return (createASSClass, Functional, LineCollection, Line, logger) -> {:list, :math, :string, :table, :unicode, :util, :re } = Functional msgs = { createLine: { badRef: "argument #2 (ref) must be a Line, LineCollection or %s object or nil; got a %s." badLine: "argument #1 (contents) must be a Line or %s object, a section or a table of sections, a raw line or line string, or nil; got a %s." missingCollection: "can only create a Line with a reference to a LineCollection, but none could be found." } getScriptInfo: { badSub: "can't get script info because no valid subtitles object was supplied or cached." } addStyle: { badSub: "no valid subtitles object was supplied or cached." } createTag: { badType: "argument #1 must be a string, got a %s." noSuchTag: "can't find tag with name '%s'" } } ASS = createASSClass "ASSFoundation" = => @cache = {} return @ ASS.getTagNames = (ovrNames) => if "string" == type ovrNames if name = @tagMap[ovrNames] return name ovrNames = {ovrNames} tagNames, t = {}, 1 for name in *ovrNames ovrToTag = @tagNames[name] if ovrToTag and ovrToTag.n == 1 tagNames[t] = ovrToTag[1] elseif ovrToTag tagNames, t = list.joinInto tagNames, ovrToTag elseif @tagMap[name] tagNames[t] = name t += 1 return tagNames ASS.addStyle = (tagList, name, styleRef, sub) => style = tagList\getStyleTable styleRef, name sub = assert type(sub) == "userdata" and sub.insert or tagList.contentRef.line.parentCollection.sub or @cache.lastSub, msgs.addStyle.badSub styles, s = {} for i, line in ipairs sub if line.class == "style" styles[], s = line, i elseif s then break sub.insert s + 1, style styles[], @cache.lastStyles = style, styles ASS.createTag = (name, ...) => type_ = type name logger\assert type_ == "string", msgs.createTag.badType, type_ tag = @tagMap[name] logger\assert tag, msgs.createTag.noSuchTag, name return tag.type {tagProps: tag.props, ...} local assSectionTypes ASS.createLine = (args) => defaults, newLine = @defaults.line cnts, ref, useLineProps = args[1], args[2], args[3] ref = if "table" == type ref if ref.__class == Line ref.parentCollection elseif ref.class == @LineContents ref.line.parentCollection elseif ref.__class != LineCollection error msgs.createLine.badRef\format @LineContents.typeName, ref.typeName or "table" elseif ref != nil error msgs.createLine.badRef\format @LineContents.typeName, type ref if not cnts error msgs.createLine.badLine unless ref newLine = Line {}, ref, table.union defaults, args newLine\parse! elseif type(cnts) == "string" error msgs.createLine.missingCollection unless ref p, s, num = {}, {cnts\match "^Dialogue: (%d+),(.-),(.-),(.-),(.-),(%d*),(%d*),(%d*),(.-),(.-)$"}, tonumber if #s == 0 p = util.copy defaults p.text = cnts else p.layer, p.start_time, p.end_time, = num(s[1]), util.assTimecode2ms(s[2]), util.assTimecode2ms(s[3]), s[4], p.margin_l, p.margin_r, p.margin_t, p.effect, p.text = s[5], num(s[6]), num(s[7]), num(s[8]), s[9], s[10] newLine = Line {}, ref, table.union args, p, defaults @parse newLine elseif type(cnts) != "table" error msgs.createLine.badLine\format @LineContents.typeName, type cnts elseif cnts.__class == Line -- Line objects will be copied and the ASSFoundation stuff committed and reparsed (full copy) ref = assert ref or cnts.parentCollection, msgs.createLine.missingCollection text = cnts.ASS and cnts.ASS\getString! or cnts.text newLine = Line cnts, ref, args newLine.text = text @parse newLine elseif cnts.class == @LineContents -- ASSLineContents object will be attached to the new line -- line properties other than the text will be taken either from the defaults or the current previous line ref = assert ref or cnts.parentCollection, msgs.createLine.missingCollection newLine = useLineProps and Line(cnts.line, ref, args) or Line {}, ref, table.union defaults, args newLine.ASS, cnts.ASS.line = cnts.ASS, newLine newLine\commit! else -- A new ASSLineContents object is created from the supplied sections and attached to a new Line cnts = {cnts} if cnts.class newLine = Line {}, ref, table.union defaults, args assSectionTypes = table.values @Section unless assSectionTypes -- cache Section types list for performance for cnt in *cnts -- TODO: move into ASSLineContents:new() unless @instanceOf cnt, assSectionTypes error msgs.createLine.badLine\format @LineContents.typeName, cnt.typeName or type cnt ref or= if lc = @getParentLineContents! lc.line.parentCollection error msgs.createLine.missingCollection unless ref newLine.ASS = @.LineContents newLine, cnts newLine.ASS\commit! newLine\createRaw! return newLine ASS.getParentLineContents = (obj) => return nil unless type(obj) == "table" and obj.class while obj return obj if obj.class == @LineContents obj = obj.parent ASS.getScriptInfo = (obj = @cache.lastSub) => if type(obj) == "table" and obj.class lineContents = @getParentLineContents obj return lineContents and lineContents.scriptInfo, lineContents assert obj and type(obj) == "userdata" and obj.insert, msgs.getScriptInfo.badSub @cache.lastSub = obj return util.getScriptInfo obj ASS.getTagFromString = (str) => -- all tags with starting brackets must have at least one closing bracket -- for us to be able to freely move them around str = str\gsub "%(([^)]*)%)?", "(%1)" for _, tag in pairs @tagMap for name, sig in pairs tag.signatures if sig.pattern -- TODO: use continue here once Aegisub is on Moonscript v0.4.0+ res = {str\find sig.pattern} if #res > 0 start, end_ = table.remove(res,1), table.remove(res,1) -- TODO: optimize the removes away tag.props.signature = name return tag.type({raw: res, tagProps: tag.props}), start, end_ tagType = @tagMap[str\sub(1,1)=="\\" and "unknown" or "junk"] return @.Tag.Unknown({str, tagProps: tagType.props}), 1, #str ASS.getTagsNamesFromProps = (props) => names, n = {}, 1 for name, tag in pairs @tagMap continue unless tag.props propMatch = true for k, v in pairs props if tag.props[k] != v propMatch = false break if propMatch names[n], n = name, n+1 return names ASS.instanceOf = (val, classes, filter, includeCompatible) => return false if type(val) != "table" or not val.class -- not an ASSFoundation class if classes == nil -- return class name and compatible classes if requested return val.class, includeCompatible and table.keys val.compatible classes = {classes} if type(classes) != "table" or classes.instanceOf if type(filter) == "table" filter = if filter.instanceOf {[filter]: true} elseif #filter > 0 list.makeSet filter for cls in *classes return cls if (val.class == cls or includeCompatible and val.compatible[cls]) and (not filter or filter[cls]) return false ASS.parse = (line) => line.ASS = ASS.Parser.LineText\getLineContents line return line.ASS -- DEPRECATED, do not use ASS.mapTag = (name) => type_ = type name logger\assert type_ == "string", msgs.createTag.badType, type_ tag = @tagMap[name] logger\assert tag, msgs.createTag.noSuchTag, name return tag return ASS