@ECHO OFF CLS :MENU ECHO. ECHO ====================== Extractor ======================== ECHO TrinityCore cameras, dbc, maps, vmaps and mmaps extractor ECHO ========================================================= ECHO. ECHO ====================================================== ECHO WARNING! When extracting the vmaps extractor will ECHO output the text below, it's intended and not an error: ECHO ====================================================== ECHO Extracting World\Wmo\Band\Final_Stage.wmo ECHO No such file. ECHO Couldn't open RootWmo!!! ECHO Done! ECHO ====================================================== ECHO. ECHO 1: Extract base files (NEEDED) and cameras. ECHO 2: Extract vmaps (needs maps to be extracted before you run this) (OPTIONAL, but highly recommended) ECHO 3: Extract mmaps (needs vmaps to be extracted before you run this, may take hours) (OPTIONAL, but highly recommended) ECHO 4: Extract all (may take hours) ECHO 5: Extract all with logs (may take hours) ECHO 6: EXIT ECHO. SET /P M=Type 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 then press ENTER: IF %M%==1 GOTO MAPS IF %M%==2 GOTO VMAPS IF %M%==3 GOTO MMAPS IF %M%==4 GOTO ALL IF %M%==5 GOTO ALLWITHLOGS IF %M%==6 GOTO :EOF :MAPS ECHO. START /b /w mapextractor.exe TIMEOUT 5 > NUL CLS GOTO MENU :VMAPS ECHO. START /b /w vmap4extractor.exe START /b /w vmap4assembler.exe Buildings vmaps RMDIR Buildings /s /q TIMEOUT 5 > NUL CLS GOTO MENU :MMAPS ECHO. ECHO This may take a few hours to complete. Please be patient. TIMEOUT 5 > NUL START /b /w mmaps_generator.exe TIMEOUT 5 > NUL CLS GOTO MENU :ALL ECHO. ECHO This may take a few hours to complete. Please be patient. TIMEOUT 5 > NUL START /b /w mapextractor.exe TIMEOUT 5 > NUL START /b /w vmap4extractor.exe TIMEOUT 5 > NUL START /b /w vmap4assembler.exe RMDIR Buildings /s /q TIMEOUT 5 > NUL START /b /w mmaps_generator.exe TIMEOUT 5 > NUL CLS GOTO MENU REM "2>&1" merges Standard Error (stderr) with Standard Output (stdout). REM The results are redirected ">" into the log file. :ALLWITHLOGS ECHO. ECHO This may take a few hours to complete. Please be patient. ECHO. TIMEOUT 5 > NUL ECHO Extracting cameras, dbc and maps. START /b /w mapextractor.exe 2>&1 > mapextractor.log ECHO cameras, dbc and maps extracted. ECHO. TIMEOUT 5 > NUL ECHO Extracting Buildings for Vmaps. START /b /w vmap4extractor.exe 2>&1 > vmap4extractor.log ECHO Buildings for Vmaps extracted. ECHO. TIMEOUT 5 > NUL ECHO Assembling Buildings with Vmaps. START /b /w vmap4assembler.exe 2>&1 > vmap4assembler.log RMDIR Buildings /s /q ECHO Buildings with Vmaps Assembled. ECHO. TIMEOUT 5 > NUL ECHO Generating Mmaps (This takes the longest time). START /b /w mmaps_generator.exe 2>&1 > mmaps_generator.log ECHO Mmaps generated. TIMEOUT 5 > NUL CLS GOTO MENU