return (ASS, ASSFInst, yutilsMissingMsg, createASSClass, Functional, LineCollection, Line, logger, SubInspector, Yutils) -> min, max = math.min, math.max {:list, :math, :string, :table, :unicode, :util, :re } = Functional msgs = { new: { badTagSource: "a %s can only be constructed from an %s or %s; got a %s." } diff: { badTagList: "can only diff %s objects, got a %s." } filterTags: { badTagName: "invalid tag name #%d '(%s)'. expected a string, got a %s" badTagNames: "argument #1 must be either a single or a table of tag names, got a %s." } getStyleTable: { badStyleRef: "argument #1 must be a style table, got a %s." } merge: { badTagList: "can only merge %s objects, got a %s for argument #%d." } } TagList = createASSClass "TagList", ASS.Base, {"tags", "transforms", "multiTags" ,"reset", "startTime", "endTime", "accel"}, {"table", "table", "table", ASS.String, ASS.Time, ASS.Time, ASS.Number} = (tags, contentRef) => if ASS\instanceOf tags, ASS.Section.Tag @tags, @transforms, @multiTags = {}, {}, {} @contentRef = tags.parent transIdx, transforms, ovrTransTags, transTags = 1, {}, {} seenVectClip = false seenPosTag = false tags\callback (tag) -> tagProps = tag.__tag -- Discard all previous non-global tags when a reset is encountered if == "reset" @tags, @reset = @getGlobal(true), tag -- also filter transforms for i = 1, #transforms keep = false transforms[i].tags\callback (tag) -> -- Vectorial clips are not "global" but can't be reset -- TODO: make "global" more clear if tag.instanceOf[ASS.Tag.ClipRect] keep = true else return false transforms[i] = nil unless keep return -- Transforms are stored in a separate table because there can be more than one. elseif tag.instanceOf[ASS.Tag.Transform] -- create a shallow copy of the transform for filtering purposes transforms[transIdx] = ASS.Tag.Transform{tag, transformableOnly: true} transTags = transforms[transIdx].tags.tags transIdx += 1 return elseif tag.__tag.multi @multiTags[#@multiTags+1] = tag return -- Discard all except the first instance of global tags. -- This expects all global tags to be non-transformable which is true for ASSv4+ return if and @tags[] return if seenPosTag and tagProps.position -- Since there can be only one vectorial clip or iclip at a time, only keep the first one return if seenVectClip and tag.instanceOf[ASS.Tag.ClipVect] -- discard child tag identical to active master tag return if tagProps.master and tag\equal @tags[tagProps.master], true @tags[] = tag if tagProps.transformable -- When the list is converted back into an ASSTagSection, the transforms are written to its end, -- so we have to make sure transformed tags are not overridden afterwards. -- If a transformable tag is encountered, its entry in the overridden transforms list -- is set to the nummber of the last transform(+1), so the tag can be purged from all previous transforms. ovrTransTags[] = transIdx if tagProps.children ovrTransTags[tagProps.children[i]] = transIdx for i = 1, #tagProps.children elseif tag.instanceOf[ASS.Tag.ClipVect] seenVectClip = true elseif tagProps.position seenPosTag = true -- purge all overriden child tags (such as \1a, \2a, etc in the case of \alpha) -- TODO: do not purge children that appear after master transforms if tagProps.children @tags[tagProps.children[i]] = nil for i = 1 , #tagProps.children -- filter tags by overridden transform list, keep transforms that have still tags left at the end t = 1 for i = 1, transIdx - 1 transform = transforms[i] continue unless transform transTagCnt = 0 local tagsToInsert transform.tags\callback (tag) -> ovrEnd = ovrTransTags[] or 0 -- drop all overridden transforms if ovrEnd > i return false else if tag.__tag.children -- check for any master tag transforms later overriden in children -- such as {\alpha&HF0&\t(28,279,\alpha&H00&)\1a&HFF&} ovrChildren = [child for child in *tag.__tag.children when ovrTransTags[child] and ovrTransTags[child] > i] if #ovrChildren == 0 transTagCnt += 1 return -- add all children except the ones overriding to the transform and remove the master childTags = [ASS\createTag childTagName, tag\getTagParams! for childTagName in *list.diff tag.__tag.children, ovrChildren] if tagsToInsert == nil tagsToInsert = childTags else list.joinInto tagsToInsert, childTags transTagCnt += #childTags return false else transTagCnt += 1 transform.tags\insertTags tagsToInsert if tagsToInsert != nil -- write final transforms table if transTagCnt > 0 @transforms[t] = transform t += 1 elseif ASS\instanceOf(tags, TagList) @tags = util.copy tags.tags @transforms = util.copy tags.transforms @multiTags = util.copy tags.multiTags @reset, @contentRef = tags.reset, tags.contentRef elseif tags == nil @tags, @transforms, @multiTags = {}, {}, {} else logger\error, TagList.typeName, ASS.Section.Tag.typeName, TagList.typeName, ASS\instanceOf(tags) and tags.typeName or type tags @contentRef or= contentRef TagList.get = => {name, tag\get! for name, tag in pairs @tags} TagList.checkTransformed = (tagName) => set = {} for i = 1, #@transforms for j = 1, #@transforms[i].tags.tags set[@transforms[i].tags.tags[j]] = true return tagName and set[tagName] or set TagList.merge = (tagLists, copyTags = true, returnOnly, overrideGlobalTags, expandResets) => tagLists = {tagLists} if ASS\instanceOf tagLists, TagList merged, ovrTransTags, resetIdx = TagList(@), {}, 0 seenTransform = #@transforms > 0 seenVectClip = @tags.clip_vect or @tags.iclip_vect if expandResets and @reset merged.tags = (merged\getDefaultTags(merged.reset)\merge merged.tags, false).tags for i = 1, #tagLists logger\assert ASS\instanceOf(tagLists[i],TagList), msgs.merge.badTagList, TagList.typeName, type(tagLists[i]), i -- apply resets if tagLists[i].reset resetIdx = i merged.tags = if expandResets expReset = tagLists[i].contentRef\getDefaultTags tagLists[i].reset if overrideGlobalTags expReset else (expReset\merge merged\getGlobal(true), false).tags else -- discard all previous non-global tags when a reset is encountered merged.reset = tagLists[i].reset merged\getGlobal true seenTransform or= #tagLists[i].transforms > 0 -- merge override tags for name, tag in pairs tagLists[i].tags tagProps = tag.__tag if not overrideGlobalTags -- discard all except the first instance of global tags continue if merged.tags[name] and -- discard all vectorial clips if one (\clip or \iclip) was already seen continue if seenVectClip and tag.instanceOf[ASS.Tag.ClipVect] -- when overriding tags, make sure vectorial \iclip and \clip overwrite each other elseif tag.instanceOf[ASS.Tag.ClipVect] merged.tags.clip_vect, merged.tags.iclip_vect = nil, nil merged.tags[name] = tag -- mark transformable tags in previous transform lists as overridden if seenTransform and tagProps.transformable ovrTransTags[] = i -- master tag overrides its children if tagProps.children for i = 1, #tagProps.children merged.tags[tagProps.children[i]] = nil -- Tags w/ multiple possible appearances require special treatment because a single instance doesn't fully -- overwrite the state established by the previous tag instance. -- Karaoke tags cause karaoke timings to be offset in the following sections, so we have to keep all of them -- around in some way. When using more than 1 karaoke tag in a section, the time parameters of first n-1 tags -- are added together to make up the timing offset. -- We know nothing about unknown tags, so we must assume every one of them contributes to the state and -- keep them all around -- Conveniently all of the multi tags we know (which are the 3 karaoke tags and possibly every unknown tag) -- are not affected by resets so we can ignore any we encounter. for tag in *tagLists[i].multiTags -- karaoke tags are a special case that do never override state but potentially all contribute to it -- within or between sections making it necessary to keep all of them around when merging. -- Such a tag may or may not exist in the wild but (it does not in ASSv4+), so we err on the side of caution -- and assume this behavior of all unknown tags we encounter logger\assert tag.__tag.karaoke or tag.__tag.nonOverriding, msgs.merge.noMergeStrategyForMultiTag, merged.multiTags[#merged.multiTags+1] = tag -- merge transforms merged.transforms = {} if seenTransform t = 1 for i = 0, #tagLists transforms = i == 0 and @transforms or tagLists[i].transforms for j = 1, #transforms transform = i == 0 and transforms[j] or ASS.Tag.Transform{transforms[j]} transTagCnt = 0 transform.tags\callback (tag) -> ovrEnd = ovrTransTags[] or 0 -- remove transforms overwritten by resets or the override table if resetIdx > i and not tag.instanceOf[ASS.Tag.ClipRect] or ovrEnd > i return false else transTagCnt += 1 -- fill final transforms table if transTagCnt > 0 merged.transforms[t] = transform t += 1 merged = merged\copy! if copyTags if returnOnly return merged else @tags, @reset, @transforms, @multiTags = merged.tags, merged.reset, merged.transforms, merged.multiTags return @ -- gets the change in tag state caused by applying this line state onto a previous line state -- returnOnly note: only provided because copying the tag list before diffing may be much slower -- TODO: change "returnOnly" -> "mutate" to when breaking API TagList.diff = (previous, returnOnly, ignoreGlobalState) => logger\assert ASS\instanceOf(previous,TagList), msgs.diff.badTagList, TagList.typeName, type(previous) -- resets can only be identical if the previous section didn't modify the state after its reset reset = @reset reset = if @reset and table.length(previous.tags) == 0 if previous.reset nil if @reset.value == previous.reset.value elseif @reset.value == "" or @reset.value == previous.contentRef\getStyleRef().name nil thisResetDefaults = @contentRef\getDefaultTags reset if reset previousResetDefaults = previous.contentRef\getDefaultTags previous.reset if previous.reset previousTransSet = previous\checkTransformed! diff = TagList nil, @contentRef if returnOnly for name, tag in pairs @tags isGlobal = and not ignoreGlobalState -- if this tag list contains a reset, we need to compare its local tags to the default values set by the reset -- instead of to the values of the previous tag list ref = (reset and not global) and thisResetDefaults or previous isDiff = if isGlobal -- Since global tags can't be overwritten, only treat global tags -- that are not present in the previous tag list as different. -- There can be only vector \iclip or \clip at the time, so treat any in this list -- only as different if there are neither in the previous list. if previous.tags[name] then false elseif tag.instanceOf[ASS.Tag.ClipVect] and (previous.tags.clip_vect or previous.tags.iclip_vect) false else true elseif previousTransSet[name] -- all local tags transformed in the previous section will change state when used in this section -- unless they are nuked by a reset which affects every non-global tag except rectangular clips if reset and not tag.instanceOf[ASS.Tag.ClipRect] then false else true elseif tag.__tag.children if ref.tags[name] and not tag\equal ref.tags[name] true else isDifferentFromRefChildren = false for childTagName in *tag.__tag.children if not ref.tags[childTagName] or not ref.tags[childTagName]\equal tag, false, true isDifferentFromRefChildren = true break isDifferentFromRefChildren elseif ref.tags[name] -- decimate tags that are both present and equal in this and the previous section not tag\equal ref.tags[name] elseif previousResetDefaults and tag\equal previousResetDefaults.tags[name] -- decimate tags that are identical to the state set by a reset in the previous section false elseif tag.__tag.master -- child tags (such as \1a and \2a in the case of \alpha) change the state -- if they differ from a non-overriden master in the previous section -- and must also be included if the master tag present in this section -- changes state from the previous section masterTagName = tag.__tag.master if not tag\equal ref.tags[masterTagName] then true -- TODO: if the child tag is following a transform tag, then the reference master tag is actually the one in the transform (if present) elseif @tags[masterTagName] and not @tags[masterTagName]\equal ref.tags[masterTagName], true true else false else not ref.tags[name] -- TODO: optimize away second lookup into ref.tags[name] if isDiff and returnOnly diff.tags[name] = tag elseif not isDiff and not returnOnly @tags[name] = nil -- Tags w/ multiple possible appearances require special treatment because a single instance doesn't fully -- overwrite the state established by the previous tag instance. -- The offset and duration parameters of karaoke tags are relative to those of karaoke tags in previous sections -- so they always must be part of the diff even if parameters are identical. We know nothing about the behavior -- of unknown tags, so we consider them as non-overriding and keep them in the diff as well. -- conveniently all of the multi tags we know (which are the 3 karaoke tags and possibly every unknown tag) -- are not affected by resets so we can ignore any we encounter. for tag in *previous.multiTags logger\assert tag.__tag.karaoke or tag.__tag.nonOverriding, msgs.diff.noDiffStrategyForMultiTag, if returnOnly diff.reset = reset -- transforms can't be deduplicated so all of them will be kept in the diff diff.transforms = @transforms diff.multiTags = @multiTags return diff else @reset = reset return @ TagList.getTagParams = (name, asBool, multiValue) => if @tags[name] vals = multiValue and {@tags[name]\getTagParams!} or @tags[name]\getTagParams! return if asBool and not multiValue vals > 0 else vals TagList.getCombinedColor = (num, styleRef) => alphaName, colorName = "alpha" .. tostring(num), "color" .. tostring(num) alpha = @getTagParams alphaName color = @getTagParams colorName, false, true combined = alpha and "&H%02X"\format(alpha) or styleRef[colorName]\sub 1,4 combined ..= color and #color == 3 and "%02X%02X%02X&"\format(unpack color) or styleRef[colorName]\sub 5 return combined TagList.getStyleTable = (styleRef, name, coerce) => styleRefType = type styleRef logger\assert styleRefType == "table" and styleRef.class == "style", msgs.getStyleTable.badStyleRef, styleRefType sTbl = table.merge { name: name or id: util.uuid! align: @getTagParams "align" angle: @getTagParams "angle" bold: @getTagParams "bold", true color1: @getCombinedColor 1, styleRef color2: @getCombinedColor 2, styleRef color3: @getCombinedColor 3, styleRef color4: @getCombinedColor 4, styleRef encoding: @getTagParams "encoding" fontname: @getTagParams "fontname" fontsize: @getTagParams "fontsize" italic: @getTagParams "italic", true outline: @getTagParams "outline" underline: @getTagParams "underline", true scale_x: @getTagParams "scale_x" scale_y: @getTagParams "scale_y" shadow: @getTagParams "shadow" spacing: @getTagParams "spacing" strikeout: @getTagParams "strikeout", true }, styleRef, false sTbl.raw = string.formatEx "Style: %s,%s,%N,%s,%s,%s,%s,%B,%B,%B,%B,%N,%N,%N,%N,%d,%N,%N,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d",, sTbl.fontname, sTbl.fontsize, sTbl.color1, sTbl.color2, sTbl.color3, sTbl.color4, sTbl.bold, sTbl.italic, sTbl.underline, sTbl.strikeout, sTbl.scale_x, sTbl.scale_y, sTbl.spacing, sTbl.angle, sTbl.borderstyle, sTbl.outline, sTbl.shadow, sTbl.align, sTbl.margin_l, sTbl.margin_r, sTbl.margin_t, sTbl.encoding return sTbl defaultPropCheckExempts = {"reset"} defaultPropCheckExemptsSet = reset: true TagList.filterTags = (tagNames, tagProps, returnOnly, inverseNameMatch, propCheckExempts = defaultPropCheckExempts) => tagPropCnt = tagProps and table.length(tagProps) or 0 tagNames = switch type tagNames when "string" {tagNames} when "nil" return returnOnly and @copy! or @ if tagPropCnt == 0 ASS.tagNames.all when "table" return TagList nil, @contentRef if #tagNames == 0 inverseNameMatch and list.diff(ASS.tagNames.all, tagNames) or tagNames else logger\error msgs.filterTags.badTagNames, type tagNames propCheckExemptsSet = if propCheckExempts == defaultPropCheckExempts defaultPropCheckExemptsSet else list.makeSet propCheckExempts included, removed = TagList(nil, @contentRef), TagList nil, @contentRef selected, transformTarget = {}, removed for i, name in ipairs tagNames logger\assert type(name) == "string", msgs.filterTags.badTagName, i, tostring(name), type name haveTag = name == "reset" and @reset or @tags[name] -- check if tag properties match propMatch = if tagPropCnt != 0 and haveTag and not propCheckExemptsSet[name] propDiff, propDiffCnt = table.diff tagProps, @tags[name].__tag, false, (l, r, x) -> l == false and not r or l == r -- tag props are sparse, so nil implies false propDiffCnt == 0 else true target = propMatch and haveTag and included or removed if name == "reset" target.reset = haveTag elseif name == "transform" transformTarget = included -- TODO: filter transforms by type elseif @tags[name] target.tags[name] = haveTag transformTarget.transforms = returnOnly and util.copy(@transforms) or @transforms if returnOnly return included, removed @tags, @reset, @transforms = included.tags, included.reset, included.transforms return @, removed TagList.isEmpty = => table.length(@tags) < 1 and not @reset and #@transforms == 0 and #@multiTags == 0 TagList.getGlobal = (includeRectClips) => {name, tag for name, tag in pairs @tags when includeRectClips and tag.__tag.globalOrRectClip or} return TagList