return (ASS, ASSFInst, yutilsMissingMsg, createASSClass, Functional, LineCollection, Line, logger, SubInspector, Yutils) -> {:list, :math, :string, :table, :unicode, :util, :re } = Functional round = math.round CommandBase = createASSClass "Draw.CommandBase", ASS.Tag.Base, {}, {}, {precision: 3} = (args, y) => -- most drawing commands (l, m, n) represent a single point if @compatible[ASS.Point] argType = type args @x, @y = if argType == "number" args, y or 0 elseif argType == "table" and args.__raw args[1] or 0, args[2] or args[1] or 0 else args = y == nil and args or {args, y} @readProps args @getArgs args, 0, true else -- any other drawing command either consist of multiple (b, s) or no (c) points -- do note that this constructor is fairly slow in the context of drawings -- which is why faster overrides are specified for common drawing commands for i = 1, #args, 2 j = (i+1)/2 @[@__meta__.order[j]] = @__meta__.types[j]{args[i], args[i+1] or args[i]} return @ CommandBase.getTagParams = (precision = @__tag.precision) => return round(@x, precision), round(@y, precision) if @compatible[ASS.Point] params, parts = @__meta__.order, {} i, j = 1, 1 while i <= @__meta__.rawArgCnt parts[i], parts[i+1] = @[params[j]]\getTagParams! i += @[params[j]].__meta__.rawArgCnt j += 1 return unpack parts CommandBase.getLength = (prevCmd) => assert Yutils, yutilsMissingMsg -- get end coordinates (cursor) of previous command x0, y0 = if prevCmd if prevCmd.class == ASS.Draw.Bezier prevCmd.p3.x, prevCmd.p3.y elseif prevCmd.compatible[ASS.Point] prevCmd.x, prevCmd.y else prevCmd\get! else 0, 0 -- save cursor for further processing @cursor = ASS.Point x0, y0 name = len = switch name when "b" -- TODO: make less grievously slow, drop Yutils shapeSection = ASS.Draw.DrawingBase{ASS.Draw.Move(@cursor.x, @cursor.y), @} --save flattened shape for further processing @flattened = ASS.Draw.DrawingBase{str: Yutils.shape.flatten shapeSection\getTagParams!} @flattened\getLength! when "l" x, y = @get! math.vector2.distance x0, y0, x, y else 0 -- m, n -- save length for further processing @length = len return len CommandBase.getPositionAtLength = (len, useCachedLengths, useCurveTime) => assert Yutils, yutilsMissingMsg @parent\getLength! unless @length and @cursor and useCachedLengths pos = switch when useCurveTime and "b" px, py = Yutils.math.bezier math.min(len/@length, 1), {{@cursor.x, @cursor.y}, {@p1.x, @p1.y}, {@p2.x, @p2.y}, {@p3.x, @p3.y}} ASS.Point px, py when "b" -- we already know this data is up-to-date because @parent\getLength! was run @getFlattened(true)\getPositionAtLength len, true when "l" ASS.Point @copy!\scaleToLength len, true when "m" ASS.Point @ = "position" return pos CommandBase.getPoints = (allowCompatible) => return allowCompatible and {@} or {ASS.Point{@}} return CommandBase