# Description of 'human' dataset variables. # Original data from: http://hdr.undp.org/en/content/human-development-index-hdi # Retrieved, modified and analyzed by Tuomo Nieminen 2017 # The data combines several indicators from most countries in the world "Country" = Country name # Health and knowledge "GNI" = Gross National Income per capita "Life.Exp" = Life expectancy at birth "Edu.Exp" = Expected years of schooling "Mat.Mor" = Maternal mortality ratio "Ado.Birth" = Adolescent birth rate # Empowerment "Parli.F" = Percetange of female representatives in parliament "Edu2.F" = Proportion of females with at least secondary education "Edu2.M" = Proportion of males with at least secondary education "Labo.F" = Proportion of females in the labour force "Labo.M" " Proportion of males in the labour force "Edu2.FM" = Edu2.F / Edu2.M "Labo.FM" = Labo2.F / Labo2.M