{ "author": "Tony Fleisher", "gitHubUrl": "https://github.com/TonyFleisher/tonyfleisher-hubitat", "payPalUrl": "https://paypal.me/tonyfleisher", "packages": [ { "id": "891046ee-56d2-4b07-bd6b-ad3d75612930", "name": "Hubitat Z-Wave Mesh Details", "category": "Utility", "location": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TonyFleisher/tonyfleisher-hubitat/beta/Apps/mesh-details/packageManifest.json", "description": "A Tool to provide a way to explore Z-Wave Mesh Details. This tool can answer questions like:\n\nWhich devices are acting as repeaters?\nHow many devices are routing through a particular device?\nWhich and How many devices are in a FAILED state?\nWhat devices are neighbors for a given device?", "tags": [ "Monitoring", "ZWave", "Tools & Utilities" ] } ] }