return (ASS, ASSFInst, yutilsMissingMsg, createASSClass, Functional, LineCollection, Line, logger, SubInspector, Yutils) -> {:list, :math, :string, :table, :unicode, :util, :re } = Functional msgs = { checkValue: { mustBePositive: "%s must be a positive number, got %d." mustBeInteger: "%s must be an integer, got %s." mustBeInRange: "%s must be in range %d - %d, got %s." } cmp: { badOperand: "operand #%d must be a number or an object of (or based on) the %s class, got a %s." } } Number = createASSClass "Number", ASS.Tag.Base, {"value"}, {"number"}, {base: 10, precision: 3, scale: 1} = (args) => if type(args) == "number" @value = args else @value = @getArgs(args, 0, true)[1] @readProps args @checkValue! @value %= @__tag.mod if @__tag.mod @value *= @__tag.scale if @__tag.scale != 1 return @ Number.checkValue = => @typeCheck{@value} tag = @__tag if tag.range and (@value < tag.range[1] or @value > tag.range[2]) logger\error msgs.checkValue.mustBeInRange, @typeName, tag.range[1], tag.range[2], @value logger\error msgs.checkValue.mustBePositive, @typeName, @value if tag.positive and @value < 0 logger\error msgs.checkValue.mustBeInteger, @typeName, @value if tag.integer and not math.isInt @value Number.getTagParams = (_, precision = @__tag.precision) => val = @value @checkValue! val %= @__tag.mod if @__tag.mod val /= @__tag.scale if @__tag.scale != 1 return math.round val, precision Number.cmp = (a, mode, b) -> aType, bType = type(a), type b if aType == "table" and (a.compatible[Number] or a.baseClasses[Number]) a = a.value elseif aType !="number" logger\error msgs.cmp.badOperand, 1, Number.typeName, ASS\instanceOf(a) and a.typeName or type a if bType == "table" and (b.compatible[Number] or b.baseClasses[Number]) b = b.value elseif bType !="number" logger\error msgs.cmp.badOperand, 2, Number.typeName, ASS\instanceOf(b) and b.typeName or type b return switch mode when "<" then a < b when ">" then a > b when "<=" then a <= b when ">=" then a >= b Number.lerp = (a, b, t) -> c = a\copy! c.value = a.value + (b.value - a.value) * t return c Number.modEq = (val, div) => (@%div)\equal val Number.__lt = (a, b) -> Number.cmp a, "<", b Number.__le = (a, b) -> Number.cmp a, "<=", b Number.__add = (a, b) -> type(a) == "table" and a\copy!\add(b) or b\copy!\add a Number.__sub = (a, b) -> type(a) == "table" and a\copy!\sub(b) or Number(a)\sub b Number.__mul = (a, b) -> type(a) == "table" and a\copy!\mul(b) or b\copy!\mul a Number.__div = (a, b) -> type(a) == "table" and a\copy!\div(b) or Number(a)\div b Number.__mod = (a, b) -> type(a) == "table" and a\copy!\mod(b) or Number(a)\mod b Number.__pow = (a, b) -> type(a) == "table" and a\copy!\pow(b) or Number(a)\pow b return Number