#!/bin/bash TMP=/tmp/changes$$ EXCLUDE="^\$|/\$|[.]wh[.][.]wh[.]orph/|^[.]wh[.][.]wh[.]plnk/|^[.]wh[.][.]wh[.]aufs|^var/cache/|^var/backups/|^var/tmp/|^var/log/|^var/lib/apt/|^var/lib/dhcp/|^var/lib/systemd/|^sbin/fsck[.]aufs|^etc/resolv[.]conf|^root/[.]Xauthority|^root/[.]xsession-errors|^root/[.]fehbg|^root/[.]fluxbox/lastwallpaper|^root/[.]fluxbox/menu_resolution|^etc/mtab|^etc/fstab|^boot/|^dev/|^mnt/|^proc/|^run/|^sys/|^tmp/" CHANGES=/run/initramfs/memory/changes if [ "$1" = "" ]; then echo "" echo "savechanges - save all changed files in a compressed filesystem bundle" echo " - excluding some predefined files such as /etc/mtab," echo " temp & log files, empty directories, apt cache, and such" echo "" echo "Usage:" echo " $0 [ target_file.sb ] [ changes_directory ]" echo "" echo "If changes_directory is not specified, /run/initramfs/memory/changes is used." echo "" exit 1 fi if [ ! "$2" = "" ]; then CHANGES="$2" fi # exclude the save_file itself of course EXCLUDE="$EXCLUDE|^""$(readlink -f "$1" | cut -b 2- | sed -r "s/[.]/[.]/")""\$" CWD=$(pwd) cd $CHANGES || exit mkdir -p $TMP mount -t tmpfs tmpfs $TMP find \( -type d -printf "%p/\n" , -not -type d -print \) \ | sed -r "s/^[.]\\///" | egrep -v "$EXCLUDE" \ | while read FILE; do cp --parents -afr "$FILE" "$TMP" done cd $CWD mksquashfs $TMP "$1" -comp xz -b 1024K -always-use-fragments -noappend umount $TMP rmdir $TMP