import "./polyfills.ts" import { BufferLike, StreamLike, normalizeInput, ReadableFromIterator } from "./input.ts" import { normalizeMetadata } from "./metadata.ts" import { loadFiles, contentLength, ForAwaitable } from "./zip.ts" /** The file name, modification date and size will be read from the input; * extra arguments can be given to override the input’s metadata. */ type InputWithMeta = File | Response | { input: File | Response, name?: any, lastModified?: any, size?: number | bigint } /** Intrinsic size, but the file name must be provided and modification date can’t be guessed. */ type InputWithSizeMeta = { input: BufferLike, name: any, lastModified?: any, size?: number | bigint } /** The file name must be provided ; modification date and content length can’t be guessed. */ type InputWithoutMeta = { input: StreamLike, name: any, lastModified?: any, size?: number | bigint } /** The folder name must be provided ; modification date can’t be guessed. */ type InputFolder = { name: any, lastModified?: any, input?: never, size?: never } /** Both filename and size must be provided ; input is not helpful here. */ type JustMeta = { input?: StreamLike | undefined, name: any, lastModified?: any, size: number | bigint } export type Options = { /** If provided, the returned Response will have its `Content-Length` header set to this value. * It can be computed accurately with the `predictLength` function. */ length?: number | bigint /** If provided, the returned Response will have its `Content-Length` header set to the result of * calling `predictLength` on that metadata. Overrides the `length` option. */ metadata?: Iterable /** The ZIP *language encoding flag* will always be set when a filename was given as a string, * but when it is given as an ArrayView or ArrayBuffer, it depends on this option : * - `true`: always on (ArrayBuffers will *always* be flagged as UTF-8) — recommended, * - `false`: always off (ArrayBuffers will *never* be flagged as UTF-8), * - `undefined`: each ArrayBuffer will be tested and flagged if it is valid UTF-8. */ buffersAreUTF8?: boolean } function normalizeArgs(file: InputWithMeta | InputWithSizeMeta | InputWithoutMeta | InputFolder | JustMeta) { return file instanceof File || file instanceof Response ? [[file], [file]] as const : [[file.input,, file.size], [file.input, file.lastModified]] as const } function* mapMeta(files: Iterable) { // @ts-ignore type inference isn't good enough for this… yet… // but rewriting the code to be more explicit would make it longer for (const file of files) yield normalizeMetadata(...normalizeArgs(file)[0]) } function mapFiles(files: ForAwaitable) { // @ts-ignore TypeScript really needs to catch up const iterator = files[Symbol.iterator in files ? Symbol.iterator : Symbol.asyncIterator]() return { async next() { const res = await if (res.done) return res const [metaArgs, dataArgs] = normalizeArgs(res.value) // @ts-ignore type inference isn't good enough for this… yet… // but rewriting the code to be more explicit would make it longer return { done: false, value: Object.assign(normalizeInput(...dataArgs), normalizeMetadata(...metaArgs)) } }, throw: iterator.throw?.bind(iterator), [Symbol.asyncIterator]() { return this } } } /** Given an iterable of file metadata (or equivalent), * @returns the exact byte length of the Zip file that would be generated by `downloadZip`. */ export const predictLength = (files: Iterable) => contentLength(mapMeta(files)) export function downloadZip(files: ForAwaitable, options: Options = {}) { const headers: Record = { "Content-Type": "application/zip", "Content-Disposition": "attachment" } if ((typeof options.length === "bigint" || Number.isInteger(options.length)) && options.length! > 0) headers["Content-Length"] = String(options.length) if (options.metadata) headers["Content-Length"] = String(predictLength(options.metadata)) return new Response(makeZip(files, options), { headers }) } export function makeZip(files: ForAwaitable, options: Options = {}) { const mapped = mapFiles(files) return ReadableFromIterator(loadFiles(mapped, options), mapped); }