# OpenRPG - Home: http://www.rpgobjects.com/index.php?c=orpg, https://app.assembla.com/spaces/openrpg/wiki, https://sourceforge.net/projects/openrpg/, https://app.assembla.com/wiki/show/traipse - State: mature, inactive since 2013 - Download: http://www.rpgobjects.com/index.php?c=orpg&m=getorpg, https://sourceforge.net/projects/openrpg/files/ - Keyword: framework, role playing - Code repository: https://gitlab.com/osgames/openrpg.git (conversion, @created 2019, @stars 1, @forks 0), https://svn.code.sf.net/p/openrpg/svn (svn), http://openrpg.cvs.sourceforge.net (cvs) - Code language: Python - Code license: GPL-2.0 - Code dependency: CherryPy, Pillow, wxPython - Developer: Ben Collins-Sussman, Chris Blocher, chris davis, Christopher Rouse, David Byron, Digital Xero, Dj Gilcrease, Mark Tarrabain, Mojo Xanadu, Robert T Childers, Rome Reginelli, Stefanos Armstrong, Ted Berg, Thomas Baleno, Todd Faris, Travis Casey Allows people to play Role Playing Games and some miniature based war games in real-time over the Internet. ## Building