FROM debian:bookworm AS assets # This Dockerfile facilitates bleeding edge development docker image builds # directly from source. To build a development image, run `make docker`. # If you need to tweak the environment for testing, you can override the # `GO_VERSION` and `PYTHON_VERSION` as docker build arguments. ARG GO_VERSION=1.21.11 ARG PYTHON_VERSION=3.11.6 WORKDIR /assets RUN apt update && apt install wget -y && \ wget -q${GO_VERSION}.linux-amd64.tar.gz && \ wget -q${PYTHON_VERSION}/Python-${PYTHON_VERSION}.tar.xz FROM debian:bookworm ARG GO_VERSION=1.21.11 ARG PYTHON_VERSION=3.11.6 COPY --from=assets /assets/ /tmp/ WORKDIR /tmp # Install Go ENV PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin RUN tar -C /usr/local -xzf go${GO_VERSION}.linux-amd64.tar.gz && \ go version # Build essentials RUN apt update && apt install build-essential zlib1g-dev libncurses5-dev libgdbm-dev libnss3-dev libssl-dev libsqlite3-dev libreadline-dev libffi-dev curl wget libbz2-dev -y # Install $PYTHON_VERSION ## This just installs whatever is is bullseye, makes docker build (fast/small)-(er) RUN apt install python3 -y ## This runs python code slower, but the process finishes quicker # RUN tar -xf Python-${PYTHON_VERSION}.tar.xz && ls -la && \ # cd Python-${PYTHON_VERSION}/ && \ # ./configure --enable-shared && make build_all && \ # make altinstall && \ # ldconfig $PWD ## This runs python code faster, but is expensive to build and runs regression tests # RUN tar -xf Python-${PYTHON_VERSION}.tar.xz && ls -la && \ # cd Python-${PYTHON_VERSION}/ && \ # ./configure --enable-shared --enable-optimizations && make -j 2 && \ # make altinstall && \ # ldconfig $PWD # Clean up build assets RUN find /tmp -type f -delete # Build gateway RUN mkdir /opt/tyk-gateway WORKDIR /opt/tyk-gateway ADD go.mod go.sum /opt/tyk-gateway/ RUN go mod download ADD . /opt/tyk-gateway RUN make build COPY tyk.conf.example tyk.conf RUN echo "Tyk: $(/opt/tyk-gateway/tyk --version 2>&1)" && \ echo "Go: $(go version)" && \ echo "Python: $(python3 --version)" ENTRYPOINT ["/opt/tyk-gateway/tyk"]