# [1.0.7](2019-05-21) ### Bug Fixes ### Features ### Changes * upgraded dependencies/android api level # [1.0.7](2019-05-21) ### Bug Fixes ### Features * You can set screen orientation for picker ui in ImagePickerConfiguration. ### Changes # [1.0.6](2019-05-3) ### Bug Fixes ### Features ### Changes * We have changed naming of some xml elements for more clearity and to avoid duplicacy. Note: this change do not affect end-developer. # [1.0.5](2019-05-1) ### Bug Fixes ### Features * **core:** implement temporary/permanent uri grant while using android default intent ### Changes * some file names have been changed for better and clear, naming convention. # [1.0.2](2019-04-18) ### Bug Fixes * **core:** crashes while picking missing file/files * **core:** crashes while picking file from external storage ### Features * **core:** implement image picker functionality * **core:** implement video picker functionality * **core:** implement audio picker functionality