return (ASS, ASSFInst, yutilsMissingMsg, createASSClass, Functional, LineCollection, Line, logger, SubInspector, Yutils) -> {:list, :math, :string, :table, :unicode, :util, :re } = Functional time, frame = aegisub.ms_from_frame, aegisub.frame_from_ms msgs = { add: { badLineContents: "argument #1 (lineContents) must be an object of type %s, got a %s." } run: { inspectorError: "SubInspector Error: %s." inspectorRefreshingHeaders: "Sending headers to SubInspector for new subtitle object %s..." inspectorNoSub: "Can't initialize SubInspector because the Line isn't linked to a subtitle object." } } LineBoundsBatch = createASSClass "LineBoundsBatch", ASS.Base, {"lines", "lineCount", "virtualStartFrame", "bounds"}, {"table", "number", "number", "table"} = => @lines = {} @lineCount = 0 @virtualStartFrame = 1 return @ LineBoundsBatch.add = (cnts, custText, foreignKey = cnts, isAnimated = cnts\isAnimated!) => if cnts.class != ASS.LineContents logger\error msgs.add.badLineContents, ASS.LineContents.typeName, ASS\instanceOf(cnts) or type cnts line = cnts.line @sub or= line.sub @lineCount += 1 startFrame, endFrame = frame(line.start_time), frame line.end_time line = Line line, nil, { text: custText == true and line.text or custText or cnts\getString! start_time: time @virtualStartFrame end_time: time @virtualStartFrame + endFrame - startFrame extra: false } line.si_exhaustive = isAnimated @lines[foreignKey] = {id: @lineCount, :line, :foreignKey, startFrame: @virtualStartFrame, offset: startFrame - @virtualStartFrame } @virtualStartFrame += 1 + endFrame - startFrame = (purgeLines, outBounds = {}) => return {} if @lineCount == 0 subInspector = ASSFInst.cache.SubInspector if not subInspector logger\assert @sub, subInspector, msg = SubInspector @sub logger\error, tostring msg unless subInspector ASSFInst.cache.SubInspector = subInspector ASSFInst.cache.lastInspectorSub = @sub elseif @sub and @sub != ASSFInst.cache.lastInspectorSub logger\trace, @sub subInspector\updateHeader @sub ASSFInst.cache.lastInspectorSub = @sub linesById = {, line for _, line in pairs @lines} bounds, times = subInspector\getBounds [line.line for line in *linesById] frames = times.frames fStart, lineId, line = 1, 1, linesById[1] for f, frame in ipairs frames if frame == line.startFrame outBounds[line.foreignKey] = ASS.LineBounds line.line, bounds, frames, fStart, f, line.offset if purgeLines @lines[line.foreignKey] = nil lineId += 1 line = linesById[lineId] fStart = f + 1 break unless line if purgeLines @lines, @lineCount, @virtualStartFrame = {}, 0, 1 return outBounds return LineBoundsBatch