return (ASS, ASSFInst, yutilsMissingMsg, createASSClass, Functional, LineCollection, Line, logger, SubInspector, Yutils) -> {:list, :math, :string, :table, :unicode, :util, :re } = Functional round = math.round defProps, ptsDefProps = {name: "b", ords: 6, precision: 3}, {precision: 3, scale: 1} DrawBezier = createASSClass "Draw.Bezier", ASS.Draw.CommandBase, {"p1","p2","p3"}, {ASS.Point, ASS.Point, ASS.Point}, defProps Point = ASS.Point = (args) => -- this whole constructor is an optimization of the generic CommandBase constructor -- creating beziers works without this constructor, albeit slower args = @getArgs args, nil, true unless args.__raw args[1] or= 0 @p1 = Point args[1], args[2] or args[1] @p2 = Point args[3] or @p1.x, args[4] or @p1.y @p3 = Point args[5] or @p2.x, args[6] or @p2.y return @ -- optimized superfast constructor for internal use DrawBezier.__defNew = (args) -> p1 = setmetatable {__tag: ptsDefProps, x: args[1], y: args[2] or args[1]}, Point p2 = setmetatable {__tag: ptsDefProps, x: args[3] or p1.x, y: args[4] or p1.y}, Point p3 = setmetatable {__tag: ptsDefProps, x: args[5] or p2.x, y: args[6] or p2.y}, Point bezier = setmetatable {__tag: defProps, :p1, :p2, :p3}, DrawBezier return bezier DrawBezier.commonOp = (method, callback, default, ...) => args, j = {...}, 1 if #args <= 2 -- special case to allow common operation on all x an y values of a vector drawing args[3], args[4], args[5], args[6] = args[1], args[2], args[1], args[2] if type(default)=="table" and #default <= 2 default = {default[1], default[2], default[1], default[2]} args = @getArgs args, default, false for valName in *@__meta__.order subCnt = #@[valName].__meta__.order @[valName][method] @[valName], unpack args, j, j+subCnt-1 j += subCnt return @ DrawBezier.getTagParams = (precision = @__tag.precision) => x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 = @p1.x, @p1.y, @p2.x, @p2.y, @p3.x, @p3.y x1, x2, x3, y1, y2, y3 %= @__tag.mod if @__tag.mod return round(x1, precision), round(y1, precision), round(x2, precision), round(y2, precision), round(x3, precision), round(y3, precision) DrawBezier.getFlattened = (noUpdate) => assert Yutils, yutilsMissingMsg unless noUpdate and @flattened @parent\getLength! unless noUpdate and @cursor -- TODO: check shapeSection = ASS.Draw.DrawingBase{ASS.Draw.Move(@cursor.x, @cursor.y), @} @flattened = ASS.Draw.DrawingBase{str: Yutils.shape.flatten shapeSection\getTagParams!} return @flattened DrawBezier.getPoints = => return {@p1, @p2, @p3} return DrawBezier