# tokumx.conf # # This configuration file contains most of the useful options and their # defaults for TokuMX. For the full set of all available options, see # the Users' Guide available at # http://www.tokutek.com/products/downloads/tokumx-ce-downloads/ ######################################################################## # PROCESS OPTIONS # Where to store the data. # # Note: if you run tokumx as a non-root user (recommended) you may # need to create and set permissions for this directory manually, # e.g., if the parent directory isn't mutable by the tokumx user. dbpath = /var/lib/tokumx # Where to log informational and debugging messages. logpath = /var/log/tokumx/tokumx.log # Use the syslog facility instead of a log file. #syslog = false # Append entries to the log rather than rotating old logs out. logappend = true # Port to accept client connections. #port = 27017 # fork and run in background #fork = false # location of pidfile (default: no pidfile) #pidfilepath = /var/run/tokumx/tokumx.pid # Where to find plugins pluginsDir = /usr/lib/tokumx/plugins ######################################################################## # FRACTAL TREE STORAGE OPTIONS # Amount of memory (in bytes) used to cache documents and indexes in # memory, uncompressed. Value can be specified with K/M/G/T suffix. # Default is half of physical memory, determined at startup. #cacheSize = 8G # Use direct I/O to access data on disk, bypassing the kernel page # cache. When using direct I/O, it is usually good to set cacheSize # higher (around 80% of physical memory). Out-of-memory workloads # typically perform better with direct I/O on and a larger cacheSize. #directio = false # Flush the recovery log every logFlushPeriod milliseconds (similar to # journalCommitInterval in vanilla mongodb). Unlike vanilla mongodb, # logFlushPeriod=0 means flush after every operation commit, which can # be slow. getLastError commands with {j:1} force this flush. Valid # values are 0-300ms, default is 100ms. #logFlushPeriod = 100 # Directory where the recovery log (similar to mongodb durability # journal) is stored. #logDir = # Directory where TokuMX will place temporary files used by the bulk # loader for building collections and indexes (used by mongorestore, # mongoimport, and non-background index creation). #tmpDir = ######################################################################## # REPLICATION OPTIONS # in replica set configuration, specify the name of the replica set #replSet = setname # How many days of oplog data to keep. If a secondary falls more than # this many days behind, it will need to resync. #expireOplogDays = 14 ######################################################################## # MISC OPTIONS # Enables periodic logging of CPU utilization and I/O wait #cpu = true # Turn on/off security. Off is currently the default #noauth = true #auth = true # Verbose logging output. #verbose = true # Inspect all client data for validity on receipt (useful for # developing drivers) #objcheck = true # Enable db quota management #quota = true # Set oplogging level where n is # 0=off (default) # 1=W # 2=R # 3=both # 7=W+some reads #diaglog = 0 # Ignore query hints #nohints = true # Disable the HTTP interface (Defaults to localhost:28017). #nohttpinterface = true # Turns off server-side scripting. This will result in greatly limited # functionality #noscripting = true # Turns off table scans. Any query that would do a table scan fails. #notablescan = true ######################################################################## # MMS OPTIONS # Account token for Mongo monitoring server. #mms-token = # Server name for Mongo monitoring server. #mms-name = # Ping interval for Mongo monitoring server. #mms-interval = ######################################################################## # ADVANCED FRACTAL TREE STORAGE OPTIONS # # In most cases, these options should be left at their default settings. # # Number of milliseconds that a transaction will wait for a lock held by # another transaction to be released. If the conflicting transaction # does not release the lock within the lock timeout, the transaction # that was waiting for the lock will get a lock timeout error. A value # of 0 disables lock waiting. #lockTimeout = 4000 # Amount of memory (in bytes) used by the tree that tracks # document-level locking. Default value is 10% of cacheSize (this # memory is taken in addition to the cache, not taken from the cache's # allowance). #locktreeMaxMemory = 800M # Amount of memory (in bytes) used by the bulk loader when a bulk load # is active. #loaderMaxMemory = 100M # Time in seconds between the start of consecutive checkpoints. #checkpointPeriod = 60 # Time in seconds between consecutive cleaner thread runs. 0 disables # the cleaner thread. #cleanerPeriod = 2 # How many nodes to flush on each run of the cleaner thread. 0 disables # cleaner threads. #cleanerIterations = 5 # Percentage of the filesystem's size that must be free to allow inserts # and updates. If free space falls below this percentage, the database # will go into read-only mode. #fsRedzone = 5 # Only affects replica sets. Amount in bytes of oplog data a # transaction will store in memory before spilling the data to disk in # the local.oplog.refs collection. Maximum value is 2MB. #txnMemLimit = 1M # Whether the bulk loader (used by mongoimport/mongorestore and # non-background index builds) compresses intermediate files before # writing to disk. These are the intermediate files that are written # in tmpDir (see above). #loaderCompressTmp = true