## 2.3.0 (07-11-2019) Fix for notched phone [#144](https://github.com/itsnubix/react-native-video-controls/issues/144) Fix initialized seekerWidth [#143](https://github.com/itsnubix/react-native-video-controls/pull/143) Increase lodash version [#157](https://github.com/itsnubix/react-native-video-controls/pull/157) ## 2.2.2 (22-03-2018) Update the readme ## 2.2.1 (22-03-2018) Fix for [#86](https://github.com/itsnubix/react-native-video-controls/issues/86) - Added `toggleResizeModeOnFullscreen` prop which defaults to `true` ## 2.2.0 (14-03-2018) Added in new event hooks for users to take advantage of... These are: onPlay, onPause, onEnterFullscreen and onExitFullscreen. Shout out to **@dashracer** and **@Gregoirevda**. ## 2.1.0 (23-02-2018) Added in `disablePlayPause` and `showOnStart` props. Shout out to **@afilp** and **@batusai513**. ## 2.0.2 (11-01-2018) Fix for [#67](https://github.com/itsnubix/react-native-video-controls/issues/67) - Changed renderNullControl to return empty `` ## 2.0.1 (12-12-2017) Fix for [#58](https://github.com/itsnubix/react-native-video-controls/issues/58) ## 2.0.0 (02-11-2017) Update peer deps and version up. ## 1.5.1 (01-11-2017) - [Fixed deprecation of Image tag containing children](https://github.com/itsnubix/react-native-video-controls/issues/55) ## 1.5.0 (27-10-2017) - [Added ability to remove controls](https://github.com/itsnubix/react-native-video-controls/pull/50) - [Added ability to pass props](https://github.com/itsnubix/react-native-video-controls/pull/52) ## 1.4.1 (30-08-2017) Bug fixes. Updated `react-native-video` to ^2.0.0 in the peer deps and `react-native` to 47.2. Changed default title font size to 14. [#42](https://github.com/itsnubix/react-native-video-controls/issues/42) - Related to a number of things...hitbox size, zIndex, overflow for whatever reason. Seekbar layout has been rebuilt and tested in both iOS and Android. [#46](https://github.com/itsnubix/react-native-video-controls/issues/46) - Props were being assigned twice. Removing second assignment has resolved the issue. ## 1.4.0 (09-08-2017) Distilled down some merge requests and found a simple solution to a seekbar issue reported. Sometimes you just gotta give your elements a little more space. Let this be a lesson not to rush out push requests between meetings...I think this warrants a larger version change...you can now pass any prop to the `` element and it'll pass those to `react-native-video`. API changes quite a lot because of that but shouldn't break. ## 1.3.1 (09-08-2017) [#35](https://github.com/itsnubix/react-native-video-controls/pull/35) - Fix flex issue with Android [#38](https://github.com/itsnubix/react-native-video-controls/pull/38) - Added additional RN Video params to opts call ## 1.3.0 (17-07-2017) [#30](https://github.com/itsnubix/react-native-video-controls/issues/30) - Add `react-native-video` as a peer-dependency ## 1.2.1 (29-06-2017) [#26](https://github.com/itsnubix/react-native-video-controls/issues/26) - Floor time values to prevent wrong time being displayed. ## 1.2.0 (20-03-2017) [#14](https://github.com/itsnubix/react-native-video-controls/issues/14) - Remove ability for loading events to be altered [#19](https://github.com/itsnubix/react-native-video-controls/issues/19) - Updated requirements to RN 0.42.x and RN Video 1.0.0 ## 1.1.1 (23-12-2016) Restore playInBackground and playWhenInactive ## 1.1.0 (23-12-2016) Updated to work with react-native ^0.39.2. ### Bug fixes [fix loadAnimation infinity loop](https://github.com/itsnubix/react-native-video-controls/pull/13) - added if statement to loadAnimation function to prevent loop [Crashes with New version of react-native-video](https://github.com/itsnubix/react-native-video-controls/issues/12) - using latest github version of `react-native-video` to fix multiple issues with RN 39 ## 1.0.1 (29-11-2016) ### Features Add ability to set seeker bar colour ### Bug fixes [When seeking sometimes seek handle hops back to original position](https://github.com/itsnubix/react-native-video-controls/issues/9) ## 1.0.0 (29-11-2016) Bump to 1.0.0 as all major issues are fixed and API has changed slightly. ## 0.9.8 (28-11-2016) ### Bug fixes [Seeking before onLoad triggers onEnd](https://github.com/itsnubix/react-native-video-controls/issues/8) - modified pan handler to also look for if loading state which is set to false on init and changed when onLoad fired. [setState being called when window off screen](https://github.com/itsnubix/react-native-video-controls/issues/7) - added componentWillUnmount function to clear controlTimeout - Note that if using react router componentWillUnmount will not fire unless you configure it to. See [this ticket](https://github.com/aksonov/react-native-router-flux/issues/131) [If title is too long it runs off the page.](https://github.com/itsnubix/react-native-video-controls/issues/6) - added flex 0.6 to size and restricted number of lines to 1. If it exceeds you'll get tail ellipsis ## 0.9.7 (21-11-2016) ### Changes - Aesthetic changes made with regards to spacing in the bottom control group - Tightened up space in the upper group as well. ### Features - Changed control timeout to 15s by default. Allow the ability to overwrite. See API. - Added ability to add container and video styling ## 0.9.6 (15-11-2016) ### Bug fixes [Clean up file Structure](https://github.com/itsnubix/react-native-video-controls/issues/5): - cleaned up deps and files included. ## 0.9.5 (14-11-2016) ### Bug fixes [Tapping controls doesn't reset control hide timeout](https://github.com/itsnubix/react-native-video-controls/issues/1): - add resets to panhandlers for volume/seek areas - add resets to renderControl function onPress params. [Control backgrounds should be gradients](https://github.com/itsnubix/react-native-video-controls/issues/2) - Changed vignette assets to be more subtle. - Added stretch to resizeMode [Volume track bar is visible through volume icon](https://github.com/itsnubix/react-native-video-controls/issues/3) - Rebuilt volume area to be four parts. Container (ctrls max width), track (right side of icon), fill (left side of icon) and the handle (icon). - Added calculation to measure fill bar width and then subtract that from the width and assign to track bar on right side of icon. - Long story short, the icon now masks the volume bar. [Clean up file structure](https://github.com/itsnubix/react-native-video-controls/issues/5) ### Features - Added loading icon when buffering movie - Add error handling, ref: [Issue #4](https://github.com/itsnubix/react-native-video-controls/issues/4)