# HDL_Automation Verilog and SystemVerilog automation with Sublime Text 4 * Auto format file ![auto_format_file](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/71039587/128532016-b6221a38-8453-4ba8-baac-10a81ce8e7f5.gif) * Auto format selections ![auto_format_selections](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/71039587/128612725-e45b1844-2735-4e5d-90ca-f95e3f6ef31a.gif) # The repository owners are: - Dawid Szulc dawidszulc094@gmail.com # Instalation: - Press ```CTRL``` + ```SHIFT``` + ```p``` - Select ```Package Control: Install Package``` - Select ```HDL_Automation``` # Requirements: - Sublime Text 4 - [Verible](https://github.com/chipsalliance/verible) added to PATH - Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) when Windows user # Modify settings: - Press ```Preferences``` - Press ```Package Settings``` - Press ```HDL_Automation``` - Press ```Settings``` - Add or modify settings (left column - template with description, right column - user settings) Succesfully tested under Windows Subsystem for Linux with verible-v0.0-1318 and Sublime Text 4 Build 4113