// ==UserScript== // @name CV Request Archiver // @namespace https://github.com/Tiny-Giant/ // @version // @description Scans the chat transcript and checks all cv+delete requests for status, then moves the closed/deleted ones. // @author @TinyGiant @rene @Tunaki // @include /https?:\/\/chat(\.meta)?\.stack(overflow|exchange).com\/rooms\/.*/ // @grant none // ==/UserScript== /* jshint -W097 */ 'use strict'; var me = (/\d+/.exec($('#active-user').attr('class'))||[false])[0]; if(!me) return false; var fkey = $('#fkey'); if(!fkey.length) return false; fkey = fkey.val(); var room = (/chat.stackoverflow.com.rooms.(\d+)/.exec(window.location.href)||[false,false])[1]; if(!room) return false; $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: '/user/info?ids=' + me + '&roomId=' + room, success: CVRequestArchiver }); function CVRequestArchiver(info){ if(!info.users[0].is_owner && !info.users[0].is_moderator) { return false; } var count = 0, total = 0, num = 0, rnum = 0, rlen = 0; var requests = []; var messagesToMove = []; var events = []; var ids = []; var target = 90230; var nodes = {}; nodes.scope = document.querySelector('#chat-buttons'); nodes.startbtn = document.createElement('button'); nodes.startbtn.className = 'button archiver-startbtn'; nodes.startbtn.textContent = 'archiver'; nodes.scope.appendChild(nodes.startbtn); nodes.scope.appendChild(document.createElement('br')); nodes.form = document.createElement('form'); nodes.form.className = 'archiver-form'; nodes.scope.appendChild(nodes.form); nodes.count = document.createElement('input'); nodes.count.className = 'button archiver-count'; nodes.count.placeholder = '#'; nodes.count.type = 'text'; nodes.count.style.display = 'none'; nodes.form.appendChild(nodes.count); nodes.gobtn = document.createElement('button'); nodes.gobtn.className = 'button archiver-gobtn'; nodes.gobtn.textContent = 'scan'; nodes.gobtn.style.display = 'none'; nodes.form.appendChild(nodes.gobtn); nodes.scope.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' ')); nodes.cancel = document.createElement('button'); nodes.cancel.className = 'button archiver-cancel'; nodes.cancel.textContent = 'cancel'; nodes.cancel.style.display = 'none'; nodes.scope.appendChild(nodes.cancel); nodes.scope.appendChild(document.createElement('br')); nodes.indicator = document.createElement('input'); nodes.indicator.className = 'button archiver-indicator'; nodes.indicator.type = 'text'; nodes.indicator.readOnly = true; nodes.indicator.style.display = 'none'; nodes.scope.appendChild(nodes.indicator); nodes.scope.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' ')); nodes.movebtn = document.createElement('button'); nodes.movebtn.className = 'button archiver-movebtn'; nodes.movebtn.textContent = 'move'; nodes.movebtn.style.display = 'none'; nodes.scope.appendChild(nodes.movebtn); nodes.progresswrp = document.createElement('div'); nodes.progresswrp.className = 'archive-progresswrp'; nodes.progresswrp.style.display = 'none'; nodes.scope.appendChild(nodes.progresswrp); nodes.progress = document.createElement('div'); nodes.progress.className = 'archive-progress'; nodes.progresswrp.appendChild(nodes.progress); nodes.style = document.createElement('style'); nodes.style.type = 'text/css'; nodes.style.textContent = [ '#chat-buttons {', ' cursor: default;', '}', '.button {', ' margin: 1px !important;', '}', 'button.button:disabled {', ' opacity: 0.8;', '}', 'button.button:disabled:hover {', ' background: #ff7b18 !important;', '}', '.button:disabled {', ' cursor: default !important;', '}', '.archiver-count {', ' width: 78px;', ' border: 0px !important;', ' box-sizing: border-box;', ' margin-right: 0px !important;', ' border-top-right-radius: 0px;', ' border-bottom-right-radius: 0px;', '}', '.archiver-gobtn {', ' margin-left: 0px !important;', ' border-top-left-radius: 0px;', ' border-bottom-left-radius: 0px;', '}', '.archiver-count,', '.archiver-count:hover,', '.archiver-count:focus {', ' background: #eee;', ' outline: none;', ' color: #111;', '}', '.archiver-count:hover:not(:disabled),', '.archiver-count:focus:not(:disabled),', '.archiver-indicator:not(:disabled),', '.archiver-indicator:hover:not(:disabled),', '.archiver-indicator:focus:not(:disabled) {', ' color: #000;', ' outline: none;', ' background: #fff;', ' cursor: default;', '}', '.archiver-indicator {', ' border: 0px;', ' width: 162px;', '}', '.archiver-form {', ' display: inline-block;', '}', '.archive-progresswrp {', ' margin-top: 2px;', ' width: 185px;', ' background: #eee;', ' height: 5px;', '}', '.archive-progress {', ' width: 0%;', ' background: #ff7b18;', ' height: 100%;', '}' ].join('\n'); nodes.scope.appendChild(nodes.style); nodes.startbtn.addEventListener('click', function(){ nodes.startbtn.disabled = true; nodes.count.style.display = ''; nodes.gobtn.style.display = ''; nodes.cancel.style.display = ''; nodes.count.focus(); }, false); nodes.cancel.addEventListener('click', reset, false); nodes.form.addEventListener('submit', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); nodes.cancel.disabled = true; total = count = +nodes.count.value; nodes.count.disabled = true; nodes.gobtn.disabled = true; nodes.indicator.style.display = ''; nodes.indicator.value = 'getting events... (0 / ' + count + ')'; nodes.progresswrp.style.display = ''; getEvents(count); }, false); nodes.movebtn.addEventListener('click', movePosts, false); function reset() { if(this.disabled) return false; rlen = 0; rnum = 0; total = 0; count = 0; num = 0; requests = []; messagesToMove = []; events = []; ids = []; nodes.count.style.display = 'none'; nodes.count.value = ''; nodes.count.disabled = false; nodes.gobtn.style.display = 'none'; nodes.gobtn.disabled = false; nodes.cancel.style.display = 'none'; nodes.indicator.style.display = 'none'; nodes.indicator.textContent = ''; nodes.movebtn.style.display = 'none'; nodes.startbtn.disabled = false; nodes.progresswrp.style.display = 'none'; nodes.progress.style.width = ''; } function getEvents(count, before) { nodes.indicator.value = 'getting events... (' + (total - count) + ' / ' + total + ')'; nodes.progress.style.width = Math.ceil(((total - count) * 100) / total) + '%'; if (count <= 0) { scanEvents(events); return false; } var data = { fkey: fkey, msgCount: count > 500 ? 500 : count, mode: 'Messages', }; if (before) data.before = before; $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: '/chats/' + room + '/events', data: data, success: function(response) { events.push(response.events); // no more events in the transcript if(!response.events[0]) { scanEvents(); return false; } getEvents(count - 500, response.events[0].message_id); } }); }; function scanEvents(){ nodes.progress.style.width = ''; for(var i in events) for(var j in events[i]) checkEvent(events[i][j], i, events.length); nodes.progress.style.width = ''; if(!requests.length) { nodes.indicator.value = 'no requests found'; nodes.progresswrp.style.display = 'none'; nodes.progress.style.width = ''; nodes.cancel.disabled = false; return false; } nodes.indicator.value = 'chunking request array...'; rlen = requests.length; requests = chunkArray(requests, 100); checkRequests(); } var cvRegexes = [ /(?:tagged\/cv-pl(?:ease|s|z)|\[cv-pl(?:ease|s|z)\]).*(?:q[^\/]*|posts)\/(\d+)/, /(?:q[^\/]*|posts)\/(\d+).*(?:tagged\/cv-pl(?:ease|s|z)|\[cv-pl(?:ease|s|z)\])/, ]; var deleteRegexes = [ /(?:tagged\/del(?:ete)-pl(?:ease|s|z)|\[del(?:ete)-pl(?:ease|s|z)\]).*(?:q[^\/]*|posts)\/(\d+)/, /(?:q[^\/]*|posts)\/(\d+).*(?:tagged\/del(?:ete)-pl(?:ease|s|z)|\[del(?:ete)-pl(?:ease|s|z)\])/, ]; var RequestType = { CLOSE: 'close-vote', DELETE: 'delete-vote' } function matchesRegex(message, regexes) { for(var j in regexes) { if(regexes[j].test(message)) { return true; } } return false; } function checkEvent(event, current, total) { nodes.indicator.value = 'checking events... (' + current + ' / ' + total + ')'; nodes.progress.style.width = Math.ceil((current * 100) / total) + '%'; var message = event.content; var type = RequestType.CLOSE; var isCVReq = matchesRegex(message, cvRegexes), isDelReq = false; if (!isCVReq) { isDelReq = matchesRegex(message, deleteRegexes); if (!isDelReq) return false; type = RequestType.DELETE; } var matches = message.match(/http.*?(?:q[^\/]*|posts)\/(\d+)/g); var posts = []; // matches will be null if an user screws up the formatting if (matches !== null) { for(var k in Object.keys(matches)) { posts.push(/(?:q[^\/]*|posts)\/(\d+)/.exec(matches[k])[1]); } } for(var l in posts) requests.push({ msg: event.message_id, post: posts[l], time: event.time_stamp, type: type }); } function checkRequests() { var currentreq = requests.pop(); var left = [rlen,rlen - (requests.length * 100)][+(rlen > 100)]; nodes.indicator.value = 'checking requests... (' + left + ' / ' + rlen + ')'; nodes.progress.style.width = Math.ceil((left * 100) / rlen) + '%'; var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.addEventListener("load", function(){ if(this.status !== 200) { console.log(this); checkDone(); return false; } var response = JSON.parse(this.response); var items = response.items; for(var i in items) { if (!items[i].deleted_date) { for(var j in currentreq) { if(currentreq[j].post == items[i].question_id && currentreq[j].type == RequestType.DELETE) delete currentreq[j]; } } if(!items[i].closed_date) { for(var j in currentreq) { if(items[i].close_vote_count == 0 && ((Date.now() - (currentreq[j].time * 1000)) > (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 3))) continue; if(currentreq[j].post == items[i].question_id && currentreq[j].type == RequestType.CLOSE) delete currentreq[j]; } } } for(var i in currentreq) messagesToMove.push(currentreq[i]); if(!requests.length) { checkDone(); return false; } setTimeout(checkRequests, response.backoff * 1000); }); var url = '//api.stackexchange.com/2.2/questions/' + formatPosts(currentreq) + '?' + [ 'pagesize=100', 'site=stackoverflow', 'key=qhq7Mdy8)4lSXLCjrzQFaQ((', 'filter=!gB66oJbwf2oAg19qt9k287Kesk6)y5u4M_f' ].join('&'); xhr.open("GET", url); xhr.send(); } function checkDone() { rnum = messagesToMove.length; if(!rnum) { nodes.indicator.value = 'no requests found'; nodes.progresswrp.style.display = 'none'; nodes.progress.style.width = ''; nodes.cancel.disabled = false; return false; } ids = chunkArray(formatMsgs(messagesToMove), 100); nodes.indicator.value = messagesToMove.length + ' request' + ['','s'][+(messagesToMove.length > 1)] + ' found'; nodes.movebtn.style.display = ''; nodes.cancel.disabled = false; nodes.progresswrp.style.display = 'none'; nodes.progress.style.width = ''; } function movePosts() { var currentids = ids.pop(); var left = [rnum,rnum - (ids.length * 100)][+(rnum > 100)]; nodes.indicator.value = 'moving requests... (' + left + ' / ' + rnum + ')'; nodes.progress.style.width = Math.ceil((left * 100) / rnum) + '%'; $.ajax({ type: 'POST', data: 'ids=' + currentids.join('%2C') + '&to=' + target + '&fkey=' + fkey, url: '/admin/movePosts/' + room, success: function(){ if(!ids.length) { nodes.progresswrp.style.display = 'none'; nodes.progress.style.width = ''; nodes.indicator.value = 'done'; nodes.movebtn.style.display = 'none'; return false; } setTimeout(movePosts, 5000); } }); } function formatPosts(arr) { var tmp = []; for(var i in arr) tmp.push(arr[i].post); return tmp.join(';'); } function formatMsgs(arr) { var tmp = []; for(var i in arr) tmp.push(arr[i].msg); return tmp; } function chunkArray(arr, len) { var tmp = []; var num = Math.ceil(arr.length / len); for(var i = 0; i < num; ++i) { tmp.push([]); } var ind = 0; for(var j in arr) { if(j > 0 && !(j % len)) ++ind; tmp[ind].push(arr[j]); } return tmp; } }