return (ASS, ASSFInst, yutilsMissingMsg, createASSClass, Functional, LineCollection, Line, logger, SubInspector, Yutils) -> {:list, :math, :string, :table, :unicode, :util, :re } = Functional round = math.round msgs = { getAngle: { badRef: "Argument #1 (ref) must be a Drawing Command, a %s (or compatible) or a coordinate table, got a %s." badTuple: "Table with reference coordinates must be of format {x, y}, got {%s, %s}." } } Point = createASSClass "Point", ASS.Tag.Base, {"x","y"}, {"number", "number"}, {precision: 3, scale: 1} = (x, y) => xType = type x @x, @y = if xType == "number" x, y or 0 elseif xType == "table" and x.__raw x[1] or 0, x[2] or x[1] or 0 else args = y == nil and x or {x, y} @readProps args unpack @getArgs args, 0, true return @ Point.getTagParams = (precision = @__tag.precision) => x, y = @x, @y x, y %= @__tag.mod if @__tag.mod return round(x, precision), round(y, precision) Point.getAngle = (ref, vectAngle) => if "table" != type ref logger\error msgs.getAngle.badRef, Point.typeName, type ref rx, ry = if ref.class == ASS.Draw.Bezier ref.p3.x, ref.p3.y elseif not ref.class logger\assert type(ref[1]) == "number" and type(ref[2]) == "number", msgs.getAngle.badTuple, tostring(ref[1]), tostring ref[2] ref[1], ref[2] elseif ref.compatible[Point] ref.x, ref.y else logger\error msgs.getAngle.badRef, Point.typeName, type ref sx, sy, cw = @x, @y deg = if vectAngle cw = (sx*ry - sy*rx) < 0 a = (sx*rx + sy*ry) / math.sqrt(sx^2 + sy^2) / math.sqrt(rx^2 + ry^2) if a >= 1 or a <= -1 or a != a 0 -- math.acos(x) only defined for -1 c = a\copy! c.x = a.x + (b.x - a.x) * t c.y = a.y + (b.y - a.y) * t return c return Point