# Other-Life - Home: https://web.archive.org/web/20220307091549/http://www.other-life.com/ - Inspiration: Eternal Lands - State: beta - Download: https://web.archive.org/web/20220430093015/http://www.other-life.com/downloads.php - Keyword: role playing, multiplayer online + massive - Code repository: https://github.com/jp8900308/other-life.git (@created 2015, @stars 2, @forks 0), https://github.com/gregoryfenton/other-life.git @add (@created 2012, @stars 10, @forks 3) - Code language: C, C++ - Code license: Custom (Eternal Lands license, modified QTPL) - Developer: Alexander Gottwald, Felix Janda, Gé Vissers, Joe "Flame" Sullivan, Karol, "Paul Broadhead (bluap in EL)", Sir-Odie, xaphier Mainly a client to connect to Eternal Lands? ## Building