import Table from require "ILL.ILL.Table" import Util from require "ILL.ILL.Util" import Aegi from require "ILL.ILL.Aegi" import Text from require "ILL.ILL.Ass.Text.Text" class Ass set: (@sub, @sel, @activeLine, @remLine = true) => -- sets the selection information @i, @fi, @newSelection = 0, 0, {} for l, i in @iterSub! if l.class == "dialogue" -- number of the first line of the dialog @fi = i break -- gets meta and styles values @collectHead! get: (index) => index and @[index] or @ getActiveLine: => @activeLine new: (...) => @set ... -- iterates over all the lines of the ass file iterSub: (copy) => i = 0 n = #@sub -> i += 1 if i <= n l = @sub[i + @i] if l.class == "dialogue" l.isShape = Util.isShape l.text if copy if l.class == "dialogue" line = Table.deepcopy l unless l.isShape line.text = Text line.text, line.isShape return l, line, i, n return l, i, n -- iterates over all the selected lines of the ass file iterSel: (copy) => i = 0 n = #@sel -> i += 1 if i <= n s = @sel[i] l = @sub[s + @i] l.isShape = Util.isShape l.text if copy line = Table.deepcopy l unless l.isShape line.text = Text line.text, line.isShape return l, line, s, i, n return l, s, i, n -- gets the meta and styles values from the ass file collectHead: => @meta, @styles = {res_x: 0, res_y: 0, video_x_correct_factor: 1}, {} for l in @iterSub! if aegisub.progress.is_cancelled! error "User cancelled", 2 if l.class == "style" @styles[] = l elseif l.class == "info" @meta[l.key\lower!] = l.value else break -- check if there are any styles present in the ass file if Table.isEmpty @styles error "ERROR: No styles were found in the file, bug?!", 2 -- fix resolution data with @meta if pcall -> @sub.script_resolution .res_x, .res_y = @sub.script_resolution! else if .playresx .res_x = math.floor .playresx if .playresy .res_y = math.floor .playresy if .res_x == 0 and _res_y == 0 .res_x = 384 .res_y = 288 elseif .res_x == 0 if .res_y == 1024 .res_x = 1280 else .res_x = .res_y / 3 * 4 elseif .res_y == 0 if .res_x == 1280 .res_y = 1024 else .res_y = .res_x * 3 / 4 video_x, video_y = aegisub.video_size! if video_y @meta.video_x_correct_factor = (video_y / video_x) / (@meta.res_y / @meta.res_x) Aegi.debug 4, "ILL: Video X correction factor = %f\n\n", @meta.video_x_correct_factor return @ -- gets the real number of the current line lineNumber: (s) => s - @fi + 1 -- sets the value of the line in the dialog setLine: (l, s) => -- makes updating the text more dynamic instance = Ass.setText l -- sets the value of the line @sub[s + @i] = l if instance l.text = instance -- inserts a line in dialogs insertLine: (l, s) => i = s + @i + 1 -- makes updating the text more dynamic instance = Ass.setText l -- adds a dialogue line in subtitle @sub.insert i, l if instance l.text = instance -- inserts the index of this new line in the selected lines box table.insert @newSelection, i @i += 1 @activeLine += 1 -- removes a line in dialogs removeLine: (l, s) => i = s + @i l.comment = true if Util.checkClass l.text, "Text" l.text = l.text\__tostring! @sub[i] = l l.comment = false if @remLine @sub.delete i @i -= 1 @activeLine -= 1 -- deletes a line in dialogs deleteLine: (l, s) => @removeLine l, s -- deletes a line or more in dialogs deleteLines: (l, ...) => for i, n in ipairs type(...) == "table" and ... or {...} @deleteLine l, n -- gets the index values of the lines that were added getNewSelection: => if #@newSelection > 0 return @newSelection, @activeLine < @fi and 1 or @activeLine -- the subtitle that will appear on the progress screen progressLine: (s, i, n) => Aegi.progressSet i, n Aegi.progressTask "Processing Line: #{@lineNumber s} - #{i} / #{n}" Aegi.progressCancelled! -- sets an error on the line error: (s, msg = "not specified") => Aegi.debug 0, "———— [Error] ➔ Line #{@lineNumber s}\n" Aegi.debug 0, "—— [Cause] ➔ " .. msg .. "\n\n" Aegi.progressCancel! -- sets a warning on the line warning: (s, msg = "not specified") => Aegi.debug 2, "———— [Warning] ➔ Line #{@lineNumber s} skipped\n" Aegi.debug 2, "—— [Cause] ➔ " .. msg .. "\n\n" -- sets the final value of the text setText: (l) -> if not l.isShape and Util.checkClass l.text, "Text" copyInstance = Table.copy l.text l.text = l.text\__tostring! return copyInstance elseif l.tags local tags if Util.checkClass l.tags, "Tags" tags = Table.copy l.tags tags\clear l.styleref tags = tags\__tostring! else tags = l.tags if l.isShape l.text = tags .. l.shape else l.text = tags .. l.text_stripped elseif l.isShape and l.shape l.text = l.shape {:Ass}