On Error Resume Next '################################ Temp Result File , Change it to where you like Const Path = "C:\windows\temp\" Const FileName = "wmi.dll" Const timeOut = 1200 '################################ file = Path & "\" & FileName file = Replace(file,"\\","\") Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") FilePath = fso.GetParentFolderName(file) 'for wmi create share 'WScript.Echo FilePath WAITTIME = timeOut 'ms time to execute command ,read result file after 1200ms Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments intArgCount = objArgs.Count If intArgCount < 2 Or intArgCount > 5 Then WScript.Echo "WMI Remote Command Executor By. Twi1ight@T00ls.Net" WScript.Echo " Usage:" & _ vbTab & "wmiexec.vbs /shell host" & _ vbNewLine & vbTab & "wmiexec.vbs /shell host user pass" & _ vbNewLine & vbTab & "wmiexec.vbs /cmd host command" & _ vbNewLine & vbTab & "wmiexec.vbs /cmd host user pass command" & vbNewLine & _ vbNewLine & vbTab & " /shell" & vbTab & "half-interactive shell mode" & _ vbNewLine & vbTab & " /cmd" & vbTab & vbTab & "single command mode" & _ vbNewLine & vbTab & " host" & vbTab & vbTab & "hostname or IP address" & _ vbNewLine & vbTab & " command" & vbTab & "the command to execute on remote host" & _ vbNewLine & vbNewLine & vbTab & " -waitTIME" & vbTab & _ "[either mode] ,delay TIME to read result,"& vbNewLine & vbTab & _ vbTab & vbTab &"eg. 'systeminfo -wait5000' 'ping google.com -wait2000'" & _ vbNewLine & vbTab & " -persist" & vbTab & _ "[either mode] ,running command background and persistent" & vbNewLine & vbTab & _ vbTab & vbTab &"such as nc.exe or Trojan" WScript.Quit 1 End If If LCase(objArgs.Item(0)) <> "/cmd" And LCase(objArgs.Item(0)) <> "/shell" Then WScript.Echo "WMIEXEC ERROR: Wrong Mode Specified!" WScript.Quit 1 End If boolShellMode = True If LCase(objArgs.Item(0)) = "/cmd" Then boolShellMode = False If boolShellMode = False Then command = objArgs.Item(intArgCount - 1) host = objArgs.Item(1) If intArgCount > 3 Then user = objArgs.Item(2) pass = objArgs.Item(3) Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") strNetUse = "cmd.exe /c net use \\" & host & " """ & pass & """ " & "/user:" & user 'WScript.Echo strNetUse objShell.Run strNetUse,0 End If 'Output Status WScript.Echo "WMIEXEC : Target -> " & host WScript.Echo "WMIEXEC : Connecting..." Set objLocator = CreateObject("wbemscripting.swbemlocator") If intArgCount >2 Then set objWMIService = objLocator.connectserver(host,"root/cimv2",user,pass) Else Set objWMIService = objLocator.ConnectServer(host,"root/cimv2") End If If Err.Number <> 0 Then WScript.Echo "WMIEXEC ERROR: " & Err.Description WScript.Quit 1 End If WScript.Echo "WMIEXEC : Login -> OK" WScript.Echo "WMIEXEC : Result File -> " & file boolPersist = False 'Create Share CreateShare() CurrentFolder = Null '-----single Command mode------ If boolShellMode = False Then WAITTIME = 5000 WScript.Echo vbNewLine & vbTab & host & " >> " & command boolGetFolder = False strResult = PhraseCmd( command ) 'WScript.Echo strResult If strResult = "persist" Then boolPersist = True Exec command,"nul" Else Exec command, file ReadResult() End If If intArgCount > 3 Then Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") strNetUse = "cmd.exe /c net use \\" & host & " /del" objShell.Run strNetUse,0 End If DeleteShare() WScript.Quit 0 End If '------------------------------ '++++++++shell mode++++++++++++ 'get current working directory boolGetFolder = True CurrentFolder = Exec("cd", file) 'WScript.Echo CurrentFolder Do While True boolPersist = False WAITTIME = timeOut wscript.stdout.write(CurrentFolder & ">") command = wscript.stdin.ReadLine 'press 'Enter' directorly Do While command = "" wscript.stdout.write(CurrentFolder & ">") command = wscript.stdin.ReadLine Loop If LCase(Trim(command)) = "exit" Then Exit Do 'If Not IsEmpty(command) Then 'process 'cd' command-------->>>> strResult = PhraseCmd( command ) If strResult = "cd" Then command = command & " & cd " boolGetFolder = True DestFolder = Exec(command, file) If CurrentFolder = DestFolder Then WScript.Echo "The system cannot find the path specified." Else CurrentFolder = DestFolder End If ElseIf strResult = "persist" Then boolPersist = True 'WScript.Echo "persist" Exec command,"nul" '##########################################toDo '-----------<<<< Else On Error Resume Next err.clear Exec command, file ReadResult() If err.number <> 0 Then wscript.echo( "WMIEXEC ERROR: " & Err.Number & " " & err.description) Err.Clear On Error Goto 0 End If loop strDelFile = "del " & file & " /F" Exec strDelFile,"nul" If intArgCount > 3 Then Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") strNetUse = "cmd.exe /c net use \\" & host & " /del" objShell.Run strNetUse,0 End If DeleteShare() '##################################### Function PhraseCmd(cmd) PhraseCmd = False ' not 'cd' arrCommand = Split(cmd) strExe = arrCommand(0) If LCase(Trim(strExe)) = "cd" Or LCase(Trim(strExe)) = "cd.exe" Then PhraseCmd = "cd" ' is 'cd' Set regEx = New RegExp regEx.Pattern = "^[a-z]:$" regEx.IgnoreCase = True Set Matches = regEx.Execute(cmd) If Matches.Count <> 0 Then PhraseCmd = "cd" ' is 'd:' 'phrase time command regEx.Pattern = "(.*?)-wait(\d+)" regEx.IgnoreCase = True Set Matches = regEx.Execute(cmd) If Matches.Count <> 0 Then Set objMatch = Matches(0) command = objMatch.SubMatches(0) 'WScript.Echo "Command :" & command WAITTIME = CInt(objMatch.SubMatches(1)) WScript.Echo "WMIEXEC : Waiting " & WAITTIME & " ms..." & vbNewLine End If 'phrase persist command regEx.Pattern = "(.*?)-persist" regEx.IgnoreCase = True Set Matches = regEx.Execute(cmd) If Matches.Count <> 0 Then Set objMatch = Matches(0) command = objMatch.SubMatches(0) PhraseCmd = "persist" ' is quiet End If End Function Function CreateShare() 'create share Set objNewShare = objWMIService.Get("Win32_Share") intReturn = objNewShare.Create _ (FilePath, "WMI_SHARE", 0, 25, "") If intReturn <> 0 Then WScript.Echo "WMIEXEC ERROR: Share could not be created." & _ vbNewLine & "WMIEXEC ERROR: Return value -> " & intReturn Select Case intReturn Case 2 WScript.Echo "WMIEXEC ERROR: Access Denied!" Case 9 WScript.Echo "WMIEXEC ERROR: Invalid File Path!" Case 22 WScript.Echo "WMIEXEC ERROR: Share Name Already In Used!" Case 24 WScript.Echo "WMIEXEC ERROR: Directory NOT exists!" End Select If intReturn <> 22 Then WScript.Quit 1 Else WScript.Echo "WMIEXEC : Share created sucess." WScript.Echo "WMIEXEC : Share Name -> WMI_SHARE" WScript.Echo "WMIEXEC : Share Path -> " & FilePath End If End Function Function DeleteShare() Set colShares = objWMIService.ExecQuery _ ("Select * from Win32_Share Where Name = 'WMI_SHARE'") For Each objShare In colShares intReturn = objShare.Delete Next If intReturn <> 0 Then WScript.Echo "WMIEXEC ERROR: Delete Share failed." & _ vbNewLine & "WMIEXEC ERROR: Return value -> " & intReturn Select Case intReturn Case 2 WScript.Echo "WMIEXEC ERROR: Access Denied!" Case 25 WScript.Echo "WMIEXEC ERROR: Share Not Exists!" End Select Else WScript.Echo "WMIEXEC : Share deleted sucess." End If End Function Function Exec(cmd, file) Set objStartup = objWMIService.Get("Win32_ProcessStartup") Set objConfig = objStartup.SpawnInstance_ objConfig.ShowWindow = 12 Set objProcess=objWMIService.get("Win32_Process") strExec = "cmd.exe /c " & cmd & " > " & file & " 2>&1" '2>&1 err If boolPersist Then strExec = cmd intPath = InStr(cmd,"\") If intPath = 0 Then strExec = CurrentFolder & "\" & strExec End If 'WScript.Echo strExec intReturn = objProcess.Create _ (strExec, CurrentFolder, objConfig, intProcessID) 'Add CurrentFolder (strExec, Null, objConfig, intProcessID) If intReturn <> 0 Then WScript.Echo "WMIEXEC ERROR: Process could not be created." & _ vbNewLine & "WMIEXEC ERROR: Command -> " & cmd & _ vbNewLine & "WMIEXEC ERROR: Return value -> " & intReturn Select Case intReturn Case 2 WScript.Echo "WMIEXEC ERROR: Access Denied!" Case 3 WScript.Echo "WMIEXEC ERROR: Insufficient Privilege!" Case 9 WScript.Echo "WMIEXEC ERROR: Path Not Found!" End Select Else ' WScript.Echo "Process created." & _ ' vbNewLine & "Command: " & cmd & _ ' vbNewLine & "Process ID: " & intProcessID If boolPersist Then WScript.Echo "WMIEXEC : Process created. PID: "& intProcessID If boolGetFolder = True Then boolGetFolder = False Exec = GetCurrentFolder() Exit Function End If 'ReadResult() End If End Function Function ReadResult() WScript.Sleep(WAITTIME) UNCFilePath = "\\" & host & "\" & "WMI_SHARE" & "\" & FileName Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set objFile = fso.OpenTextFile(UNCFilePath, 1) If Not objFile.AtEndOfStream Then strContents = objFile.ReadAll objFile.Close WScript.Echo strContents 'fso.DeleteFile(UNCFilePath) win2008 fso has no privilege to delete file on share folder strDelFile = "del " & file & " /F" Exec strDelFile,"nul" End Function Function GetCurrentFolder() WScript.Sleep(WAITTIME) UNCFilePath = "\\" & host & "\" & "WMI_SHARE" & "\" & FileName Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set objFile = fso.OpenTextFile(UNCFilePath, 1) GetCurrentFolder = objFile.ReadLine objFile.Close strDelFile = "del " & file & " /F" Exec strDelFile,"nul" End Function