacexHolderx_/gi }; App.globals.checks = { // https://regex101.com/r/cI6oK2/1 automatically inserted text "auto": /[^]*\<\!\-\- End of automatically inserted text \-\-\>/g, // https://regex101.com/r/fU5lE6/1 blockquotes "quote": /^\>(?:(?!\n\n)[^])+/gm, // https://regex101.com/r/lL6fH3/1 single-line inline code "inline": /`[^`\n]+`/g, // https://regex101.com/r/eC7mF7/2 code blocks and multiline inline code. "block": /`[^`]+`|^(?:(?:[ ]{4}|[ ]{0,3}\t).+(?:[\r\n]?(?!\n\S)(?:[ ]+\n)*)+)+/gm, // https://regex101.com/r/tZ4eY3/7 link-sections "lsec": /(?: (?:\[\d\]): \w*:+\/\/.*\n*)+/g, // https://regex101.com/r/tZ4eY3/20 links and pathnames "links": /\[[^\]\n]+\](?:\([^\)\n]+\)|\[[^\]\n]+\])|(?:\/\w+\/|.:\\|\w*:\/\/|\.+\/[./\w\d]+|(?:\w+\.\w+){2,})[./\w\d:/?#\[\]@!$&'()*+,;=\-~%]*/g, // https://regex101.com/r/bF0iQ0/2 tags and html comments "tags": /\<[\/a-z]+\>|\<\!\-\-[^>]+\-\-\>|\[tag:[\w.-]+\]/gi }; App.globals.checksr = (function(o1){ var o2 = {}; var k= Object.keys(o1); for(var i = k.length-1; i >= 0; --i) o2[k[i]] = o1[k[i]]; return o2; })(App.globals.checks); // Assign modules here App.pipeMods = {}; // Define order in which mods affect here App.globals.order = ["omit", "codefix", "edit", "diff", "replace", "output"]; // Define reason constant strings App.consts.reasons = { legalSO: "'Stack Overflow' is the legal name", legalSE: "'Stack Exchange' is the legal name", tidyTitle: "tidied title", trademark: "trademark capitalization", acronym: "acronym capitalization", spelling: "spelling", grammar: "grammar", noise: "noise reduction", punctuation: "punctuation", layout: "layout", silent: "", // Unreported / uncounted titleSaysAll: "replicated title in body" }; // Get the original post tags App.globals.taglist = []; $('a.post-tag').each( function(){ var newtag = $(this).text(); if (App.globals.taglist.indexOf(newtag) === -1) { App.globals.taglist.push(newtag); } }); // Define edit rules App.edits = { // Tidy the title noneedtoyell: { expr: /^((?=.*[A-Z])[^a-z]*)$/g, replacement: function(input) { return input.trim().substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + input.trim().substr(1).toLowerCase(); }, reason: App.consts.reasons.tidyTitle }, taglist: { // https://regex101.com/r/wH4oA3/19 expr: new RegExp( "(?:^(?:[(]?(?:_xTagsx_)(?:and|[ ,.&+/-])*)+[:. \)-]*|(?:[:. \(-]|in|with|using|by|for)*(?:(?:_xTagsx_)(?:and|[ ,&+/)-])*)+([?.! ]*)$)" .replace(/_xTagsx_/g,App.globals.taglist.map(escapeTag).join("|")), //.replace(/\\(?=[bsSdDwW])/g,"\\"), // https://regex101.com/r/pY1hI2/1 - WBN to figure this out. 'gi'), replacement: "$1", debug: false, reason: App.consts.reasons.tidyTitle }, so: { expr: /\bstack\s*overflow\b/gi, replacement: "Stack Overflow", reason: App.consts.reasons.legalSO }, se: { expr: /\bstack\s*exchange\b/gi, replacement: "Stack Exchange", reason: App.consts.reasons.legalSE }, expansionSO: { expr: /([^\b\w.]|^)SO\b/g, replacement: "$1Stack Overflow", reason: App.consts.reasons.legalSO }, expansionSE: { expr: /([^\b\w.]|^)SE\b/g, replacement: "$1Stack Exchange", reason: App.consts.reasons.legalSE }, /* ** Trademark names **/ jsfiddle: { expr: /\bjs ?fiddle\b/gi, replacement: "JSFiddle", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, meteor: { // must appear before "javascript" expr: /([^\b\w.]|^)meteor *(js)?\b/gi, replacement: function (str,pre,uppercase) { var fixed = pre + "Meteor" + (uppercase ? uppercase.toUpperCase() : ''); return fixed; }, reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, knockout_js: { // must appear before "javascript" expr: /\bknockout[. ]?js\b/gi, replacement: "Knockout.js", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, script: { // Spelling rule out-of-order, must run before javascript & google_apps_script expr: /(s)c[ri]+pt?(ing|s)?\b/gi, replacement: "$1cript$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, javascript: { expr: /([^\b\w.]|^)(java?scr?ipt?|js|java script?)\b/gi, replacement: "$1JavaScript", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, jquery: { expr: /\bjque?rr?y\b/gi, // jqury, jquerry, jqurry... ~600 spelling mistakes replacement: "jQuery", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, angular: { expr: /\bangular(?:js)?\b/gi, replacement: "AngularJS", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, php: { expr: /(?:[^\b\w.]|^)php[\d]?\b(?!\.ini)/gi, replacement: function (match) { return match.toUpperCase(); }, reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, c: { expr: /(?:[^\b\w.]|^)c\b(?:#|\+\+)?/gi, replacement: function (match) { return match.toUpperCase(); }, reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, java: { expr: /([^\b\w.]|^)java\b/gi, replacement: "$1Java", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, sqlite: { expr: /\bsqlite(\s*[0-9]*)\b/gi, replacement: "SQLite$1", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, android: { expr: /\bandroid\b/gi, replacement: "Android", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, oracle: { expr: /\boracle\b/gi, replacement: "Oracle", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, windows: { // https://regex101.com/r/jF9zK1/8 expr: /\b(?:win(?=(?:\s+(?:2k|[0-9.]+|ce|me|nt|xp|vista|server)))|windows)(?:\s+(2k|[0-9.]+|ce|me|nt|xp|vista|server))?\b/gi, replacement: function(match, ver) { ver = !ver ? '' : ' '+ver .replace(/ce/i, 'CE') .replace(/me/i, 'ME') .replace(/nt/i, 'NT') .replace(/xp/i, 'XP') .replace(/2k/i, '2000') .replace(/vista/i, 'Vista') .replace(/server/i, 'Server'); return 'Windows' + ver; }, reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, linux: { expr: /\blinux\b/gi, replacement: "Linux", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, wordpress: { expr: /\bword ?press\b/gi, replacement: "WordPress", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, mysql: { expr: /\bmysql\b/gi, replacement: "MySQL", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, nodejs: { expr: /\bnode\.?js\b/gi, replacement: "Node.js", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, apache: { expr: /\bapache([\d])?\b/gi, replacement: "Apache$1", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, git: { expr: /([^\b\w.]|^)git\b/gi, replacement: "$1Git", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, github: { expr: /\bgithub\b/gi, replacement: "GitHub", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, facebook: { // https://regex101.com/r/rO1tH4/2 expr: /\bf(?:a[cs]e?)?be?o+k?(s)?/gi, replacement: function(str,s) { return "Facebook" + (s ? "'s" : ""); }, reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, python: { expr: /\bpython\b/gi, replacement: "Python", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, ios: { expr: /\bios\b/gi, replacement: "iOS", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, iosnum: { expr: /\bios([0-9])\b/gi, replacement: "iOS $1", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, ubuntu: { // https://regex101.com/r/sT8wV5/2 expr: /\b[uoa]+n?b[uoa]*[tn][oua]*[tnu][oua]*\b/gi, replacement: "Ubuntu", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, vbnet: { // https://regex101.com/r/bB9pP3/8 expr: /(?:vb\.net|\bvb|(?:[^\b\w.]|^)\.net)\b(?:\s*[0-9]+)?\s*(?:framework|core)?/gi, replacement: function(str) { return str.replace(/([^.])vb/i, '$1VB') .replace(/([^.])asp/i, '$1ASP') .replace(/net/i, 'NET') .replace(/framework/i, 'Framework') .replace(/core/i, 'Core'); }, reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, vba_related: { expr: /(?:[^\b\w.]|^)(?:vba|vbs|vbc|evb|vbo|vbp|vbide)\b/gi, replacement: function (match) { return match.toUpperCase(); }, reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, vbscript: { expr: /\bvbscript/gi, replacement: "VBScript", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, excel: { expr: /\bexcel\b(?!\-|\.\w)/gi, replacement: "Excel", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, regex: { expr: /\bregg?[ea]?x(p)?\b/gi, replacement: "RegEx$1", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, postgresql: { expr: /\bpost?gres*(q?l|s)?\b/gi, replacement: "PostgreSQL", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, paypal: { expr: /\bpaypal\b/gi, replacement: "PayPal", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, tomcat: { expr: /\btomcat([0-9.]*)/gi, replacement: "Tomcat$1", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, netbeans: { expr: /\b(?:netbean?|net-bean|net bean|netbeen)s?\b/gi, replacement: "NetBeans", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, nginx: { expr: /\bnginx\b/g, replacement: function (match) { return match.toUpperCase(); }, reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, firefox: { expr: /\bfire?fox\b/gi, replacement: "Firefox", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, safari: { expr: /\bsafari\b/gi, replacement: "Safari", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, chrome: { expr: /\bchrome\b/gi, replacement: "Chrome", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, gnu: { expr: /\bgnu\b/g, replacement: function (match) { return match.toUpperCase(); }, reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, gcc: { expr: /(?:[^\b\w.]|^)gcc\b/g, replacement: function (match) { return match.toUpperCase(); }, reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, maven: { expr: /\bmaven\b/gi, replacement: "Maven", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, youtube: { expr: /\byoutube\b/gi, replacement: "YouTube", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, amazon: { // https://regex101.com/r/dR0pJ7/1 expr: /\b(amazon(?: )?(?:redshift|web services|cloudfront|console)?)((?: )?(?:ec2|aws|s3|rds|sqs|iam|elb|emr|vpc))?\b/gi, replacement: function(str,titlecase,uppercase) { var fixed = titlecase.toTitleCase() + (uppercase ? uppercase.toUpperCase() : ''); return fixed; }, reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, zend: { expr: /\bzend((?: )?(?:framework|studio|guard))?\b/gi, //replacement: String.toTitleCase, // Doesn't work like built-in toUpperCase, returns 'undefined'. Load order? replacement: function(str,prod) { return str.toTitleCase(); }, reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, twitter: { expr: /\btwitter\b/gi, replacement: "Twitter", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, bootstrap: { // "bootstrap" is also a general computing term, so expect some false positives expr: /\bbootst?r?ap\b/gi, replacement: "Bootstrap", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, apple: { expr: /\bapple\b/g, replacement: "Apple", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, iphone: { expr: /\biph?one?\b/gi, replacement: "iPhone", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, google_verbed: { expr: /\bgoogl(?:ed|ing|er)\b/gi, replacement: function(str) { return str.toTitleCase(); }, reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, google: { // https://regex101.com/r/iS5fO1/1 expr: /\bgoogle\b[ \t]*(?:maps?|sheets?|docs?|drive|sites?|forms?|documents?|spreadsheets?|images?|presentations?)?\b/gi, replacement: function(str) { return str.toTitleCase(); }, reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, google_apps_script: { expr: /\bgoogle[- ]?(?:apps?)?[- ]?script(?:ing|s)?\b/gi, replacement: "Google Apps Script", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, bluetooth: { expr: /\bbl(?:ue|oo)too?th?\b/gi, replacement: "Bluetooth", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, lenovo: { expr: /\bleno?vo\b/gi, replacement: "Lenovo", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, matlab: { expr: /([^\b\w.]|^)math?lab\b/gi, replacement: "$1MATLAB", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, internet: { expr: /\binternet\b/g, replacement: "Internet", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, oauth: { // https://regex101.com/r/sA2cQ5/1 expr: /\boauth(?:(?: )*(\d)(?!\.\d)|(?: )*([\d.]+))?\b/gi, replacement: "OAuth$1 $2", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, web_services: { expr: /\bweb services\b/g, replacement: "Web services", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, opencv: { expr: /\bopencv\b/gi, replacement: "OpenCV", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, ruby: { expr: /\bruby\b/g, replacement: "Ruby", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, rails: { expr: /\brails\b/g, replacement: "Rails", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, grails: { expr: /\bgrails\b/g, replacement: "Grails", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, subversion: { expr: /\bsubvers[io]*n\b/g, replacement: "Subversion", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, javafx: { expr: /\bjavafx\b/gi, replacement: "JavaFX", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, delphi: { expr: /\bdelphi\b/gi, replacement: "Delphi", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, dotnetnuke: { expr: /\bdotnetnuke\b/gi, replacement: "DotNetNuke", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, silverlight: { expr: /\bsilv?erl(?:ight|ite)\b/gi, replacement: "Silverlight", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, scipy: { expr: /([^\b\w.]|^)scipy\b/gi, replacement: "$1SciPy", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, numpy: { expr: /([^\b\w.]|^)numpy\b/gi, replacement: "$1NumPy", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, openssl: { expr: /([^\b\w.]|^)openssl\b/gi, replacement: "$1OpenSSL", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, drupal: { expr: /([^\b\w.]|^)drupal\b/gi, replacement: "$1Drupal", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, saas: { expr: /([^\b\w.]|^)saas\b/gi, replacement: "$1SaaS", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, gwt: { expr: /([^\b\w.]|^)gwt[- ](mosaic|designer)\b/gi, replacement: function (str,pre,titlecase) { var fixed = pre + "GWT" + (titlecase? ' '+titlecase.toTitleCase() : ''); return fixed; }, reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, gmail: { expr: /([^\b\w.]|^)gmail(s)?\b/gi, replacement: "$1Gmail$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, xampp: { expr: /([^\b\w.]|^)xam+p+\b/gi, replacement: "$1XAMPP", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, galaxy: { expr: /([^\b\w.]|^)galaxy\b/gi, replacement: "$1Galaxy", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, mongo: { expr: /([^\b\w.]|^)mongo(?:\s?(db))?\b/gi, replacement: function(str,pre,uppercase) { var fixed = pre + "Mongo" + (uppercase ? uppercase.toUpperCase() : ''); return fixed; }, reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, pymongo: { expr: /([^\b\w.]|^)pymongo\b/gi, replacement: "$1PyMongo", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, scala: { expr: /([^\b\w.]|^)scala\b/gi, replacement: "$1Scala", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, microsoft: { // https://regex101.com/r/dJ5tE3/1 expr: /\b([mM]icrosoft?|[mM]ircosoft|M[Ss]oft)\b/g, replacement: "Microsoft", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, intellisense: { expr: /\bintell?isen[sc]e?\b/gi, replacement: "IntelliSense", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, sass: { // Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets expr: /\bsass\b/gi, replacement: "Sass", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, heroku: { expr: /\bheroku\b/gi, replacement: "Heroku", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, os_x: { expr: /\bos ?x\b/gi, replacement: "OS X", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, el_capitan: { expr: /\bel ?capi?tan\b/gi, replacement: "El Capitan", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, hadoop: { expr: /\bhadoop\b/gi, replacement: "Hadoop", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, django: { expr: /\bdjango\b/gi, replacement: "Django", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, tcl: { expr: /([^\b\w.]|^)tcl\b/gi, replacement: "$1Tcl", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, flickr: { expr: /(?:[^\b\w.]|^)flickr(?!\.\w)/gi, replacement: "Flickr", reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, poi: { expr: /(?:[^\b\w.]|^)poi\b/gi, replacement: function (match) { return match.toUpperCase(); }, reason: App.consts.reasons.trademark }, /* ** Acronyms - to be capitalized (except sometimes when part of a file name) **/ x_html: { expr: /(?:[^\b\w.]|^)(:?g|ht|xa?|xht|sf|csht)ml[\d.]*\b/gi, replacement: function (match) { return match.toUpperCase(); }, reason: App.consts.reasons.acronym }, css: { expr: /(?:[^\b\w.]|^)s?css\b/gi, replacement: function (match) { return match.toUpperCase(); }, reason: App.consts.reasons.acronym }, json: { expr: /(?:[^\b\w.]|^)json\b/gi, replacement: function (match) { return match.toUpperCase(); }, reason: App.consts.reasons.acronym }, ajax: { expr: /\bajax\b/g, // Leave "Ajax" alone. See https://github.com/AstroCB/Stack-Exchange-Editor-Toolkit/issues/45 replacement: "AJAX", reason: App.consts.reasons.acronym }, sql: { expr: /(?:[^\b\w.]|^)sql\b/gi, replacement: function (match) { return match.toUpperCase(); }, reason: App.consts.reasons.acronym }, urli: { expr: /\b(ur[li])(s)?\b/gi, replacement: function(match,upper,lower) { return upper.toUpperCase() + (lower?lower.toLowerCase():''); }, reason: App.consts.reasons.acronym }, asp: { expr: /([^\b\w.]|^)asp\b/gi, replacement: function (match) { return match.toUpperCase(); }, reason: App.consts.reasons.acronym }, pdf: { expr: /([^\b\w.]|^)pdf(s)?/gi, replacement: "$1PDF$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.acronym }, api: { expr: /([^\b\w.]|^)api(s)?\b/gi, replacement: "$1API$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.acronym }, ssl: { expr: /(?:[^\b\w.]|^)ssl\b/g, replacement: function (match) { return match.toUpperCase(); }, reason: App.consts.reasons.acronym }, npm: { expr: /\bnpm(s)?\b/g, replacement: "NPM$1", reason: App.consts.reasons.acronym }, ftp: { expr: /(?:[^\b\w.]|^)[st]?ftps?\b/g, replacement: function (match) { return match.toUpperCase(); }, reason: App.consts.reasons.acronym }, ipa: { expr: /(?:[^\b\w.]|^)ipa\b/g, replacement: function (match) { return match.toUpperCase(); }, reason: App.consts.reasons.acronym }, avl: { expr: /(?:[^\b\w.]|^)avl\b/g, replacement: function (match) { return match.toUpperCase(); }, reason: App.consts.reasons.acronym }, cli_cgi: { expr: /(?:[^\b\w.]|^)c[lg]i\b/g, replacement: function (match) { return match.toUpperCase(); }, reason: App.consts.reasons.acronym }, dll: { expr: /(?:[^\b\w.]|^)dll\b/g, replacement: function (match) { return match.toUpperCase(); }, reason: App.consts.reasons.acronym }, mp3_mp4: { expr: /([^\b\w.]|^)mp(3|4)(s)?\b/gi, replacement: "$1MP$2$3", reason: App.consts.reasons.acronym }, gui: { expr: /([^\b\w.]|^)gui(s)?\b/gi, replacement: "$1GUI$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.acronym }, stp: { expr: /(?:[^\b\w.]|^)stp\b/gi, replacement: function (match) { return match.toUpperCase(); }, reason: App.consts.reasons.acronym }, tcp: { expr: /(?:[^\b\w.]|^)tcp\b/gi, replacement: function (match) { return match.toUpperCase(); }, reason: App.consts.reasons.acronym }, wpf: { expr: /(?:[^\b\w.]|^)wpf\b/gi, replacement: function (match) { return match.toUpperCase(); }, reason: App.consts.reasons.acronym }, http: { expr: /(?:[^\b\w.]|^)https?\b/gi, replacement: function (match) { return match.toUpperCase(); }, reason: App.consts.reasons.acronym }, woff: { expr: /(?:[^\b\w.]|^)woff\b/gi, replacement: function (match) { return match.toUpperCase(); }, reason: App.consts.reasons.acronym }, ttf: { expr: /(?:[^\b\w.]|^)ttf\b/gi, replacement: function (match) { return match.toUpperCase(); }, reason: App.consts.reasons.acronym }, ipv_n: { expr: /\bip(v[46])?\b/gi, replacement: "IP$1", reason: App.consts.reasons.acronym }, fq_dn_s: { // FQDN, DN, DNS expr: /(?:[^\b\w.]|^)(?:fq)?dns?\b/gi, replacement: function (match) { return match.toUpperCase(); }, reason: App.consts.reasons.acronym }, icmp: { expr: /\bicmp\b/gi, replacement: function (match) { return match.toUpperCase(); }, reason: App.consts.reasons.acronym }, rsvp: { expr: /\brsvp\b/gi, replacement: function (match) { return match.toUpperCase(); }, reason: App.consts.reasons.acronym }, snmp: { expr: /\bsnmp\b/gi, replacement: function (match) { return match.toUpperCase(); }, reason: App.consts.reasons.acronym }, cpu: { expr: /\bcpu(s)?\b/gi, replacement: "CPU$1", reason: App.consts.reasons.acronym }, rss: { expr: /(?:[^\b\w.]|^)rss?\b/gi, replacement: function (match) { return match.toUpperCase(); }, reason: App.consts.reasons.acronym }, mvc: { expr: /(?:[^\b\w.]|^)mvc\b/gi, replacement: function (match) { return match.toUpperCase(); }, reason: App.consts.reasons.acronym }, mvn: { expr: /(?:[^\b\w.]|^)mvn\b/gi, replacement: function (match) { return match.toUpperCase(); }, reason: App.consts.reasons.acronym }, ascii: { expr: /([^\b\w.]|^)ascc?ii?\b/gi, replacement: "$1ASCII", reason: App.consts.reasons.acronym }, gsoap: { expr: /([^\b\w.]|^)gsoap\b/gi, replacement: "$1gSOAP", reason: App.consts.reasons.acronym }, soap: { expr: /([^\b\w.]|^)soap\b/gi, replacement: function (match) { return match.toUpperCase(); }, reason: App.consts.reasons.acronym }, csv: { expr: /([^\b\w.]|^)csv\b/gi, replacement: function (match) { return match.toUpperCase(); }, reason: App.consts.reasons.acronym }, image_types: { expr: /([^\b\w.]|^)(gif|jpe?g|bmp|png)\b/gi, replacement: function (match) { return match.toUpperCase(); }, reason: App.consts.reasons.acronym }, yaml: { expr: /([^\b\w.]|^)yaml\b/gi, replacement: function (match) { return match.toUpperCase(); }, reason: App.consts.reasons.acronym }, smtp: { expr: /\bsmtp\b/gi, replacement: function (match) { return match.toUpperCase(); }, reason: App.consts.reasons.acronym }, phpmyadmin: { expr: /([^\b\w.]|^)phpmyadmin\b/gi, replacement: "$1phpMyAdmin", reason: App.consts.reasons.acronym }, phpunit: { expr: /([^\b\w.]|^)phpunit\b/gi, replacement: "$1PHPUnit", reason: App.consts.reasons.acronym }, mkl: { expr: /([^\b\w.]|^)mkl\b/gi, replacement: function (match) { return match.toUpperCase(); }, reason: App.consts.reasons.acronym }, xsl: { expr: /(?:[^\b\w.]|^)xslt?(?!:)\b/gi, replacement: function (match) { return match.toUpperCase(); }, reason: App.consts.reasons.acronym }, jpa: { expr: /(?:[^\b\w.]|^)jpa\b/gi, replacement: function (match) { return match.toUpperCase(); }, reason: App.consts.reasons.acronym }, jvm: { expr: /(?:[^\b\w.]|^)jvm\b/gi, replacement: function (match) { return match.toUpperCase(); }, reason: App.consts.reasons.acronym }, linq: { expr: /(?:[^\b\w.]|^)linq\b/gi, replacement: function (match) { return match.toUpperCase(); }, reason: App.consts.reasons.acronym }, md5: { expr: /(?:[^\b\w.]|^)md5\b/gi, replacement: function (match) { return match.toUpperCase(); }, reason: App.consts.reasons.acronym }, xfa_xsd: { // XML Forms Architecture expr: /(?:[^\b\w.]|^)xfa|xsd\b/gi, replacement: function (match) { return match.toUpperCase(); }, reason: App.consts.reasons.acronym }, wsdl: { expr: /(?:[^\b\w.]|^)wsdl\b/gi, replacement: function (match) { return match.toUpperCase(); }, reason: App.consts.reasons.acronym }, /* ** Spelling - Correct common spelling errors. (Including apostrophes, which are really grammar.) ** Acknowledgement: A subset of terms were adapted from Peter Mortensen's list ** (http://pvm-professionalengineering.blogspot.de/2011/04/word-list-for-editing-stack-exchange.html) **/ voting: { expr: /\b(down|up)\Wvot/gi, replacement: "$1vote", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, succeed: { expr: /\b(s)uc[cs]?ee?d(ed|s)?\b/gi, replacement: "$1ucceed$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, source: { expr: /\b(s)orce(s|d)?\b/gi, replacement: "$1ource$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, standardize: { // https://regex101.com/r/vN7pM0/1 expr: /\b(s)tandari([sz](?:e|es|ed|ation))\b/gi, replacement: "$1tandardi$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, different: { // https://regex101.com/r/xO8jU2/1 expr: /\b(d)iff?e?re?n(t|ces?)\b/gi, replacement: "$1ifferen$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, personally: { // https://regex101.com/r/oL9aM1/2 expr: /\b(p)erso(?:nl|nl|nal)(ly)?\b/gi, replacement: "$1ersonal$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, problem: { // https://regex101.com/r/yA8jM7/6 expr: /\b(p)(?:or?|ro|rο|r0)b(?:le|el|e|re|l|[|]e)me?(s)?\b/gi, replacement: "$1roblem$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, written: { expr: /\b(w)riten\b/gi, replacement: "$1ritten", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, maybe: { expr: /\b(m)(?:aby|yabe)\b/gi, replacement: "$1aybe", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, pseudo: { expr: /\b(p)suedo\b/gi, replacement: "$1seudo", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, application: { expr: /\b(a)pp?l[ia]ca(?:ti|it)on\b/gi, replacement: "$1pplication", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, calendar: { expr: /\b(c)al[ea]nd[ae]r\b/gi, replacement: "$1alendar", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, commit: { // https://regex101.com/r/kY6sN8/1 expr: /\b(c)omm?it?(s|ted|ters?|ting)?\b/gi, replacement: "$1ommit$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, autocomplete: { // https://regex101.com/r/rZ9gW5/1 expr: /\b(a)uto?[ -]?co?m?p?l?ete?(s)?\b/gi, replacement: "$1utocomplete$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, you: { expr: /\b(y)o+u?\b/gi, replacement: "$1ou", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, doesn_t: { // https://regex101.com/r/sL0uO9/3 expr: /\b(d)(?:ose?[^\w]*n?.?t|oens.?t|oesn[^\w]*t|oest)\b/gi, replacement: "$1oesn't", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, couldn_t_wouldn_t_shouldn_t: { expr: /\b(c|w|sh)o?ul?dn[ '`´]*t\b/gi, replacement: "$1ouldn't", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, didn_t: { expr: /\b(d)id[^\w]*n?t\b/gi, replacement: "$1idn't", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, don_t: { expr: /\b(d)(?:on[^\w]*no?t|ont?)\b/gi, replacement: "$1on't", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, haven_t: { expr: /\b(h)(?:avent|av[^\w]*t|ave[^\w]?t)\b/gi, replacement: "$1aven't", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, wasn_t: { expr: /\b(w)as[^\w]*n?t\b/gi, replacement: "$1asn't", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, //apostrophe_d: { // Too many false positives // expr: /\b(he|she|who|you)[^\w]*(d)\b/gi, // replacement: "$1'$2", // reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling //}, apostrophe_ll: { expr: /\b(they|what|who|you)[^\w]*(ll)\b/gi, replacement: "$1'$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, apostrophe_re: { expr: /\b(they|what|you)[^\w]*(re)\b/gi, replacement: "$1'$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, apostrophe_s: { // https://regex101.com/r/bN5pA3/1 expr: /\b(he|she|that|there|what|where|here)[^\w]*(s)\b/gi, replacement: "$1'$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, it_s: { expr: /\b(it)[^\w](s)\b/gi, replacement: "$1'$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, apostrophe_t: { expr: /\b(aren|can|couldn|didn|doesn|don|hasn|haven|isn|mightn|mustn|shan|shouldn|won|wouldn)[^\w]*(t)(?:[^\w]t)*\b/gi, replacement: "$1'$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, apostrophe_nt: { expr: /['`´]nt\b/gi, replacement: "n't", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, doesn_t_work: { // >4K instances of this (Oct 2015) expr: /\b(d)oesn[^\w]t (work|like|think|want|put|save|load|get|help|make)s\b/gi, replacement: "$1oesn't $2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, probably: { // https://regex101.com/r/zU3qZ0/1 expr: /\b(p)r(?:oll?|obb?l|o?babl?|ababl)y\b/gi, replacement: "$1robably", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, keyboard: { expr: /\b(k)ey?boa?rd\b/gi, replacement: "$1eyboard", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, ur: { expr: /\bur\b/gi, replacement: "your", // May also be "you are", but less common on SO reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, u: { expr: /\bu\b/gi, replacement: "you", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, gr8: { expr: /\bgr8\b/gi, replacement: "great", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, cuz: { expr: /\bcuz\b/gi, replacement: "because", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, ofc: { expr: /\b(o)fc\b/gi, replacement: "$1f course", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, nvm: { expr: /\b(n)vm\b/gi, replacement: "$1ever mind", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, btw: { expr: /\b(b)tw,?\b/gi, replacement: "$1y the way,", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, sry: { expr: /\b(s)o?r+y\b/gi, replacement: "$1orry", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, any1: { expr: /\b(a)ny1\b/gi, replacement: "$1nyone", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, allways: { expr: /\b(a)llways\b/gi, replacement: "$1lways", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, expect: { expr: /\b(e)spect(s)?\b/gi, replacement: "$1xpect$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, employee: { expr: /\b(e)mploye\b/gi, replacement: "$1mployee", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, retrieve: { expr: /\b(r)etreiv(e|ed|es|ing|al|able)\b/gi, replacement: "$1etriev$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, success: { // https://regex101.com/r/hK2vG4/1 expr: /\b(s)ucc?ess?(ful|fully)?l?\b/gi, replacement: "$1uccess$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, anyones: { expr: /\b(a)nyones\b/gi, replacement: "$1nyone's", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, length: { expr: /\b(l)en(?:gh?t|th)\b/gi, replacement: "$1ength", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, height: { expr: /\b(h)(?:ei|i|ie)(?:gt|th|ghth|gth)\b/gi, replacement: "$1eight", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, width: { expr: /\b(w)it?dh?t\b/gi, replacement: "$1idth", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, centered: { expr: /\b(c)ent(?:red|erd)\b/gi, replacement: "$1entered", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, center: { expr: /\b(c)entre\b/gi, // "Centre" is a word, however in most cases on SO "center" is meant replacement: "$1enter", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, aint_isnt: { expr: /\bain'?t\b/gi, replacement: "isn't", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, coordinates: { expr: /\b(c)ordinate(s|d)?\b/gi, replacement: "$1oordinate$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, argument: { // https://regex101.com/r/iU2vK9/1 expr: /\b(a)rg?[ue]+ment(s)?\b/gi, replacement: "$1rgument$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, iterate: { // https://regex101.com/r/iL6bV3/1 expr: /\b(i)(?:tter|tar)at(e[ds]?|ing|ion|ions)\b/gi, replacement: "$1terat$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, below: { expr: /\b(b)ellow\b/gi, // "Bellow" is a word, but extremely uncommon on StackOverflow.com. replacement: "$1elow", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, encrypt: { expr: /\b(en|de)cript(s|ing)?\b/gi, replacement: "$1crypt$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, formatting: { expr: /\b(f)ormating\b/gi, replacement: "$1ormatting", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, process: { expr: /\b(p)roces(es|ed)?\b/gi, replacement: "$1rocess$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, program: { expr: /\b(p)rogr?amm?e?\b/gi, replacement: "$1rogram", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, programming: { expr: /\b(p)rogram(ing|ed|er)\b/gi, replacement: "$1rogramm$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, programmatically: { // 40K+ https://regex101.com/r/vF2jQ8/2 expr: /\b(p)rogram+at+ica?l+y\b/gi, replacement: "$1rogrammatically", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, bear_with_me: { expr: /\b(b)are (with m[ey]|it|in mind)\b/gi, replacement: "$1ear $2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, weird: { expr: /\b(w)ierd(ness|ly)\b/gi, replacement: "$1eird$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, believe: { expr: /\b(b)eleive(r|s|d)?\b/gi, replacement: "$1elieve$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, piece: { expr: /\b(p)eice(s|d)?\b/gi, replacement: "$1iece$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, sample: { expr: /\b(s)maple(s|d)?\b/gi, replacement: "$1ample$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, really: { // https://regex101.com/r/sO4zD9/1 expr: /\b(r)(?:elly|ealy)\b/gi, replacement: "$1eally", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, finally_: { expr: /\b(f)inall?y\b/gi, replacement: "$1inally", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, behaviour: { // https://regex101.com/r/rU1eB7/1 expr: /\b(b)eha?i?vi?o(r|ur|rs|urs)\b/gi, replacement: "$1ehavio$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, unfortunately: { expr: /\b(u)nfortu?na?tly\b/gi, replacement: "$1nfortunately", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, whether: { expr: /\b(w)h?eth?er\b/gi, replacement: "$1hether", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, through: { // https://regex101.com/r/gQ0dZ1/4 expr: /\b(t)(?:hru|rough|hroug)\b/gi, replacement: "$1hrough", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, throughout: { expr: /\b(t)(?:hruout|roughout)\b/gi, replacement: "$1hroughout", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, breakthrough: { expr: /\b(b)reak\s+through(s)?\b/gi, replacement: "$1reakthrough$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, though: { expr: /\b(t)(?:ho|hou|hogh)\b/gi, replacement: "$1hough", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, although: { expr: /\b(a)l(?:tho|thou|thogh|tough)\b/gi, replacement: "$1lthough", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, thought: { expr: /\b(t)r?ought(s)?\b/gi, replacement: "$1hough$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, throwing: { expr: /\b(t)hroughing\b/gi, // Peter says this is "thoroughly", but a survey of SO questions indicates "throwing" replacement: "$1hrowing", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, a_lot: { expr: /\b(a)lot\b/gi, replacement: "$1 lot", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, one_r_two_r: { expr: /\b(refe|prefe|occu)r(ed|ing)\b/gi, replacement: "$1rr$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, occur: { expr: /\b(o)ccure(s)?\b/gi, replacement: "$1ccur$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, preferably: { expr: /\b(p)referrably\b/gi, replacement: "$1referably", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, command_line: { expr: /\b(c)(?:omm?andline|mdline?)\b/gi, replacement: "$1ommand-line", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, benefits: { expr: /\b(b)enifits\b/gi, replacement: "$1enefits", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, authorization: { expr: /\b(a)uth\b/gi, // This may be too ambiguous, could also mean "authentication" replacement: "$1uthorization", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, persistent: { expr: /\b(p)ersistan(t|ce)\b/gi, replacement: "$1ersisten$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, access: { // must come before _ibility to catch accessibility with spelling variations ** but does not fix acessability? expr: /\b(a)c+e+s+(.*)\b/gi, replacement: "$1ccess$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, _ible: { expr: /\b(compat|incompat|access)able\b/gi, replacement: "$1ible", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, _ibility: { expr: /\b(compat|incompat|access)abili?t(y|ies)\b/gi, replacement: "$1ibilit$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, separate: { expr: /\b(s)epe?rate?(d|ly|s)?\b/gi, replacement: "$1eparate$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, separation: { expr: /\b(s)eperation(s)?\b/gi, replacement: "$1eparation$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, definite: { expr: /\b(d)efin(?:ate?|ite?|al|te?|et)(ly)?\b/gi, // Catches correct spelling, too. replacement: "$1efinite$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, definitive: { expr: /\b(d)efina?tive(ly)?\b/gi, replacement: "$1efinitive$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, independent: { expr: /\b(i)ndependant(ly)?\b/gi, replacement: "$1ndependent$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, recommend: { // https://regex101.com/r/pP9lB7/1 expr: /\b(r)ecomm?[ao]nd(ation)?\b/gi, replacement: "$1ecommend$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, compatibility: { expr: /\b(c)ompatability\b/gi, replacement: "$1ompatibility$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, ps: { expr: /\bps\b/g, replacement: "PS", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, ok: { expr: /\bok\b/g, replacement: "OK", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, back_end: { // Interesting fact: backend 3x more common than back-end expr: /\b(b)ackend\b/g, replacement: "$1ack-end", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, front_end: { expr: /\b(f)rontend\b/g, replacement: "$1ront-end", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, data_type: { expr: /\b(d)atatype\b/g, replacement: "$1ata type", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, allotted: { expr: /\b(a)l+ot+ed\b/g, replacement: "$1llotted", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, every_time: { expr: /\b(e)ve?rytime\b/g, replacement: "$1very time", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, straight: { expr: /\b(s)traig?h?t\b/g, replacement: "$1traight", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, straightforward: { expr: /\b(s)traig?h?t[ -]?for?ward\b/g, replacement: "$1traightforward", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, preceding: { expr: /\b(p)receeding\b/gi, replacement: "$1receding", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, no_one: { expr: /\b(n)o-?one\b/gi, replacement: "$1o one", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, de_facto: { expr: /\b(d)e-?facto\b/gi, replacement: "$1e facto", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, accommodate: { // https://regex101.com/r/cL3mD9/1 expr: /\b(a)(?:c+om|com+)odate\b/gi, replacement: "$1ccommodate", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, kind_of: { expr: /\b(k)inda\b/gi, replacement: "$1ind of", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, want_to: { expr: /\b(w)ann?a\b/gi, replacement: "$1ant to", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, sort_of: { expr: /\b(s)orta\b/gi, replacement: "$1ort of", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, got_to: { // https://regex101.com/r/rK6xR5/1 expr: /\b(have\s+)?(g)otta\b/gi, replacement: "$1$2ot to", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, dont_know: { // https://regex101.com/r/rK6xR5/1 expr: /\b(d)[uo]nn?o\b/gi, replacement: "$1on't know", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, going_to: { expr: /\b(g)[ou]nn?a\b/gi, replacement: "$1oing to", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, crashes: { expr: /\b(c)rashs\b/gi, replacement: "$1rashes", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, pattern: { expr: /\b(p)at?(?:trn|tren|tern)(s)?\b/gi, replacement: "$1attern$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, function_: { // https://regex101.com/r/xF3jU3/1 expr: /\b(f)u[ncti]+onn?(s|ing|ed|al)?\b/gi, replacement: "$1unction$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, syntax: { expr: /\b(s)[yi]nt[ae]?x\b/gi, replacement: "$1yntax", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, correct: { expr: /\b(c)orr?ec[ty]/gi, // No \b at end, to include correction, correcting, corrected replacement: "$1orrect", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, correctly: { expr: /\b(c)orr?ec(?:lt?|t?l)y\b/ig, replacement: "$1orrectly", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, integer: { expr: /\b(i)nte?r?ger(s)?\b/gi, replacement: "$1nteger$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, several: { expr: /\b(s)er?v[ea]?r[ae]?l\b/gi, replacement: "$1everal", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, solution: { expr: /\b(s)ou?lu?ti?on\b/gi, replacement: "$1olution", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, somebody: { expr: /\b(s)ombody\b/gi, replacement: "$1omebody", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, everything: { expr: /\b(e)ve?r[yi]?thing\b/gi, replacement: "$1verything", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, button: { expr: /\b(b)[uo]+tt?[ou]n\b/gi, replacement: "$1utton", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, before: { expr: /\b(b)e?fo?re?\b/gi, replacement: "$1efore", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, example: { // https://regex101.com/r/uU4bH5/1 expr: /\b(e)(?:xsample|xamle|x?amp[le]{1-2}|xemple)\b/gi, replacement: "$1xample", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, somewhere: { expr: /\b(s)ome ?wh?[ea]re?\b/gi, replacement: "$1omewhere", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, with: { // https://regex101.com/r/xO5dP3/2 expr: /\b(w)(?:hith|iht)(?=(ou?t|in)?\b)/gi, replacement: "$1ith", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, without: { // After 'with' rule, only need to check 'out' expr: /\b(w)ithou?t\b/gi, replacement: "$1ithout", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, reproducible: { expr: /\b(r)eproduct?[ia]ble\b/gi, replacement: "$1eproducible", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, unnecessary: { expr: /\b(u)nn?ecc?ess?ary\b/gi, replacement: "$1nnecessary", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, require: { // https://regex101.com/r/nS6kM5/1 expr: /\b(r)equie?re?(d|s|me?nts?)?\b/gi, replacement: "$1equire$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, address: { expr: /\b(a)dd?ress?(es|ed|ing)?e?\b/gi, replacement: "$1ddress$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, password: { expr: /\b(p)ass?wo?rd?(s)?\b/gi, replacement: "$1assword$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, method: { expr: /\b(m)e[th]+[oeu]+d(s)?\b/gi, replacement: "$1ethod$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, property: { expr: /\b(p)rope?rt[iey]?\b/gi, replacement: "$1roperty", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, properties: { expr: /\b(p)rope?rt[iey]+s\b/gi, replacement: "$1roperties", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, wireless: { expr: /\b(w)ire?le?ss?\b/gi, replacement: "$1ireless", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, possible: { expr: /\b(p)oss?[ai]?ble\b/gi, replacement: "$1ossible", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, fields_yields: { // https://regex101.com/r/cJ8rM4/1 expr: /\b(f|y)(?:ei?|ie?)l?d(s|ing|ed)?\b/gi, replacement: "$1ield$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, execute: { expr: /\b(e)x[ei]?cute(s|d)\b/gi, replacement: "$1xecute$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, algorithm: { expr: /\b(a)lgo?r[iy]?th?[iya]?m(s)?\b/gi, replacement: "$1lgorithm$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, version: { // https://regex101.com/r/wE8uD0/1 expr: /\b(v)er(?:s[io]*|io)n(s|ing|ed)?\b/gi, replacement: "$1ersion$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, which: { // 22,772 of these as of 12-Nov-2015! expr: /\b(w)(?:ich|hic)\b/gi, replacement: "$1hich", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, disappear: { expr: /\b(d)is?apea?r(ing|ed|s)?\b/gi, replacement: "$1isappear$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, because: { expr: /\b(b)ec[ao]u?se?\b/gi, replacement: "$1ecause", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, should: { expr: /\b(s)(?:hold|houd|huld|hud|ould)\b/gi, replacement: "$1hould", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, totally: { expr: /\b(t)ota?ll?y\b/gi, replacement: "$1otally", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, lambda: { expr: /\b(l)am[bd]+a\b/gi, replacement: "$1ambda", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, command: { expr: /\b(c)om(?:m?ad|and|mnd)(ed|s|ing|ers?|o)?\b/gi, replacement: "$1ommand$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, therefore: { expr: /\b(t)here?fore?\b/gi, replacement: "$1herefore", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, parameter: { expr: /\b(p)ara?m[ea]n?ter(s)?\b/gi, replacement: "$1arameter$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, just: { expr: /\b(j)(?:uste|us)\b/gi, replacement: "$1ust", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, fulfill: { expr: /\b(f)ull?\s?fill\b/gi, replacement: "$1ulfill", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, coming: { expr: /\b(c)omming\b/gi, replacement: "$1oming", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, tried: { // 8,540 of these! expr: /\b(t)rye(d|s)\b/gi, replacement: "$1rie$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, basically: { // 7,924 of these! expr: /\b(b)asica?l+y\b/gi, replacement: "$1asically", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, completely: { // 4,793 examples! https://regex101.com/r/oG7nH6/2 expr: /\b(c)ompl?ete?l?e?y\b/gi, replacement: "$1ompletely", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, misread: { expr: /\b(m)is+[ -]?rea?d\b/gi, replacement: "$1isread", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, database: { expr: /\b(d)atabaes?\b/gi, replacement: "$1atabase", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, output: { //6,594 "out put" expr: /\b(o)ut put\b/gi, replacement: "$1utput", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, useful: { // 11,542 "usefull" expr: /\b(u)se(?:full| ful)\b/gi, replacement: "$1seful", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, classes: { expr: /\b(c)la(se|ss)s\b/gi, replacement: "$1lasses", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, english: { expr: /\benglisc?h?\b/gi, replacement: "English", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, inheritance: { // 1700 x inheritence expr: /\b(i)nherit[ae]n[cs]e?\b/gi, replacement: "$1nheritance", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, advice: { // 9000 x advices expr: /\b(a)dvices\b/gi, replacement: "$1dvice", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, when: { expr: /\b(w)h[ea]ne?\b/gi, replacement: "$1hen", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, and_then: { // 16K instances of this! expr: /\b(a)nd,? tha?n\b/gi, replacement: "$1nd then", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, un_initialize: { // >4K instances https://regex101.com/r/lY2hY1/1 expr: /\b((?:un-?|re-?)?i)n?i?t[ia]+li?[zs](e|ed|[eo]r|es|ing)\b/gi, replacement: function(match, prefix, suffix) { return (prefix+'nitializ'+suffix).replace("-",""); }, reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, character: { // 3500+ instances, https://regex101.com/r/lG1qH0/1 expr: /\b(c)(?:har|h?arac?h?ter)(s|istics?|i[zs]e)?\b/gi, replacement: "$1haracter$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, found: { expr: /\b(f)inded\b/gi, replacement: "$1ound", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, tuple: { // https://regex101.com/r/zP7zM2/1 expr: /\b(t)o?up+e?le?(s)?\b/gi, replacement: "$1uple$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, i_read: { expr: /\b(I|I've|we|they) red\b/gi, replacement: "$1 read", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, customize: { // http://grammarist.com/spelling/customise-customize/ expr: /\b(c)u[st]+[oui]mi[zs](e)?/gi, replacement: "$1ustomiz$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, customizable: { // Common errors are to retain 'e', and/or to use ible, not able expr: /\b(c)ustomiz[ea]+(tions?|ble|bility|bilities)/gi, replacement: "$1ustomiza$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, across: { // http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/words/common-misspellings expr: /\b(a)c+ros+\b/gi, replacement: "$1cross", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, immediate: { // http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/words/common-misspellings expr: /\b(i)m+ed[ia]+te?l?(ly)?\b/gi, replacement: "$1mmediate$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, every_time: { // https://regex101.com/r/dB6jC2/1 expr: /\b(e)v[ery]+time?\b/gi, replacement: "$1very time", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, achieve: { // http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/words/common-misspellings https://regex101.com/r/bZ2qJ1/1 expr: /\b(a)ch[ei]+ve?(s|d|ment)?\b/gi, replacement: "$1chieve$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, apparent: { // http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/words/common-misspellings https://regex101.com/r/dO3aH4/2 expr: /\b(a)p+ar[ae]nt?(ly)?\b/gi, replacement: "$1pparent$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, appear: { // https://regex101.com/r/oL8lI1/1 expr: /\b(a)p+[ea]+re?(s|ed|ing)?\b/gi, replacement: "$1ppear$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, appearance: { // http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/words/common-misspellings https://regex101.com/r/eP2bF9/1 expr: /\b(a)p+[ea]+r[ea]+nce(s)?\b/gi, replacement: "$1ppearance$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, beginning: { // http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/words/common-misspellings https://regex101.com/r/sT4gQ0/2 expr: /\b(b)egi?n+in?g/gi, replacement: "$1eginning", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, believe: { // http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/words/common-misspellings https://regex101.com/r/pM1cC6/1 expr: /\b(b)e?l[ei]+v(e|ing|able)/gi, replacement: "$1eliev$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, colleague: { // http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/words/common-misspellings https://regex101.com/r/xN8qD9/1 expr: /\b(c)ol+[ea]+gue(s)?\b/gi, replacement: "$1olleague$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, implement: { // https://regex101.com/r/zW1aS5/1 expr: /\b(i)mpl?[ei]?ment/gi, replacement: "$1mplement", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, simultaneous: { // https://regex101.com/r/iB0mE7/1 expr: /\b(s)imu[lt]+an[ieou]+se?/gi, replacement: "$1imultaneous", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, environment: { // http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/words/common-misspellings https://regex101.com/r/qD5zU6/1 expr: /\b(e)nvi?ro?[nm]+ent/gi, replacement: "$1nvironment", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, existence: { // http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/words/common-misspellings https://regex101.com/r/mH7hA6/1 expr: /\b(e)xist[ae]n[cs]e/gi, replacement: "$1xistence", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, further: { // http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/words/common-misspellings https://regex101.com/r/sE6nY3/1 expr: /\b(f)(?:u|[au]r)th?er/gi, replacement: "$1urther", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, jist: { // http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/words/common-misspellings expr: /\bjist of\b/gi, replacement: "gist of", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, noticeable: { // http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/words/common-misspellings expr: /\b(n)oticabl(e|y)\b/gi, replacement: "$1oticeabl$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, publicly: { // http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/words/common-misspellings expr: /\b(p)ublica?l*y\b/gi, replacement: "$1ublicly", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, receive: { // http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/words/common-misspellings expr: /\b(r)eciev(e[rds]?|ing)/gi, replacement: "$1eceiv$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, referred: { // http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/words/common-misspellings https://regex101.com/r/kE0oZ5/5 expr: /\b(r)efer(?!s|enc\w*|r\w*)(?=\w)/gi, replacement: "$1eferr", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, remember: { // http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/words/common-misspellings expr: /\b(r)e(?:mber|meber|memer)/gi, replacement: "$1emember", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, sense: { // http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/words/common-misspellings expr: /\b(s)ence/gi, replacement: "$1ense", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, supersede: { // http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/words/common-misspellings https://regex101.com/r/mA5nC1/1 expr: /(s)uperced(e[sd]?|ing)\b/gi, replacement: "$1upersed$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, surprise: { // http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/words/common-misspellings https://regex101.com/r/uS8oS4/1 expr: /\b(s)ur?pri[scz](e[ds]?|ing(?:ly)?)\b/gi, replacement: "$1urpris$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, connection: { // https://regex101.com/r/rO2wH0/1 expr: /\b(c)on+e[ctx]+i?on(s)?/gi, replacement: "$1onnection$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, additional: { // https://regex101.com/r/iM4xV5/2 expr: /\b(a)d+i.?tio?n[al]+?(ly)?\b/gi, replacement: "$1dditional$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, automatic: { // https://regex101.com/r/fU2hF1/2 expr: /\b(a)(?:uto[ma]+[tic]+|tomatic)(?!e|[io]+n)/gi, replacement: "$1utomatic", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, automatically: { // 6K+ expr: /\b(a)utomatic[aly]+\b/gi, replacement: "$1utomatically", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, running: { // 2K+ expr: /\b(r)un+in?g\b/gi, replacement: "$1unning", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, even_though: { // 2.7K+ expr: /\b(e)venth?ou?[gh]+\b/gi, replacement: "$1ven though", reason: App.consts.reasons.spelling }, /* ** Grammar - Correct common grammatical errors. **/ start_with_so: { // https://regex101.com/r/gP1xA2/2 expr: /^(?:okay\b|ok\b|so\b|[ \t,-])+/gi, replacement: "", reason: App.consts.reasons.grammar }, a_vs_an: { // See http://stackoverflow.com/q/34440307/1677912 expr: /\b(a|an) ([\(\"'“‘`<-]*\w*)\b/gim, // https://regex101.com/r/nE1yA4/5 replacement: function( match, article, following ) { var input = following.replace(/^[\s\(\"'“‘`<-]+|\s+$/g, "");//strip initial punctuation symbols var res = AvsAnOverride_(input) || AvsAnSimple.query(input); var newArticle = article[0] + res.substr(1); // Preserve existing capitalization return newArticle+' '+following; // Hack alert: Due to the technical nature of SO subjects, many common terms // are not well-represented in the data used by AvsAnSimple, so we need to // provide a way to override it. function AvsAnOverride_(fword) { //var exeptionsA_ = /^(?:uis?|co\w|form|v|data|media)/i; var exeptionsA_ = /^(?:uis?|data)/i; var exeptionsAn_ = /(?:^[lr]value|a\b|sql)/i; return (exeptionsA_.test(fword) ? article[0] : exeptionsAn_.test(fword) ? article[0]+"n" : false); } }, reason: App.consts.reasons.grammar }, firstcaps: { // https://regex101.com/r/qR5fO9/39 // Regex finds all sentences; replacement must determine whether it needs to capitalize. expr: /(([A-Z_a-z]|\d(?!\d*\. ))(\S*))((?:(?:etc\.|i\.e\.|e\.g\.|\.\.\.|\w+\.(?![\s")])|[*-]+|\n(?![ \t]*\n| *(?:[*-]|\d+\.))|[^.?!\n]?))+(?:([.?!])(?=[\s")]|$)|\n\n|\n(?= *[*-])|\n(?= *\d+\.)|$))/gi, replacement: function(sentence, fWord, fChar, fWordPost, sentencePost, endpunc) { var capChar = fChar.toUpperCase(); if (sentence === "undefined"||capChar == fChar) return sentence; // MUST match sentence, or gets counted as a change. if (!fWord) fWord = ''; var fWordChars = fWord.split(''); // Leave some words alone: filenames, camelCase for (var i=0; i])\2{1,}/g, replacement: "$1$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.grammar }, i_want: { //https://regex101.com/r/iD2tU0/1 expr: /\bI['a ]*m wanting\b/gi, replacement: "I want", reason: App.consts.reasons.grammar }, oxford_comma: { // https://regex101.com/r/xN0mF6/6 expr: /((?:[\w'-]+,\s+)+(?:[\w'-]+\s){0,2}[\w'-]+)(\s+(and|or)\s+[\w'-]+)/g, replacement: "$1,$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.grammar }, i_have_find: { expr: /\b(I|you) have find\b(?![(]|\.\w)/gi, replacement: "$1 have found", reason: App.consts.reasons.grammar }, let_s_say: { // 60K! expr: /\b(l)ets (say|see|look|just|put|have|leave|give|write)\b/gi, replacement: "$1et's $2", reason: App.consts.reasons.grammar }, suggest_me: { // 36K expr: /\b(s)u[gj]+est(s)? me/gi, replacement: "$1uggest$2", reason: App.consts.reasons.grammar }, /* ** Noise reduction - Remove fluff that adds nothing of technical value to posts. **/ help: { expr: /\b(h)(?:[ea]l?p)(?![-])\b/gi, replacement: "$1elp", reason: App.consts.reasons.silent }, thanks: { expr: /\b(t)(?:anks|hx|anx)\b/gi, replacement: "$1hanks", reason: App.consts.reasons.silent }, tia: { // common acronym; should only remove "thanks in advance" at end of post expr: /\btia$/gi, replacement: "", reason: App.consts.reasons.noise }, please: { expr: /\b(p)(?:lz|lse?|l?ease?)\b/gi, replacement: "$1lease", reason: App.consts.reasons.silent }, editupdate: { // https://regex101.com/r/tT2pK6/9 expr: /([-_*]+[\t ]*\b(edit|update)\b([\t ]*#?[0-9]+)?[\t ]*:*[\t ]*[-_*]+:*|[\t ]*\b(edit|update)\b([\t ]*#?[0-9]+)?\s*:+[\t ]*)/gi, replacement: "", reason: App.consts.reasons.noise }, // http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/2950/should-hi-thanks-taglines-and-salutations-be-removed-from-posts/93989#93989 salutation: { // https://regex101.com/r/yS9lN8/10 expr: /^\s*(?:dears?\b.*$|greetings?\b.*$|(?:hi(?:ya)*|hel+o+|heya?|hai|g'?day|good\s?(?:evening|morning|day|afternoon)|ahoy|folks|guys)[,\s]*(?:\s+(?:all|guys|folks|friends?|there|everyone|people|matey?s?|bud+(y|ies))*))(?:[,.!?: ]*|$)/gmi, replacement: "", reason: App.consts.reasons.noise }, badphrases: { // https://regex101.com/r/gE2hH6/16 expr: /[^\n.!?:]*(?:thanks|thank[ -]you|please|help|suggest(?:ions))\b(?:[ .?!]*$|[^\n.!?:]*\b(?:help|ap+reciat\w*|me|advan\w*|a ?lot)\b[^\n.!?:]*)[.!?_*]*/gim, replacement: "", reason: App.consts.reasons.noise }, imnew: { expr: /(?! )[\w\s]*\bi[' ]?a?m +(?:kinda|really) *new\w* +(?:to|in) *\w* *(?:and|[;,.!?])? */gi, replacement: "", reason: App.consts.reasons.noise }, complimentaryClose: { // https://regex101.com/r/hL3kT5/5 expr: /^\s*(?:(?:kind(?:est)* |best )*regards?|cheers?|greetings?|thanks|thank you)\b,?.*[\r\n]{0,2}.*(?:[.!?: ]*|$)/gim, replacement: "", reason: App.consts.reasons.noise }, sorry4english: { // https://regex101.com/r/pG3oD6/8 expr: /[^\n.!?]*((sorry|ap+olog.*|forgive)\b[^.!?:\n\r]+\b((bad|my|poor) english)|(english[^.!?:\n\r]+)\b(tongue|language))\b[^.!?:\n\r]*(?:[.!?:_*])*/gi, replacement: "", reason: App.consts.reasons.noise }, hope_this_helps: { // https://regex101.com/r/yF1uY0/1 expr: /^\s*i? ?\bhope\b[^\n.!?:]*helps?[^\n.!?:]*[,.!?: ()^-]*$/gmi, replacement: "", reason: App.consts.reasons.noise }, enter_code_here: { expr: /\benter (?:code|image description|link description) here\b/gi, replacement: "", reason: App.consts.reasons.noise }, /* ** Layout - Minimize whitespace (which is compressed by markup). ** Must follow noise reduction. ** Leading and trailing spaces are part of Markdown formatting; leave them. **/ space_then_symbol: { // https://regex101.com/r/fN6lL7/6 expr: /([^ \n\r\[\)])(\((?!\)))/gm, replacement: "$1 $2", debug: false, reason: App.consts.reasons.layout }, no_space_before_symbol: { // https://regex101.com/r/qB9lS0/2 expr: /(?:(^ +)|[ ]+?([,?!:)]+|[.]+(?![\S])))/gm, replacement: "$1$2", debug: false, reason: App.consts.reasons.layout }, symbol_then_space: { // https://regex101.com/r/iD9aS1/6 expr: /(?:\b)([,?!:)]+|[.]{3})(?:\b)(?![\d])/gm, replacement: "$1 ", debug: false, reason: App.consts.reasons.layout }, space_symbol_space: { expr: /(?:\b| +)([&])(?: |\b)(?![\d])/g, replacement: " $1 ", debug: false, reason: App.consts.reasons.layout }, multiplespaces: { // https://regex101.com/r/hY9hQ3/3 expr: /(?!^)[ ]{2,}(?! ?$)/gm, replacement: " ", debug: false, reason: App.consts.reasons.layout }, // DISABLED temporarily - see Issue #115 //blanklines: { // https://regex101.com/r/eA5hA2/2 // expr: /^(?: *[\n\r\f])+|(?: *[\n\r\f])+$|((?: *[\n\r\f]){2})(?:(?: *[\n\r\f]))+/g, // replacement: "$1", // debug: false, // reason: App.consts.reasons.layout //}, trailing_space: { // https://regex101.com/r/iQ0yR8/1 expr: /([^ ])[ ]{1}$/gm, replacement: "$1", debug: false, reason: App.consts.reasons.silent }, // The title says it all thetitlesaysitall: { // https://regex101.com/r/bX1qB4/3 expr: /(?:the )?title says (?:it all|everything)[.?!]*/gi, replacement: function(){ return App.selections.title.val().replace(/[.?!]*$/,"? \n\n"); }, reason: App.consts.reasons.titleSaysAll } }; // This is where the magic happens: this function takes a few pieces of information and applies edits to the post App.funcs.fixIt = function(input, edit) { var expression = edit.expr; var replacement = edit.replacement; var reasoning = edit.reason; var debug = edit.debug; if (debug) { console.log(input); console.log(expression.toString()); console.log("replacement: '"+replacement+"'"); } // If there is nothing to search, exit if (!input) return false; // Scan the post text using the expression to see if there are any matches var matches = input.match(expression); if (debug) console.log(matches, expression.exec(input)); if (!matches) return false; var count = 0; // # replacements to do input = input.replace(expression, function(before){ var after = before.replace(expression, replacement); if(after !== before) ++count; if (debug) console.log(before, after, after !== before, count); return after; }); if (!count) { // Seems like no replacements, check. // In some cases, the expression matches on the initial input, but // fails to on the individual matches. In that case, we can't count // the total changes accurately, but we can still complete the // replacement on the initial input. var after = input.replace(expression, replacement); if (debug) console.log("zero-count: ", input, after, after !== input); if(after !== input) { ++count; input = after; } } return count > 0 ? { reason: reasoning, fixed: String(input), count: count } : false; }; // Populate or refresh DOM selections App.funcs.popSelections = function() { App.selections.redoButton = App.globals.root.find('[id^="wmd-redo-button"]'); App.selections.body = App.globals.root.find('[id^="wmd-input"]'); App.selections.title = App.globals.root.find('[class*="title-field"]'); App.selections.summary = App.globals.root.find('[id^="edit-comment"], .edit-comment'); App.selections.tagField = App.globals.root.find(".tag-editor"); App.selections.submitButton = App.globals.root.find('[id^="submit-button"]'); App.selections.helpButton = App.globals.root.find('[id^="wmd-help-button"]'); App.selections.editor = App.globals.root.find('.post-editor'); App.selections.preview = App.globals.root.find('.wmd-preview'); App.selections.previewMenu = App.globals.root.find('.preview-options').append('  '); if(!App.selections.previewMenu.length) { App.selections.previewMenu = $('
').insertBefore(App.selections.preview); var previewToggleText = App.selections.preview.is(':visible') ? 'hide preview' : 'show preview'; App.selections.previewToggle = $('' + previewToggleText + '').click(App.funcs.togglePreview).appendTo(App.selections.previewMenu); App.selections.previewMenu.append('  '); } else { App.selections.previewToggle = App.globals.root.find('.hide-preview').off('click').attr('href','javascript:void(0)').click(App.funcs.togglePreview); } App.selections.diffToggle = $('show diff').click(App.funcs.toggleDiff).appendTo(App.selections.previewMenu); App.selections.diff = $('
').hide().appendTo(App.selections.editor); }; App.funcs.showPreview = function() { App.selections.diff.hide(); App.selections.diffToggle.text('show diff'); App.selections.preview.show(); App.selections.previewToggle.text('hide preview'); } App.funcs.showDiff = function() { App.selections.preview.hide(); App.selections.previewToggle.text('show preview'); App.selections.diff.show(); App.selections.diffToggle.text('hide diff'); } App.funcs.togglePreview = function() { App.selections.diff.hide(); App.selections.diffToggle.text('show diff'); if(/hide/.test(App.selections.previewToggle.text())) return App.selections.previewToggle.text('show preview'), App.selections.preview.toggle(), true; if(/show/.test(App.selections.previewToggle.text())) return App.selections.previewToggle.text('hide preview'), App.selections.preview.toggle(), true; } App.funcs.toggleDiff = function() { App.selections.preview.hide(); App.selections.previewToggle.text('show preview'); if(/hide/.test(App.selections.diffToggle.text())) return App.selections.diffToggle.text('show diff'), App.selections.diff.toggle(), true; if(/show/.test(App.selections.diffToggle.text())) return App.selections.diffToggle.text('hide diff'), App.selections.diff.toggle(), true; } // Populate edit item sets from DOM selections App.funcs.popItems = function() { var i = App.items, s = App.selections; ['title', 'body', 'summary'].forEach(function(v) { i[v] = s[v].length ? s[v].val() : ''; }); }; // Populate original item sets from edit items for the diff App.funcs.popOriginals = function() { var i = App.originals, s = App.items; ['title', 'body', 'summary'].forEach(function(v) { i[v] = s[v]; }); } // Insert editing button App.funcs.createButton = function() { if (!App.selections.redoButton.length) return false; App.selections.buttonWrapper = $('
  • '); App.selections.buttonFix = $(''); App.selections.buttonInfo = $('
    '); // Build the button App.selections.buttonWrapper.append(App.selections.buttonFix); App.selections.buttonWrapper.append(App.selections.buttonInfo); // Insert button App.selections.redoButton.after(App.selections.buttonWrapper); // Attach the event listener to the button App.selections.buttonFix.click(App.funcs.fixEvent); App.selections.buttonWrapper.css({ 'position': 'relative', 'left': '410px', 'display': 'inline-block', 'overflow': 'visible', 'height': '55%', 'white-space': 'nowrap' }); App.selections.buttonFix.css({ 'position': 'static', 'display': 'inline-block', 'width': 'auto', 'height': '100%' }); App.selections.buttonInfo.css({ 'position': 'static', 'display': 'inline-block', 'vertical-align': 'bottom', 'margin-left': '5px', 'font-size': '12px', 'color': '#424242', 'background': '#eee', 'border-radius': '3px', 'padding': '3px 6px' }).hide(); }; App.funcs.fixEvent = function() { return App.funcs.popItems(), App.pipe(App.items, App.pipeMods, App.globals.order), false; }; App.funcs.diff = function(a1, a2) { var strings = []; function maakRij(type, rij) { if (!type) return strings.push(rij.replace(/\' + rij.replace(/\'), true; if (type === '-') return strings.push('' + rij.replace(/\'), true; } function getDiff(matrix, a1, a2, x, y) { if (x > 0 && y > 0 && a1[y - 1] === a2[x - 1]) { getDiff(matrix, a1, a2, x - 1, y - 1); maakRij(false, a1[y - 1]); } else { if (x > 0 && (y === 0 || matrix[y][x - 1] >= matrix[y - 1][x])) { getDiff(matrix, a1, a2, x - 1, y); maakRij('+', a2[x - 1]); } else if (y > 0 && (x === 0 || matrix[y][x - 1] < matrix[y - 1][x])) { getDiff(matrix, a1, a2, x, y - 1); maakRij('-', a1[y - 1]); } else { return; } } } a1 = a1.split(/(?=\b|\W|_)/g); a2 = a2.split(/(?=\b|\W|_)/g); var matrix = new Array(a1.length + 1); var x, y; for (y = 0; y < matrix.length; y++) { matrix[y] = new Array(a2.length + 1); for (x = 0; x < matrix[y].length; x++) { matrix[y][x] = 0; } } for (y = 1; y < matrix.length; y++) { for (x = 1; x < matrix[y].length; x++) { if (a1[y - 1] === a2[x - 1]) { matrix[y][x] = 1 + matrix[y - 1][x - 1]; } else { matrix[y][x] = Math.max(matrix[y - 1][x], matrix[y][x - 1]); } } } try { getDiff(matrix, a1, a2, x - 1, y - 1); return strings.join(''); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }; // Pipe data through modules in proper order, returning the result App.pipe = function(data, mods, order) { var modName; for (var i in order) { if (order.hasOwnProperty(i)) { modName = order[i]; mods[modName](data); } } }; App.pipeMods.omit = function(data) { if (!data.body) return false; for (var type in App.globals.checks) { data.body = data.body.replace(App.globals.checks[type], function(match) { App.globals.replacedStrings[type].push(match); return App.globals.placeHolders[type]; }); } return data; }; App.pipeMods.codefix = function() { var replaced = App.globals.replacedStrings.block, str; for (var i in replaced) { // https://regex101.com/r/tX9pM3/1 https://regex101.com/r/tX9pM3/2 https://regex101.com/r/tX9pM3/3 if (/^`[^]+`$/.test(replaced[i])) replaced[i] = '\n\n' + /(?!`)((?!`)[^])+/.exec(replaced[i])[0].replace(/(.+)/g, ' $1'); } }; App.pipeMods.edit = function(data) { App.funcs.popOriginals(); // Visually confirm edit - SE makes it easy because the jQuery color animation plugin seems to be there by default App.selections.body.animate({ backgroundColor: '#c8ffa7' }, 10); App.selections.body.animate({ backgroundColor: '#fff' }, 1000); // List of fields to be edited var fields = {body:'body',title:'title'}; // Loop through all editing rules for (var j in App.edits) for (var field in fields) { if (App.consts.reasons.tidyTitle == App.edits[j].reason && 'title' !== field) continue; // Skip title-only edits if not editing title. var fix = App.funcs.fixIt(data[field], App.edits[j]); if (!fix) continue; if (fix.reason in App.globals.reasons) App.globals.reasons[fix.reason].count += fix.count; else App.globals.reasons[fix.reason] = { reason:fix.reason, editId:j, count:fix.count }; data[field] = fix.fixed; App.edits[j].fixed = true; } // Remove silent change reason delete App.globals.reasons[App.consts.reasons.silent]; // If there are no reasons, exit if (App.globals.reasons == {}) return false; // We need a place to store the reasons being applied to the summary. var reasons = []; App.globals.changes = 0; for (var z in App.globals.reasons) { // For each type of change made, add a reason string with the reason text, // optionally the rule ID, and the number of repeats if 2 or more. reasons.push(App.globals.reasons[z].reason + (App.globals.showRules ? ' ['+ App.globals.reasons[z].editId +']' : '') + (App.globals.showCounts ? ((App.globals.reasons[z].count > 1) ? ' ('+App.globals.reasons[z].count+')' : '') : '') ); App.globals.changes += App.globals.reasons[z].count; } var reasonStr = reasons.length ? reasons.join('; ')+'.' : ''; // Unique reasons separated by ; and terminated by . if (!data.hasOwnProperty('summaryOrig')) data.summaryOrig = data.summary.trim() // Remember original summary .replace(/([^;])[.?!:]?$/,"$1;"); if (data.summaryOrig.length) data.summaryOrig = data.summaryOrig + ' '; else reasonStr = reasonStr.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + reasonStr.slice(1); // Cap first letter. data.summary = data.summaryOrig + reasonStr; // Limit summary to 300 chars if (data.summary.length > 300) data.summary = data.summary.substr(0,300-3) + '...'; return data; }; // Populate the diff App.pipeMods.diff = function() { App.selections.diff.empty().append('
    ' + App.funcs.diff(App.originals.title, App.items.title, true) + '
    ' + '
    ' + App.pipeMods.replace({body:App.funcs.diff(App.originals.body, App.items.body)}, true).body + '
    '); App.funcs.showDiff(); } // Replace the previously omitted code App.pipeMods.replace = function(data, literal) { if (!data.body) return false; for (var type in App.globals.checksr) { var i = 0; data.body = data.body.replace(App.globals.placeHolderChecks[type], function(match) { var replace = App.globals.replacedStrings[type][i++]; if(literal && /block|lsec/.test(type)) { var after = replace.replace(/^\n\n/,''); var prepend = after !== replace ? '\n\n`' : ''; var append = after !== replace ? '`' : ''; var klass = /lsec/.test(type) ? ' class="lang-none prettyprint prettyprinted"' : ''; return prepend + '' + after.replace(/' + append; } if(literal && /quote/.test(type)) return '
    ' + replace.replace(//gm,'') + '
    '; if(literal) return '' + replace.replace(/'; return replace; }); } return data; }; // Handle pipe output App.pipeMods.output = function(data) { App.selections.title.val(data.title); App.selections.body.val(data.body.replace(/\n{3,}/,'\n\n')); App.selections.summary.val(data.summary); App.globals.root.find('.actual-edit-overlay').remove(); App.selections.summary.css({opacity:1}); App.selections.buttonInfo.text(App.globals.changes).show(); StackExchange.MarkdownEditor.refreshAllPreviews(); }; // Init app App.init = function() { var count = 0; var toolbarchk = setInterval(function(){ if(++count === 10) clearInterval(toolbarchk); if(!App.globals.root.find('.wmd-button-row').length) return; clearInterval(toolbarchk); App.funcs.popSelections(); App.funcs.createButton(); }, 100); return App; }; return App.init(); } try { var test = window.location.href.match(/.posts.(\d+).edit/); if(test) extendEditor($('form[action^="/posts/' + test[1] + '"]')); else $(document).ajaxComplete(function() { test = arguments[2].url.match(/posts.(\d+).edit-inline/); if(!test) { test = arguments[2].url.match(/review.inline-edit-post/); if(!test) return; test = arguments[2].data.match(/id=(\d+)/); if(!test) return; } extendEditor($('form[action^="/posts/' + test[1] + '"]')); }); if($('#post-form').length) $('#post-form').each(function(){ extendEditor($(this)); }); // This is the styling for the diff output. $('body').append(''); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } })(); /* * To Title Case 2.1 – http://individed.com/code/to-title-case/ * Copyright © 2008–2013 David Gouch. Licensed under the MIT License. */ String.prototype.toTitleCase = function(){ var smallWords = /^(a|an|and|as|at|but|by|en|for|if|in|nor|of|on|or|per|the|to|vs?\.?|via)$/i; return this.replace(/[A-Za-z0-9\u00C0-\u00FF]+[^\s-]*/g, function(match, index, title){ if (index > 0 && index + match.length !== title.length && match.search(smallWords) > -1 && title.charAt(index - 2) !== ":" && (title.charAt(index + match.length) !== '-' || title.charAt(index - 1) === '-') && title.charAt(index - 1).search(/[^\s-]/) < 0) { return match.toLowerCase(); } if (match.substr(1).search(/[A-Z]|\../) > -1) { return match; } return match.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + match.substr(1); }); }; // From https://github.com/EamonNerbonne/a-vs-an var AvsAnSimple=function(n){function i(n){var r=parseInt(t,36)||0,f=r&&r.toString(36).length,u,e;for(n.article=t[f]=="."?"a":"an",t=t.substr(1+f),u=0;u=0);for(;;){if(u=i.article||u,i=i[r],!i)return u;r=t[f++]||" "}}}}({}) // Adapted from http://stackoverflow.com/a/6969486/1677912 function escapeTag(tag) { // See https://regex101.com/r/yW9cD4/1 var retag = tag.replace(/(?:(\-)|([+.#]))/g, function (match, hyphen, other) { var escaped = (hyphen) ? "[ \\-]" : "\\"+match; return escaped; }); return "(?:\\s|\\b|$)" + retag + "(?:\\s|\\b|$)"; // hack - enclose tag in regexp boundary checks. WBN to do this in the taglist regexp. }