# 📋 📘 Boostnote Markdown CheatSheet The missing markdown feature cheat sheet for [Boostnote](https://boostnote.io/). It tries to give a short summary of all formatting options which are available in Boostnote. --- :warning: Only works in Boostnote. :point_right: Open the [Preview Page](README.md) to see how it's rendered. :u5408: [Chinese Version](README_zh_cn.md) --- ### :information_source: How to add it to Boostenote 1. Open the [RAW](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TobseF/boostnote-markdown-cheatsheet/master/BOOSTNOTE_MARKDOWN_CHEAT_SHEET.md) version of this file. 2. Copy it with [[crtl]] + [[a]] and [[crtl]] + [[c]] 3. Create an empty _Markdown Note_ in Bosstnote paste it with [[crtl]] + [[shift]] + [[v]] (The *shift* is important to skip escaping) --- [TOC] > *Table of Contens generated by:* > `Shortcut:` [[Shift]]+[[ctrl]]+[[T]] > `Menu:` _File / Generate / Update Markdown TOC_ ## Text Formatting ### Emphasis *Italic type* **Bold** ~~Negative~~ `highlighted` ### Abbreviation The HTML specification is maintained by the W3C. *[HTML]: Hyper Text Markup Language *[W3C]: World Wide Web Consortium ### Superscript H~2~0 29^th^ ### Link `Simple link`: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_Notepad `Named link`: [Boostnote](https://boostnote.io) `Tooltip link`: [Hover Me](https://boostnote.io "A cool tooltip") `Jump to line`: [Go to line 200](:line:200) ### Check box - [x] Task 1 - [ ] Task 2 ### Quotation > Quotation > Quotation Quotation ### Footnotes Here is a footnote reference,[^1] and another.[^longnote] [^1]: Here is the footnote. [^longnote]: Here's one with multiple blocks. Subsequent paragraphs are indented to show that they belong to the previous footnote. ### Html Green Text Yellow Text underlined > HTML only works if you enable: > Menu: _Preferences / Interface / Preview / Sanitization / Allow dangerous html tags_ ### Emoticons Emoji by shortcode: :books: :memo: :eyes: Emoji by Unicode: 📚 📝 👀 [complete emoji list](https://www.webpagefx.com/tools/emoji-cheat-sheet/) ### Smart Arrows --> → <-- ← <-> ↔ ==> ⇒ <== ⇐ <==> ⇔ > Smart arrows only work if you enable: > Menu: _Preferences / Interface / Preview / Sanitization / Convert textual arrows to beautiful signs_ > ⚠ This will interfere with using HTML comments in your Markdown. ### Keystrokes [[Esc]] [[z]] ### Source Code ```js Render: function () { Return (


); } ``` ## Structuring ### List * List 1 * List 2 1. First ordered list item Second line 2. Another item ### Definition list Term 1 ~ Definition 1 Term 2 ~ Definition 2a ~ Definition 2b Term 3 ~ Term 1 : Definition 1 Term 2 with \*inline markup\* : Definition 2 { some code, part of Definition 2 } Third paragraph of definition 2. ### Table | Tables | Are | Cool | | :------------ |:-------------:| -----:| | col 3 is | right-aligned | $1600 | | col 2 is | centered | $12 | | zebra stripes | are neat | $1 | | | Grouping || |First Header | Second Header | Third Header | | ------------ | :-----------: | -----------: | |Content | *Long Cell* || |Content | **Cell** | Cell | |New section | More | Data | |And more | With an escaped '\\|' || [Table description] Markdown | Less | Pretty --- | --- | --- *Still* | `renders` | **nicely** 1 | 2 | 3 > There must be at least 3 dashes separating each header cell. The outer pipes (|) are optional, and you don't need to make the raw Markdown line up prettily. You can also use inline Markdown. ### Block Some Infor First Line - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing eli Some Infor Second Line - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing eli Some Infor Third Line - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing eli ### Fold
Boostnote is a notepad corresponding to markdown notation, which is a tool for organizing and sharing information. - Features -
· Search function to find memos in one shot · Supports markdown notation
· Support for Mac, Windows, Linux, iOS, Android
· Export and import to Plain text (.txt), Markdown (.md) format
· Supports PDF saving
· Can be used offline
· Synchronize to dropbox etc. with setting
* Supports theme colors and numerous fonts
### Horizontal line Horizontal lines have various ways of writing. * * * *** --- ### Admonition !!! note Note Lorem ipsum !!! !!! hint Hint Lorem ipsum !!! !!! question Question Lorem ipsum !!! !!! quote Quote Lorem ipsum !!! !!! abstract Abstract Lorem ipsum !!! !!! attention Attention Lorem ipsum !!! !!! caution Caution Lorem ipsum !!! !!! error Error Lorem ipsum !!! !!! danger Danger Lorem ipsum !!! ## Image `Default:` ![Title](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BoostIO/Boostnote/master/resources/app.png) `Resized:` ![Resized](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BoostIO/Boostnote/master/resources/app.png =50x) `Streched:` ![Streched](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BoostIO/Boostnote/master/resources/app.png =50x20) `By Reference:` ![Referneced Style][logo] [logo]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BoostIO/Boostnote/master/resources/app.png "Boostnote Logo" ### Gallery ```gallery(42h) https://source.unsplash.com/F8mUf0hjf74/1024x600 https://source.unsplash.com/-StqtXU35cA/1024x600 https://source.unsplash.com/BLTcKiKXbzU/1024x600 https://source.unsplash.com/qh1J3d4QzgA/1024x600 https://source.unsplash.com/rpvhOzyv2jM/1024x600 ``` > Use `gallery(autoplay=2000)` for 2 seconds image rotation. ## Latex $$[x^n + y^n = z^n]$$ $$\frac{d}{dx}\left( \int_{0}^{x} f(u)\,du\right)=f(x).$$ ## Diagram Integrations ### [Flowchart](http://flowchart.js.org/) ```flowchart st=>start: Start:>http://www.google.com[blank] e=>end:>http://www.google.com op1=>operation: My Operation sub1=>subroutine: My Subroutine cond=>condition: Yes or No?:>http://www.google.com io=>inputoutput: catch something… st->op1->cond cond(yes)->io->e cond(no)->sub1(right)->op1 ``` ### [Sequence](https://bramp.github.io/js-sequence-diagrams/) ```sequence Title: Here is a title A -> B: Normal line B --> C: Dashed line C ->> D: Open arrow D -->> A: Dashed open arrow ``` ### [mermaid](https://mermaidjs.github.io/) ```mermaid sequenceDiagram loop every day Alice->>John: Hello John, how are you? John-->>Alice: Great! end ``` ### Chart ```chart(yaml) type: pie data: labels: - Red - Blue - Yellow datasets: - data: - 300 - 50 - 100 backgroundColor: - "#FF6384" - "#36A2EB" - "#FFCE56" hoverBackgroundColor: - "#FF6384" - "#36A2EB" - "#FFCE56" ``` ### [Ditaa](http://ditaa.sourceforge.net/) @startditaa /--------\ +-------+ |cAAA +---+Version| | Data | | V3 | | Base | |cRED{d}| | {s}| +-------+ \---+----/ +---+-----+ +----------+ | cBLU | | {io} | | Ext-Foo | | S-ATA | | +-----+ | cFEA | | |cPNK | +----------+ | | Foo | +---+-----+ @endditaa @startditaa +-------------+ | Asciidoctor |-------+ | diagram | | +-------------+ | PNG out ^ | | ditaa in | | v +--------+ +--------+----+ /---------------\ | | --+ Asciidoctor +--> | | | Text | +-------------+ | Beautiful | |Document| | !magic! | | Output | | {d}| | | | | +---+----+ +-------------+ \---------------/ : ^ | Lots of work | +-----------------------------------+ @endditaa ### [Plant UML](http://plantuml.com/) #### [Class Diagram](https://plantuml.com/class-diagram) @startuml Object <|-- ArrayList Object : + equals() ArrayList : - Object[] elementData ArrayList : + size() @enduml #### [Activity Diagram](https://plantuml.com/activity-diagram-beta) @startuml start :Hello world; :This is on defined on several **lines**; stop @enduml #### [Sequence Diagram](https://plantuml.com/sequence-diagram) @startuml Alice -> "Bob()" : Hello "Bob()" -> "This is very \n long" as Long ' You can also declare: ' "Bob()" -> Long as "This is very \n long" Long --> "Bob()" : ok @enduml #### [MindMap](https://plantuml.com/mindmap-diagram) @startmindmap * Debian ** Ubuntu *** Linux Mint *** Kubuntu *** Lubuntu *** KDE Neon ** LMDE ** SolydXK ** SteamOS ** Raspbian with a very long name *** Raspmbc => OSMC *** Raspyfi => Volumio @endmindmap #### [Work Breakdown Structure](https://plantuml.com/wbs-diagram) @startwbs + Project + Part One + Task 1.1 - LeftTask 1.2 + Task 1.3 + Part Two + Task 2.1 + Task 2.2 -_ Task 2.2.1 To the left boxless -_ Task 2.2.2 To the Left boxless +_ Task 2.2.3 To the right boxless @endwbs #### [Gantt Diagram](https://plantuml.com/gantt-diagram) @startgantt [Prototype design] lasts 10 days [Code prototype] lasts 10 days [Write tests] lasts 5 days [Code prototype] starts at [Prototype design]'s end [Write tests] starts at [Code prototype]'s start @endgantt