import time import os from random import randint info_message = ''' \t\t Welcome to the Nardy game! \n \t Remember that`s the first version of \t this game. In this ALPHA gen you can \t find some BUGS. Please be condescending. \t Also you need to knou about some special \t commands: \t\t 1) skip - manually skip the turn \t\t 2) exit - say goodbye! \n \t\t\t\t Enjoy the game! ''' def cls(): os.system('cls' if'nt' else 'clear') class Board(object): def __init__(self): print("Init board...") self.chess_arr = [ ['', 0] for i in range(24) ] self.chess_arr[0] = ['◉',15] self.chess_arr[12] = ['○',15] self.turn = None self.outNumLeft = 0 self.dice = [] self.start_game() def start_game(self): self.rollTheDice() while self.dice[0] == self.dice[1]: self.rollTheDice() if self.dice[0] > self.dice[1]: self.turn = 'White' else: self.turn = 'Black' print('\n Dice:', self.dice, 'Start: {}'.format(self.turn)) def move_chess(self, From, To): if not self._IsPossibleToMove(From, To): print('ERROR: Can`t move') time.sleep(1) return 2 if (From == 0 or From == 12): if self.outNumLeft <= 0: print('\t Can`t out!!!') time.sleep(2) return else: self.outNumLeft -= 1 self.chess_arr[From][1] -= 1 self.chess_arr[ To ][1] += 1 self.chess_arr[ To ][0] = self.chess_arr[From][0] self.dice.remove((To - From)%24) def makeTurn(self): self.print() print('\n Dice:', self.dice, 'Turn: {}'.format(self.turn)) inp = input('\n Enter from & to chess position: ').split() if len(inp) != 2: if len(inp) and inp[0] == 'exit': print('Game end...') print('\tGoodbye! Have a nice day') return 0 if len(inp) and inp[0] == 'skip': print('Skiped...') self.rollTheDice() self._ChangePlayer() return 1 print('Error Input!') time.sleep(1) return 'Error Input!' try: From, To = map(lambda a: (int(a)-1)%24, inp) except: print('Error Input!') time.sleep(3) return 2 self.move_chess(From, To) while not len(self.dice) or self._isBlocked() == True: self.rollTheDice() self._ChangePlayer() def rollTheDice(self): self.dice = [] self.dice.append(randint(1,6)) self.dice.append(randint(1,6)) self.outNumLeft = 1 if self.dice[0] == self.dice[1]: self.dice.append(self.dice[0]) self.dice.append(self.dice[0]) self.outNumLeft = 2 return [self.dice] def print(self): print(' 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ') print(' ' + '-v-'*6 + ' ' + '-v-'*6) t_color = '' t_num = '' for pos in range(11, -1, -1): t_color, t_num = self._MakeStr(pos, t_color, t_num) b_color = '' b_num = '' for pos in range(12, 24, 1): b_color, b_num = self._MakeStr(pos, b_color, b_num) print('\n', t_color, '\n', t_num, '\n'*5, b_num, '\n', b_color, '\n') print(' '+'-^-'*6 + ' ' + '-^-'*6) print(' 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ') def _IsPossibleToMove(self, From, To): # Need FIX with doubles from_color, from_num = self.chess_arr[From] to_color, to_num = self.chess_arr[To] c1 = True try: self.dice.index((To - From)%24) except ValueError: c1 = False c2 = (from_color == to_color) or to_num == 0 c3 = from_num != 0 c4 = len(self.dice) c5 = (from_color == '◉' and self.turn == 'White') or (from_color == '○' and self.turn == 'Black') return c1 and c2 and c3 and c4 and c5 def _isBlocked(self): # Need move to IsPossibleToMove for i in range(24): isEqualClr = (self.chess_arr[i][0] == '◉' and self.turn == 'White') or (self.chess_arr[i][0] == '○' and self.turn == 'Black') isChessOnPos = self.chess_arr[i][1] > 0 if isChessOnPos and isEqualClr: for j in self.dice: if self._IsPossibleToMove(i, i+j): return False print('\t BLOCKED!!!') time.sleep(2) return True def _MakeStr(self, pos, color, num): c, n = self.chess_arr[pos] if n > 1: color += '{:^3}'.format(str(c)) num += '{:^3}'.format(str(n)) elif n == 1: color += '{:^3}'.format(str(c)) num += ' ' else: color += ' ' num += ' ' if pos == 6 or pos == 17: color += ' ' num += ' ' return (color, num) def _ChangePlayer(self): self.turn = 'White' if self.turn == 'Black' else 'Black' if __name__ == '__main__': board = Board() cls() # DEBUG input(info_message) cls() # DEBUG print('White & Black dices: ', end='') board.start_game() input('\n\t ( Press Enter to start )') board.rollTheDice() while True: cls() state = board.makeTurn() if state == 0: exit()