# html-resume-template Single-page resume template built using HTML, CSS, and JS that can be viewed on the web or exported to a PDF. A live demo is available at [tombarr.github.io/html-resume-template](https://tombarr.github.io/html-resume-template/). ## Editing This template has the ability to edit, and automatically save, inside the browser! The entire page is marked editable with [`document.designMode`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Document/designMode). The below example is from Firefox (61): adding several list items then refreshing the page. ![Inline Editing](./editing_full.gif "Inline Editing") In most browsers, you can use `Command/CTRL + B/I` to make text bold or italic. ![Text Styling](./bold+italic.gif "Text Styling") There are also two types of returns, `Shift + Enter`, which adds a `
` within the current element: ![shift + enter](./shift+enter.gif "shift + enter") And `Enter`, which is somewhat contextual. If focused after the last character, it can be used to append list elements: ![enter](./enter.gif "enter") ## Sample ![Resume Sample](./Chrome_sample.jpg "Resume Sample") ## Flexibility This template can be editted both in HTML and CSS. Just like with [CSS Zen Garden](http://www.csszengarden.com/), you can fully customize the layout and style to suit your needs. ## TODO - Add feedback when page is saved (or an error occurs) - Allow custom file names for saved HTML - Support [Prince](https://www.princexml.com/) ## Acknowledgements This project uses [normalize.css](https://github.com/necolas/normalize.css), fonts from [Google Fonts](https://fonts.google.com/), and icons from [Font Awesome](https://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/). Dependencies are managed as links to CDNs, no package managers or build tools required. Built by me, [Tom Barrasso](https://barrasso.me). ## Compatibility Tested on Chrome (67) and Firefox (61) on mac OS (10.13.5). This software uses `localStorage`, `template`, flexbox, and custom properties and is intended for modern browsers. ## Security & Privacy This application does not communicate or sync with a server, and all data is saved locally. It may not be able to save if `localStorage` is disabled for any reason.