# Refraction plugin for Sublime A Sublime extension for [Refraction](https://www.refraction.dev). Learn, improve and generate code with AI. ## Installation 1. Install the extension using Package Control. 2. Get your User ID from your [Refraction dashboard](https://www.refraction.dev/vscode). 3. Add your User ID and optionally Team ID to Sublime. 4. Reload Sublime to apply the changes and start using the extension. ## Usage 1. Open a file in Sublime. 2. Select some code. 3. Open the command palette (`Ctrl+Shift+P` on Windows/Linux, `Cmd+Shift+P` on Mac) and type `Refraction`. 4. Select the command you want to run e.g. "Generate unit tests" 5. Refraction will generate the code and insert it into your file. ## Third-Party Processing This extension uses external processing to generate code. The code generated by this extension is created by Refraction using third-party services, specifically OpenAI. Refraction is not responsible for the code generated by this third-party service. External processing occurs when following the usage steps above. No other data is sent to Refraction or OpenAI.