return (ASS, ASSFInst, yutilsMissingMsg, createASSClass, Functional, LineCollection, Line, logger, SubInspector, Yutils) -> ClipVect = createASSClass "Tag.ClipVect", ASS.Draw.DrawingBase, {"commands", "scale"}, {"table", ASS.Number}, {}, {ASS.Draw.DrawingBase} msgs = { getDrawing: { badPosition: "argument position must be an %d or a compatible object, got a %s." badAlign: "argument align must be an %d or a compatible object, got a %s." } } ClipVect.toString = ASS.Tag.Base.toString ClipVect.__toString = ASS.Tag.Base.toString ClipVect.setInverse = (state = true) => @__tag.inverse = state = state and "iclip_vect" or "clip_vect" return state ClipVect.toggleInverse = => @setInverse not @__tag.inverse ClipVect.getSignature = => @__tag.signature = if @scale\equal 1 -- TODO: remove legacy property "default" else "scale" return @__tag.signature ClipVect.getDrawing = (trimDrawing, pos, an) => if ASS\instanceOf pos, ASS.TagList pos, an = pos.tags.position, pos.tags.align unless pos and an if @parent and @parent.parent effTags = @parent.parent\getEffectiveTags(-1, true, true, false).tags pos, an = pos or effTags.position, an or effTags.align elseif not an an = ASS.Tag.Align{7} posType = type pos logger\assert not pos or ASS\instanceOf(pos, ASS.Point, nil, true), msgs.getDrawing.badPosition, ASS.Point.typeName, posType == "table" and pos.typeName or posType logger\assert ASS\instanceOf(an, ASS.Tag.Align), msgs.getDrawing.badAlign, ASS.Tag.Align.typeName, posType =="table" and an.typeName or type an drawing = ASS.Section.Drawing{@} extremePoints = @getExtremePoints! -- width and height of a drawing are always determined by the extreme points -- in the drawing, not the actual bounding box anOffset = an\getPositionOffset extremePoints.w, extremePoints.h if trimDrawing or not pos topLeft = ASS\createTag "position", @getBounds![1] drawing\sub topLeft return drawing, topLeft\add anOffset else return drawing\add(anOffset)\sub pos return ClipVect