v0.1: - Initial release v0.2: - Fixed players entering regex fields in chat crashing {msg}. - changed PLAYER_CHAT event to run earlier so we triger before other chat plugins. If players are using chat modes we need to run first to cancel the chat event for other plugins. v0.3: - TownyChat now only enables itself if Towny successfully starts. - Fixed missing {} around modplayername. v0.4: - Fixed custom channel chat not showing in the console. v0.5: - Added auto modes for chat. Type '/tc' to set town chat mode. All text typed from then on will be sent to town chat. While in a chat mode you can still talk in other channels by using the channel commands eg. '/nc hi'. While in a chat mode you can talk in global chat with '/g text here'. to clear all chat modes '/g'. - Added a new permission node for global chat ('/g') of 'towny.chat.global'. - Added {worldname} as an accepted entry. - Fixed '/g' mode to add formatting. v0.6: - Changed global chat to pass through bukkits chat process instead of our own (allows other plugins to see it again). v0.7: - Added support for Essentials mute and ignore features. Players on ignore will still be seen in town and nation chat. - Added craftIRC 3.1 support Add a channel tag of 'admin' to the receiving channel in the craftIRC config. Disable Auto paths and add the following to the 'paths:' section - source: 'minecraft' target: 'admin' formatting: chat: '%message%' - source: 'admin' # These are endpoint tags target: 'minecraft' # formatting: chat: '%foreground%[%red%%ircPrefix%%sender%%foreground%] %message%' v0.8: - Fixed {townformatted} and {nationformatted} to display correctly. - Updated to use new per world channel formats. v0.9: - TownyChat now passes player chat to Dynmap. v0.10: - Code rewrite for new code locations in Towny. - Added a spam filter so players can only send one message every two seconds. - Added the ability to restrict channel ranges. All custom channels (not town or nation) can now have an extra value appended to signify a range limit on chat. -1 = no limits 0 = same world only any positive value = limited range (blocks) in the same world. eg. - /g,,,towny.chat.global,-1 or a local channel that covers 100 blocks range /l,&f[local],&f,towny.chat.local,100 - Added a new mode '/towny spy', or '/res set mode spy'. This requires you have the permission node 'towny.chat.spy' and be using TownyChat. If you toggle this mode on you will be able to see all town/nation/global, and all custom channel chat. - If a player doesn't have the 'towny.chat.global' permission node, any open chat will pass through for any other plugins to handle. v0.11: - Fixed channel tag for the global channel. - Fixed range test trying to cross worlds. v0.12: - Major rewrite to move all channel handling into TownyChat. - All chat channels are now defined in their own file 'Channels.yml' found in the Towny/Settings folder. - Range limits can now be applied to town and nation chat. - You can create two identical channels, one with a range limit and one without. The player will use whichever they have permission for. - towny_default_modes now uses the full chat channel name. To allow use of the default channel it would be towny_default_modes: 'general' - Moved ALL chat settings to 'ChatConfig.yml' found in the Towny/Settings folder. v0.13: - Fixed channel modes when defaulting to a global channel not to place you in one of your own (Lonely spam). v0.14: - The default permission node for the global chat channel has changed to 'towny.chat.general' - TownyChat now registers is't permissions with Bukkit. v0.15: - Updated for the new Bukkit Event system. v0.16: - Lowered event priorities to HIGH to allow other plugins the chance to beat us to the event and cancel. - Fixed Op's with no default mode set using local chat. It will now try global, then world, then local in it's search order. - Added a new command '/townychat reload'. - spam_time now accepts smaller values (eg. 0.5). v0.17: - If a player has no permissions for any channel but we are still set to modify chat, remove the channelTag and msgcolour entries. - Fix Spam timer to work in milliseconds so values of 0.5 actually work. - Fix craftIRC hook to not spam console with an invalid number format error if the wrong version is detected. - Add support for our updated HeroicDeath jar (hopefully someone will take over support for heroic Death now it's updated). v0.18: - Added craftIRC channel tag support. A new entry per channel will allow you to set the endpoint tags for all channels to craftIRC (craftIRCTag: 'admin'). - Set default for new HeroicDeath interface to prevent new config errors. v0.19: - Fix an error on startup if not using HeroicDeath. - Remove old style event handler hook for old HeroicDeath. v0.20: - Add serialization of numeric world names. - Fix spacing in default formats. - Unregister the 'towny' endpoint tag so it won't error when performing a reload. v0.21: - Fix getAllPermissions in ChannelsHolder (thanks phrstbrn). - Error trap registering permissions. - Fix a possible small memory leak (phrstbrn). v0.22: - Change channel sub classing method to allow 3rd party plugins to create their own channel types (phrstbrn). v0.23: - Update for craftbukkit-1.1-R6. v0.24: - Update to reflect permission changes in Towny. v0.25: - Update to account for the refactoring in Towny. v0.26: - Throw a "fake" PlayerChatEvent which will allow TownyChat to have much increased compatibility with other plugins (dumptruckman). v0.27: - Cancel our own event after all other plugins have had a bash at the formatting. v0.28: - Forget using any fake events and move to setting recipients. We should now be compatible with just about every other chat modifying plugin there is. v0.29: - Fix a duplicating chat issue when relaying via craftIRC. - Reload TownyChat if we detect craftIRC perform a reload (no more unregistered tags after reloading craftIRC). v0.30: - Stop adding extra logs now that chat is being passed back to bukkit. v0.31: - Update for the Bukkit move to AsyncPlayerChatEvent. - Fix in onPlayerCommandPreprocess for an empty message error. v0.32: - Don't check version of CraftIRC. Will work with all versions post 3.1. - Fix for not colouring resident titles. v0.33: - Only modify the chat format if modify_chat = true for all channels. v0.34: - Make sure craftIRC is loaded first (if using) v0.35: - Fix chat spy. v0.36: - Added new channel handling support (thanks to mcunha/andrepl). Adds new commands... channel: aliases: [ch] description: Channel leaving and joining usage: /channel leave|join channel leave: description: Leaves a channel usage: /leave channel permission: Requires a permissions per channel to use - towny.chat.leave.{channelname} join: description: Joins a channel usage: /join channel permission: Requires a permissions per channel to use - towny.chat.join.{channelname} chmute: aliases: [mute] description: Mutes a player in a channel usage: /chmute channel player permission: townychat.mod.mute mutelist: description: Displays mute list for a channel usage: /mutelist channel chunmute: aliases: [unmute] description: Unmutes a player in a channel usage: /chunmute channel player permission: townychat.mod.unmute v0.37: - Remove mute alias on 'chmute' So TownyChat does not block Essentials mute. v0.38: - Fire chat Async so it matches all other chat. v0.39: - Ignore cancelled commands and chat. v0.40: - Allow global chat to pass through un-changed if there are no channels to talk in (requires setting modify_chat: false). v0.41: - Adapt to Bukkit API Change. v0.42: - Re-add message for when players chat but no one can hear them. Affects mostly localchat but can also been seen when players are the only one in a channel. v0.43: - add a new chatconfig.yml option: - modify_chat.alone_message: (default: false) - If true any player who speaks in a channel in which he cannot be heard, either by being along in the channel or out-of-range of another player in his chat channel, that player will see a message saying they cannot be heard. v0.44: - add a /ch list command to list what channels a player is currently listening to. Courtesy of Yaiyan. v0.45: - Add chatconfig.yml option for modifying the 'no one can hear you' message. v0.46: - Add ability to use colour codes (&) in chat line. Requires townychat.chat.color which is not given by default. v0.47: - Add ability to use Bold (&l), Italics (&o), Underline (&n), Magic (&k), Strike (&m) and Reset (&r) in the channel_format lines/tag_formats/directly in the chat line. v0.48: - Add new chatconfig tags {permuserprefix}, {permusersuffix}, used to show only user prefix and suffixes. Requires Towny or newer to function properly! v0.49: - Add new chatconfig tags {permgroupprefix}, {permgroupsuffix}, used to show only group prefix and suffixes. Requires Towny or newer to function properly! v0.50: - Chatconfig change: whereas before the tag_formats.both had to be set at [%s, %s], it can now be set to [%t, %n]. - Doing so would show the Town tag before the Nation tag, opposite behaviour as before. v0.51: - New Permission node: townychat.chat.format.* - default: op - Provides the ability to use bold, italics, etc in chat. - Child nodes: - townychat.chat.format.bold - townychat.chat.format.italic - townychat.chat.format.magic - townychat.chat.format.undeline - townychat.chat.format.strike - New Permission node: townychat.chat.format.reset - default: everyone - Provides the ability to reset chat formatting to default using &r. v0.52: - This Build Requires Towny version or newer! - Commented configuration now in effect on the ChatConfig.yml - This means that new config nodes will be automatically added (just like in Towny.) - pre-0.52 chatconfig files will load but will be slightly out of order. - It is recommended that you let TownyChat make a brand new chatconfig.yml - stop your server. - rename your chatconfig.yml to oldchatconfig.yml and let town. - start your server. - compare the two chatconfigs and when your new chatconfig.yml is configured save it and use '/townychat reload'. - The worlds section of the chatconfig will not auto-generate until the modify_chat.enable setting is set to true. - If you do not see a worlds section and want to use per-world chat, set the modify_chat.enable setting to true and use '/townychat reload'. - All strings have been made translate-able. Failure to use Towny Version or newer will mean you see no messages. - Improved error seen when channels.yml or chatconfig.yml will not load. v0.53: - Fix botched-up Chat name in plugin.yml v0.54: - Fixed channels not using correct names, also fixed the default channel. Courtesy of Articdive. - Fixed being able to join channels you don't have permission for. Courtesy of Articdive. v0.55: - Fix Async chat in Async threads, courtesy of Articdive. v0.56: - Upgrade TownyChat to use the new Towny API ( v0.57: - TownyChat now utilizes the Maven build system. - EssentialsX Replaces Essentials for API, Dynmap-API is updated for Dynmap v3. - Removed CraftIRC and HeroicDeath as dependencies. - Remove ignorecancelled=true from AsyncPlayerChatEvent in order to make TC respect other plugins' cancelling of chat in some places. - New ChatConfig option: chat_colour.nomad - Default: &f - You can now set the {townycolour} for players without a town. - Fix missing space following the title in {townyprefix} (when there is no mayor/king prefix present.) - Add support for PlaceholderAPI's placeholders in the chatconfig.yml's Channel_format lines. v0.58: - Drop API version back to 1.13 because there's a for 1.13 that has the new TownyAPI in it. v0.59: - Fix {townycolor} not rendering properly for nomads. v0.60: - A more-thorough fix for TC still not respecting the cancelling of chat. v0.61: - New Config Option: display_modes_set_on_join - Default: true - If true players will see [Towny] Modes set: general when they log in. v0.62: - New Channel: AllianceChat - Requires Towny or newer. - Will send messages to every online ally of your nation. - Has its own channel_format in the chatconfig.yml. - Your channels.yml will need to have an Alliance channel added. - Default channels.yml is: alliance: commands: [ac] type: ALLIANCE channeltag: '&f[&2AC&f]' messagecolour: '&a' permission: 'towny.chat.alliance' range: '-1' v0.63: - Change: spam_time has been moved from the chatconfig.yml, to the channels.yml - You do not have to set a spam_time for each channel, only the ones you want limited. - setting spam_time: '0.5' in your general channel will make the global channel behave as normal. - default channels.yml has spam_time: '0.5' set for general, town, nation and alliance channels; remaining channels have no spam_time set. - in your chatconfig.yml you can remove the "spam_time: '0.5'" line before or after updating. - New Permission Node: townychat.spam.bypass - Defaults to ops. - Bypasses spam check. v0.64: - Removed "[Towny] Modes set: " line seen when a player changes channels. v0.65: - Altered behaviour: - Previously using the channel command for the channel you're already speaking in would move you to the next default channel, or if non was found, the next global channel. - Ex: While being in townchat you use "/tc" you could find yourself in globalchat. - Now you will be told you're already in the channel you just used the command to enter into. - Fixed: GLOBAL channelTypes (default: general and local channels) are no longer formatted by TownyChat if modify_chat.enabled is false. - DEFAULT, TOWN, NATION & ALLIANCE types are still formatted by Towny when modify_chat.enable is false. - Closes: https://github.com/TownyAdvanced/Towny/issues/3568 v0.66: - Fix for removed TownyFormatter methods, required for Towny and newer. v0.67: - Fix for TownyChat overwriting towny_default_modes player modes on login. v0.68: - Updated comments to reflect change with toggling chats, courtesy of GenSecrets with PR #25. v0.69: - Fix missing spaces from {title} & {surname} & {townypostfix}. v0.70: - Allow for $ and \ to be used in the chat line. - Closes: https://github.com/TownyAdvanced/Towny/issues/3960 - People spying on chat will now see the chat formatted differently from normal. - De-clutters the chat. - Closes: https://github.com/TownyAdvanced/Towny/issues/2665 v0.71: - Bugfixes on the AsyncChatHookEvents, courtesy of Rebstew with PR #26. v0.72: - Fix ConcurrentModificationException caused by spies. - Closes https://github.com/TownyAdvanced/Towny/issues/4077 v0.73: - Add Hex Color Support to TownyChat, courtesy of Siris with PR #27. - The format for hex colors is a # symbol followed by 6 numbers. - You can use any of the 3 formats: - #RRGGBB - &#RRGGBB - {#RRGGBB} v0.74: - Fix Towny API error spam. v0.75: - Replace deprecated getLangString code. - Update to fix spying on servers with DeluxeChat. - Fix changing chat channels removing non-channel modes. - Add Towny version checking to enforce min. required versions. v0.76: - Fix chat format line not parsing hex colors, courtesy of Siris with PR #28. - Closes https://github.com/TownyAdvanced/Towny/issues/4159. v0.77: - Build against, minimum required Towny version now v0.78: - Dynmap added to softdepends list, courtesy of ZombiMigz with PR #31. - Allow for colouring the alone message. - Adapt to change in Towny Version code. - Build against, minimum required Towny version now v0.79: - Fix colouring the alone message. - Replace TownyMessaging method used to send some TownyChat messages. - Removes double prefixes ie: [Towny] [TownyChat] message.... v0.80: - Add townychat.chat.format.* childnodes to plugin.yml so players are explicitly not given them. - Closes https://github.com/TownyAdvanced/Towny/issues/4351 v0.81: - Fix double prefix displaying on the message shown when using a channel command for the channel you're already joined to. v0.82: - Fix Towny not being in the depend list (instead of the softdepend list.) - Should solve load order issues. v0.83: - Fix townychat.spam.bypass doing the opposite of its job. - Fix spam countdown resetting if you speak too early. v0.84: - Fix nation and town names not parsing out the _'s for spaces. - Closes https://github.com/TownyAdvanced/Towny/issues/4489. - Allow hex colour codes to be used in the messagecolour options channels.yml. - Closes https://github.com/TownyAdvanced/Towny/issues/4087. - Implemented PlayerJoinChatChannelEvent, courtesy of Glare with PR #32. - Closes https://github.com/TownyAdvanced/Towny/issues/4575. - Add persistant leaving for channels. - Uses Towny resident metadata, you will be able to see ignored channels on your /res status screen. - Normal joining/leaving commands are used just like before. - Closes https://github.com/TownyAdvanced/Towny/issues/3133. - Bump minimum Towny version to v0.85: - Bump minimum Towny version to - Fix permission tests being done too early on PlayerJoin. - Closes https://github.com/TownyAdvanced/Towny/issues/4615 v0.86: - Fix firing PlayerJoinChatChannelEvent async. v0.87: - Fix event firing async. - Fix ranged global channels' chat being forwarded to dynmap. - Fix UnsupportedOperationException which was possible when leaving a channel. v0.88: - Fix players who've just recently joined a town/nation/alliance not being included in the town/nation/alliance chats. - Fix spam_time settings not working. - Fix hex color codes not being parsed in TownyChat spy messages. v0.89: - Update min. Towny to and remove NotRegisteredException catches. - Add support for EssentialsDiscord, courtesy of JRoy with PR #33. v0.90: - Allow channeltags to make use of hex colour formatting. - Fix default channels not being returned if TownyChat is searching for a channel of that type. - Closes https://github.com/TownyAdvanced/Towny/issues/4984 v0.91: - Implemented sounds for channels and toggling, courtesy of Glare with PR #34. - Minimum Towny version set to v0.92: - Handle channelTag being null. - Internalize player channel storage. - Repurpose the display modes on join ChatConfig setting, not displays the channel join message. - Fix for Spigot 1.18.1 config enabling comments by default. v0.93: - Regression: NPE in EssentialsDiscordHookListener. - Regression: NPE in TownyChatPlayerListener. - Minimum Towny version set to - Use Towny's built-in Commented configuration & adapt to use the new width() option supplied by Spigot. v0.94: - Remove 2 unused replacers in TownyChatFormatter. - Switch to using Translatables, so messages appear in the correct Locale for each player. v0.95: - Regression: channels.yml not handling /townychat reload, bug began in 0.92. v0.96: - Display invalid subcommand message when /ch is used with an invalid subcommand. - Replace the splitter for channels saved in metadata with the , symbol. - Fix the display_channel_join_message_on_joining_the_server option in the config not being used. - Delay the login task by another tick so that the player's locale has been determined on the server. - Closes https://github.com/TownyAdvanced/Towny/issues/5802 v0.97: - Replace % when it is found in the channel formats. - Closes https://github.com/TownyAdvanced/Towny/issues/6125 - Update min. Towny version to - Make the alone message respect people's vanished status. - Closes https://github.com/TownyAdvanced/Towny/issues/6194 - Fix channel sounds being played at the sender's location, fix muting channel sounds. - Remove built-in HexFormatter. - Update java to 17 and adopt jabel. - Colour channel name in the You have joined channel messages, according to the channel message colour. - Closes https://github.com/TownyAdvanced/Towny/issues/4503 v0.98: - Fix hex colouring not being parsed for some tags. - Replace TownyChatReplacerCallable with TownyChatReplacer. - Makes use of Functions to do what the old Callable did. - Refactor a bunch of the plugin to get rid of old/ugly code. - There is a chance that some 3rd party chat plugins will break. Let me know about this asap. v0.99: - Allow for players to use !message to send chat to a Global channel. - Will not work when chat is being directed to a channel, ie: /nc !chat message. - Make TownyChat better able to handle broken PAPI placeholders that won't parse. - On the off chance you have put unparse-able placeholders into your chatconfig.yml you will be made aware of them in your log. - This new system should be able to let TownyChat format your chat properly when this occurs. - Update min. Towny version to v0.100: - Use internal Essentials object instead of the one found in Towny. - Fix incorrect lang string called in /ch mutelist {channelname} - Fix a player who has lost their town being stuck in /tc or /nc. v0.101: - Update min. Towny version to & replace deprecated methods. - Fix permission test backing /channel join {channelname}. v0.102: - Parse placeholders when we're unable to find a channel to speak into, but modify_chat is true. v0.103: - New Config Option: allow_exclamation_point_to_shout - Default: true - If true players that say !somewords will have their message sent to a global type channel with unlimited range (usually your general chat.) v0.104: - Update min. Towny version to - Update EssentialsX maven details. - Translate spy message colour codes. - Closes https://github.com/TownyAdvanced/Towny/issues/6634 v0.105: - Add Folia support, courtesy of Warrior with PR #46. - Update min. Towny version to v0.106: - Add focusable option to channels in the channels.yml. - By default channels are focusable and adding focusable: true has no effect. - Adding focusable: false will prevent players making their primary channel, ie using /tc with no message. - Add new chat slug: {primaryresidentrank} - When a resident has a primary rank with a prefix this will display their prefix with a space added to the end. - Primary ranks and their prefixes are set in the townyperms.yml like so: - towny.rankpriority.# - towny.rankprefix. - Fix version check, courtesy of Warrior with PR #48. - Update min. Towny version to v0.107: - Remove usage of Version, using new Towny version checker instead. - Handle knock-off Essentials plugins fooling TownyChat into hooking the real EssentialsX. v0.108: - Fix help menus not being coloured properly. - Update min. Towny version to v0.109: - Fix worlds section not generating when per-world is set to true in the chatconfig.yml. v0.110: - Add optional listen and speak nodes to TownyChat channels. - The channels in the channels.yml may now be given listenpermission and speakpermission keys, whose values will be the permission node require to either speak or listen to the channel. - When these are set on a channel they will make the permission key of the channel redundant and unused. - Closes https://github.com/TownyAdvanced/Towny/issues/1020. - Update min. Towny version to - Add CommentedConfiguration support to the channels.yml. - The Comments in the file have been updated to include missing channel flags. - It is now possible to update the file comments as new flags are added. v0.111: - Fix creation of channels.yml, opting to make channels into proper ConfigurationSections rather than Maps which aren't easily read on their first creation and then subsequent load. - It is no longer recommended to delete your channels.yml when updating from TownyChat 0.109 or earlier. v0.112: - Fix local channel having default: true, enable upper-case channel names. v0.113: - Fix channelTag not parsing properly. - Closes https://github.com/TownyAdvanced/Towny/issues/7239. v0.114: - Actually fix {channelTag} not parsing properly. v0.115: - Add support for channels.yml's with legacy channelTag keys.