return (ASS, ASSFInst, yutilsMissingMsg, createASSClass, Functional, LineCollection, Line, logger, SubInspector, Yutils) -> {:list, :math, :string, :table, :unicode, :util, :re } = Functional msgs = { insertTagsAtChar: { badTags: "Argument #2 (tags) to insertTagsAtChar() must be a %s, a %s or a list of Tag objects, got a %s." } } TextSection = createASSClass "Section.Text", ASS.String, {"value"}, {"string"}, nil, nil, (tbl, key) -> if key == "len" return unicode.len tbl.value else return getmetatable(tbl)[key] = (value) => @value = @getArgs({value},"",true)[1] @typeCheck {@value} return @ TextSection.getString = => @typeCheck {@value} return @value TextSection.getEffectiveTags = (includeDefault, includePrevious = true, copyTags = true) => -- previous and default tag lists effTags = if includeDefault @parent\getDefaultTags nil, copyTags if includePrevious and @prevSection prevTagList = @prevSection\getEffectiveTags false, true, copyTags effTags = includeDefault and effTags\merge(prevTagList, false, false, true) or prevTagList return effTags or ASS.TagList nil, @parent TextSection.getStyleTable = (name) => return @getEffectiveTags(false,true,false)\getStyleTable @parent.line.styleRef, name TextSection.getTextExtents = => return aegisub.text_extents @getStyleTable!, @value TextSection.getTextMetrics = (calculateBounds) => logger\assert Yutils, yutilsMissingMsg fontObj, tagList = @getYutilsFont! extents = fontObj.text_extents @value metrics = fontObj.metrics! -- make sure we convert uint64 (returned from ffi) to lua numbers here -- in order to not ruin everything metrics.width, metrics.height = tonumber(extents.width), tonumber(extents.height) local shape if calculateBounds shape = fontObj.text_to_shape @value metrics.bounds = {Yutils.shape.bounding shape} metrics.bounds.w = (metrics.bounds[3] or 0) - (metrics.bounds[1] or 0) metrics.bounds.h = (metrics.bounds[4] or 0) - (metrics.bounds[2] or 0) return metrics, tagList, shape TextSection.getShape = (applyRotation = false) => metrics, tagList, shape = @getTextMetrics true drawing, align = ASS.Draw.DrawingBase{str: shape} align = tagList.tags.align\getSet! with metrics -- fix position based on aligment drawing\sub not align.left and (.width - .bounds.w) / (align.centerH and 2 or 1) or 0, not and (.height - .bounds.h) / (align.centerV and 2 or 1) or 0 -- rotate shape if applyRotation angle = tagList.tags.angle\getTagParams! drawing\rotate angle return drawing TextSection.convertToDrawing = (applyRotation) => shape = @getShape(applyRotation) @value, @contours, @scale = nil, shape.contours, shape.scale setmetatable @, ASS.Section.Drawing return @ TextSection.expand = (x, y) => @convertToDrawing! return @expand x, y TextSection.getYutilsFont = => logger\assert Yutils, yutilsMissingMsg tagList = @getEffectiveTags true, true, false local font with tagList.tags font = Yutils.decode.create_font .fontname\getTagParams!, .bold\getTagParams! > 0, .italic\getTagParams! > 0, .underline\getTagParams! > 0, .strikeout\getTagParams! > 0, .fontsize\getTagParams!, .scale_x\getTagParams! / 100, .scale_y\getTagParams! / 100, .spacing\getTagParams! return font, tagList TextSection.splitAtChar = (index, mutate) => index = unicode.len @value + index + 1 if index < 0 right = ASS.Section.Text unicode.sub @value, index, -1 leftText = unicode.sub @value, 1, index - 1 left = if mutate @value = leftText @ else ASS.Section.Text leftText return left, right TextSection.insertTagsAtChar = (index, tags) => logger\error msgs.insertTagsAtChar.badTags, ASS.Section.Tag.typeName, ASS.TagList.typeName, type tags if "table" != type tags tags = if tags.class != ASS.Section.Tag ASS.Section.Tag tags -- insert a new tag section before index, split TextSection.trimLeft = => @value = string.trimLeft @value TextSection.trimRight = => @value = string.trimRight @value TextSection.trim = => @value = string.trim @value return TextSection