DependencyControl = require('l0.DependencyControl') { name: 'ScrollHandler' description: 'Library to save and load subtitle grid scrollbar positions' author: 'CoffeeFlux' version: '1.1.0' moduleName: 'Flux.ScrollHandler' url: '' feed: '' { 'ffi' } } ffi = DependencyControl\requireModules! -- WARNING: Hilarious hacks below ffi.cdef [[ uintptr_t GetForegroundWindow(); uintptr_t SendMessageA(uintptr_t hWnd, uintptr_t Msg, uintptr_t wParam, uintptr_t lParam); uintptr_t FindWindowExA(uintptr_t hWndParent, uintptr_t hWndChildAfter, uintptr_t lpszClass, uintptr_t lpszWindow); ]] msgs = { WM_VSCROLL: 0x0115 SBM_SETPOS: 0xE0 SBM_GETPOS: 0xE1 SB_THUMBPOSITION: 4 SB_ENDSCROLL: 8 SB_SETTEXT: 0x401 } class ScrollHandler new: => @scrollPositions = {} checkHandle: => if not @handle @handle = {} @handle.App = ffi.C.GetForegroundWindow! @handle.Container = ffi.C.FindWindowExA @handle.App, 0, ffi.cast('uintptr_t','wxWindowNR'), 0 @handle.SubsGrid = ffi.C.FindWindowExA @handle.Container, 0, 0, 0 @handle.ScrollBar = ffi.C.FindWindowExA @handle.SubsGrid, 0, 0, 0 @handle.App != 0 savePos: (key) => return unless checkHandle @ @scrollPositions[key] = tonumber ffi.C.SendMessageA @handle.ScrollBar, msgs.SBM_GETPOS, 0, 0 -- aegisub.dialog.status_msg string.format 'Jumpscroll %s: saved position %d'\format key, @scrollpos[key] loadPos: (key) => return unless @scrollPositions[key] and checkHandle @ ffi.C.SendMessageA @handle.SubsGrid, msgs.WM_VSCROLL, msgs.SB_THUMBPOSITION, @handle.ScrollBar ffi.C.SendMessageA @handle.ScrollBar, msgs.SBM_SETPOS, @scrollPositions[key], 0 ffi.C.SendMessageA @handle.SubsGrid, msgs.WM_VSCROLL, msgs.SB_ENDSCROLL, @handle.ScrollBar -- aegisub.dialog.status_msg string.format 'Jumpscroll %s: scrolled to position %d'\format key, @scrollpos[key] version: DependencyControl return DependencyControl\register ScrollHandler