return (ASS, ASSFInst, yutilsMissingMsg, createASSClass, Functional, LineCollection, Line, logger, SubInspector, Yutils) -> {:list, :math, :string, :table, :unicode, :util, :re } = Functional msgs = { toString: { failedFormat: "Failed to convert tag '%s' to string using params (%s) and format '%s': %s" } } TagBase = createASSClass "TagBase", ASS.Base TagBase.commonOp = (method, callback, default, ...) => args = @getArgs {...}, default, false a = 1 for valName in *@__meta__.order val = @[valName] if type(val) == "table" and val.class subArgCount = val.__meta__.rawArgCnt val[method] val, unpack args, a, a+subArgCount-1 a += subArgCount else @[valName] = callback val, args[a] a += 1 return @ TagBase.add = (...) => @commonOp "add", ((a,b) -> a + b), 0, ... TagBase.sub = (...) => @commonOp "sub", ((a,b) -> a - b), 0, ... TagBase.mul = (...) => @commonOp "mul", ((a,b) -> a * b), 1, ... TagBase.div = (...) => @commonOp "div", ((a,b) -> a / b), 1, ... TagBase.pow = (...) => @commonOp "pow", ((a,b) -> a ^ b), 1, ... TagBase.mod = (...) => @commonOp "mod", ((a,b) -> a % b), 1, ... TagBase.set = (...) => @commonOp "set", ((_,b) -> b), nil, ... TagBase.round = (...) => @commonOp "round", ((a,b) -> math.round(a,b)), nil, ... TagBase.ceil = => @commonOp "ceil", ((a) -> math.ceil a), nil TagBase.floor = => @commonOp "floor", ((a) -> math.floor a), nil TagBase.modify = (callback, ...) => @set callback @get ... TagBase.readProps = (args) => if args.tagProps @__tag[k] = v for k, v in pairs args.tagProps elseif type(args[1]) == "table" and args[1].instanceOf and args[1].instanceOf[@class] @__tag[k] = v for k, v in pairs args[1].__tag TagBase.getSignature = => return @__tag.signature or "default" TagBase.toString = () => format = ASS.tagMap[].signatures[@getSignature!].format tagString, errMsg = string.formatEx format, @getTagParams! unless tagString logger\error msgs.toString.failedFormat,, table.concat({@getTagParams!}, ', '), format, errMsg return tagString TagBase.__tostring = TagBase.toString -- legacy TODO: move the disable magic out and replace w/ toString TagBase.getTagString = (caller) => -- disabled tags or tags marked for deletion are not emitted return "" if @disabled or caller and caller.toRemove and caller.toRemove[@] return @toString! -- checks equality only of the relevant properties TagBase.equal = (a, b, acceptCompatible, ignoreTagNames) -> bVals = if type(b) != "table" {b} elseif not b.instanceOf b elseif acceptCompatible and a.compatible[b.class] {b\get!} elseif b.class == a.class and ( == or ignoreTagNames) {b\get!} else return false aVals = {a\get!} return false if #aVals != #bVals for i, aVal in ipairs aVals if type(aVal) == "table" return false unless util.equals aVal, bVals[i], "table" else return false if aVal != bVals[i] return true return TagBase