--- Date and Date Format classes. -- See @{05-dates.md|the Guide}. -- -- Dependencies: `pl.class`, `pl.stringx`, `pl.utils` -- @classmod pl.Date -- @pragma nostrip local class = require 'pl.class' local os_time, os_date = os.time, os.date local stringx = require 'pl.stringx' local utils = require 'pl.utils' local assert_arg,assert_string = utils.assert_arg,utils.assert_string local Date = class() Date.Format = class() --- Date constructor. -- @param t this can be either -- -- * `nil` or empty - use current date and time -- * number - seconds since epoch (as returned by `os.time`). Resulting time is UTC -- * `Date` - make a copy of this date -- * table - table containing year, month, etc as for `os.time`. You may leave out year, month or day, -- in which case current values will be used. -- * year (will be followed by month, day etc) -- -- @param ... true if Universal Coordinated Time, or two to five numbers: month,day,hour,min,sec -- @function Date function Date:_init(t,...) local time local nargs = select('#',...) if nargs > 2 then local extra = {...} local year = t t = { year = year, month = extra[1], day = extra[2], hour = extra[3], min = extra[4], sec = extra[5] } end if nargs == 1 then self.utc = select(1,...) == true end if t == nil or t == 'utc' then time = os_time() self.utc = t == 'utc' elseif type(t) == 'number' then time = t if self.utc == nil then self.utc = true end elseif type(t) == 'table' then if getmetatable(t) == Date then -- copy ctor time = t.time self.utc = t.utc else if not (t.year and t.month) then local lt = os_date('*t') if not t.year and not t.month and not t.day then t.year = lt.year t.month = lt.month t.day = lt.day else t.year = t.year or lt.year t.month = t.month or (t.day and lt.month or 1) t.day = t.day or 1 end end t.day = t.day or 1 time = os_time(t) end else error("bad type for Date constructor: "..type(t),2) end self:set(time) end --- set the current time of this Date object. -- @int t seconds since epoch function Date:set(t) self.time = t if self.utc then self.tab = os_date('!*t',t) else self.tab = os_date('*t',t) end end --- get the time zone offset from UTC. -- @int ts seconds ahead of UTC function Date.tzone (ts) if ts == nil then ts = os_time() elseif type(ts) == "table" then if getmetatable(ts) == Date then ts = ts.time else ts = Date(ts).time end end local utc = os_date('!*t',ts) local lcl = os_date('*t',ts) lcl.isdst = false return os.difftime(os_time(lcl), os_time(utc)) end --- convert this date to UTC. function Date:toUTC () local ndate = Date(self) if not self.utc then ndate.utc = true ndate:set(ndate.time) end return ndate end --- convert this UTC date to local. function Date:toLocal () local ndate = Date(self) if self.utc then ndate.utc = false ndate:set(ndate.time) --~ ndate:add { sec = Date.tzone(self) } end return ndate end --- set the year. -- @int y Four-digit year -- @class function -- @name Date:year --- set the month. -- @int m month -- @class function -- @name Date:month --- set the day. -- @int d day -- @class function -- @name Date:day --- set the hour. -- @int h hour -- @class function -- @name Date:hour --- set the minutes. -- @int min minutes -- @class function -- @name Date:min --- set the seconds. -- @int sec seconds -- @class function -- @name Date:sec --- set the day of year. -- @class function -- @int yday day of year -- @name Date:yday --- get the year. -- @int y Four-digit year -- @class function -- @name Date:year --- get the month. -- @class function -- @name Date:month --- get the day. -- @class function -- @name Date:day --- get the hour. -- @class function -- @name Date:hour --- get the minutes. -- @class function -- @name Date:min --- get the seconds. -- @class function -- @name Date:sec --- get the day of year. -- @class function -- @name Date:yday for _,c in ipairs{'year','month','day','hour','min','sec','yday'} do Date[c] = function(self,val) if val then assert_arg(1,val,"number") self.tab[c] = val self:set(os_time(self.tab)) return self else return self.tab[c] end end end --- name of day of week. -- @bool full abbreviated if true, full otherwise. -- @ret string name function Date:weekday_name(full) return os_date(full and '%A' or '%a',self.time) end --- name of month. -- @int full abbreviated if true, full otherwise. -- @ret string name function Date:month_name(full) return os_date(full and '%B' or '%b',self.time) end --- is this day on a weekend?. function Date:is_weekend() return self.tab.wday == 1 or self.tab.wday == 7 end --- add to a date object. -- @param t a table containing one of the following keys and a value: -- one of `year`,`month`,`day`,`hour`,`min`,`sec` -- @return this date function Date:add(t) local old_dst = self.tab.isdst local key,val = next(t) self.tab[key] = self.tab[key] + val self:set(os_time(self.tab)) if old_dst ~= self.tab.isdst then self.tab.hour = self.tab.hour - (old_dst and 1 or -1) self:set(os_time(self.tab)) end return self end --- last day of the month. -- @return int day function Date:last_day() local d = 28 local m = self.tab.month while self.tab.month == m do d = d + 1 self:add{day=1} end self:add{day=-1} return self end --- difference between two Date objects. -- @tparam Date other Date object -- @treturn Date.Interval object function Date:diff(other) local dt = self.time - other.time if dt < 0 then error("date difference is negative!",2) end return Date.Interval(dt) end --- long numerical ISO data format version of this date. function Date:__tostring() local fmt = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S' if self.utc then fmt = "!"..fmt end local t = os_date(fmt,self.time) if self.utc then return t .. 'Z' else local offs = self:tzone() if offs == 0 then return t .. 'Z' end local sign = offs > 0 and '+' or '-' local h = math.ceil(offs/3600) local m = (offs % 3600)/60 if m == 0 then return t .. ('%s%02d'):format(sign,h) else return t .. ('%s%02d:%02d'):format(sign,h,m) end end end --- equality between Date objects. function Date:__eq(other) return self.time == other.time end --- ordering between Date objects. function Date:__lt(other) return self.time < other.time end --- difference between Date objects. -- @function Date:__sub Date.__sub = Date.diff --- add a date and an interval. -- @param other either a `Date.Interval` object or a table such as -- passed to `Date:add` function Date:__add(other) local nd = Date(self) if Date.Interval:class_of(other) then other = {sec=other.time} end nd:add(other) return nd end Date.Interval = class(Date) ---- Date.Interval constructor -- @int t an interval in seconds -- @function Date.Interval function Date.Interval:_init(t) self:set(t) end function Date.Interval:set(t) self.time = t self.tab = os_date('!*t',self.time) end local function ess(n) if n > 1 then return 's ' else return ' ' end end --- If it's an interval then the format is '2 hours 29 sec' etc. function Date.Interval:__tostring() local t, res = self.tab, '' local y,m,d = t.year - 1970, t.month - 1, t.day - 1 if y > 0 then res = res .. y .. ' year'..ess(y) end if m > 0 then res = res .. m .. ' month'..ess(m) end if d > 0 then res = res .. d .. ' day'..ess(d) end if y == 0 and m == 0 then local h = t.hour if h > 0 then res = res .. h .. ' hour'..ess(h) end if t.min > 0 then res = res .. t.min .. ' min ' end if t.sec > 0 then res = res .. t.sec .. ' sec ' end end if res == '' then res = 'zero' end return res end ------------ Date.Format class: parsing and renderinig dates ------------ -- short field names, explicit os.date names, and a mask for allowed field repeats local formats = { d = {'day',{true,true}}, y = {'year',{false,true,false,true}}, m = {'month',{true,true}}, H = {'hour',{true,true}}, M = {'min',{true,true}}, S = {'sec',{true,true}}, } --- Date.Format constructor. -- @string fmt. A string where the following fields are significant: -- -- * d day (either d or dd) -- * y year (either yy or yyy) -- * m month (either m or mm) -- * H hour (either H or HH) -- * M minute (either M or MM) -- * S second (either S or SS) -- -- Alternatively, if fmt is nil then this returns a flexible date parser -- that tries various date/time schemes in turn: -- -- * [ISO 8601](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601), like `2010-05-10 12:35:23Z` or `2008-10-03T14:30+02` -- * times like 15:30 or 8.05pm (assumed to be today's date) -- * dates like 28/10/02 (European order!) or 5 Feb 2012 -- * month name like march or Mar (case-insensitive, first 3 letters); here the -- day will be 1 and the year this current year -- -- A date in format 3 can be optionally followed by a time in format 2. -- Please see test-date.lua in the tests folder for more examples. -- @usage df = Date.Format("yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS") -- @class function -- @name Date.Format function Date.Format:_init(fmt) if not fmt then self.fmt = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' self.outf = self.fmt self.plain = true return end local append = table.insert local D,PLUS,OPENP,CLOSEP = '\001','\002','\003','\004' local vars,used = {},{} local patt,outf = {},{} local i = 1 while i < #fmt do local ch = fmt:sub(i,i) local df = formats[ch] if df then if used[ch] then error("field appeared twice: "..ch,4) end used[ch] = true -- this field may be repeated local _,inext = fmt:find(ch..'+',i+1) local cnt = not _ and 1 or inext-i+1 if not df[2][cnt] then error("wrong number of fields: "..ch,4) end -- single chars mean 'accept more than one digit' local p = cnt==1 and (D..PLUS) or (D):rep(cnt) append(patt,OPENP..p..CLOSEP) append(vars,ch) if ch == 'y' then append(outf,cnt==2 and '%y' or '%Y') else append(outf,'%'..ch) end i = i + cnt else append(patt,ch) append(outf,ch) i = i + 1 end end -- escape any magic characters fmt = utils.escape(table.concat(patt)) -- fmt = table.concat(patt):gsub('[%-%.%+%[%]%(%)%$%^%%%?%*]','%%%1') -- replace markers with their magic equivalents fmt = fmt:gsub(D,'%%d'):gsub(PLUS,'+'):gsub(OPENP,'('):gsub(CLOSEP,')') self.fmt = fmt self.outf = table.concat(outf) self.vars = vars end local parse_date --- parse a string into a Date object. -- @string str a date string -- @return date object function Date.Format:parse(str) assert_string(1,str) if self.plain then return parse_date(str,self.us) end local res = {str:match(self.fmt)} if #res==0 then return nil, 'cannot parse '..str end local tab = {} for i,v in ipairs(self.vars) do local name = formats[v][1] -- e.g. 'y' becomes 'year' tab[name] = tonumber(res[i]) end -- os.date() requires these fields; if not present, we assume -- that the time set is for the current day. if not (tab.year and tab.month and tab.day) then local today = Date() tab.year = tab.year or today:year() tab.month = tab.month or today:month() tab.day = tab.day or today:day() end local Y = tab.year if Y < 100 then -- classic Y2K pivot tab.year = Y + (Y < 35 and 2000 or 1999) elseif not Y then tab.year = 1970 end return Date(tab) end --- convert a Date object into a string. -- @param d a date object, or a time value as returned by @{os.time} -- @return string function Date.Format:tostring(d) local tm local fmt = self.outf if type(d) == 'number' then tm = d else tm = d.time if d.utc then fmt = '!'..fmt end end return os_date(fmt,tm) end --- force US order in dates like 9/11/2001 function Date.Format:US_order(yesno) self.us = yesno end --local months = {jan=1,feb=2,mar=3,apr=4,may=5,jun=6,jul=7,aug=8,sep=9,oct=10,nov=11,dec=12} local months local parse_date_unsafe local function create_months() local ld, day1 = parse_date_unsafe '2000-12-31', {day=1} months = {} for i = 1,12 do ld = ld:last_day() ld:add(day1) local mon = ld:month_name():lower() months [mon] = i end end --[[ Allowed patterns: - [day] [monthname] [year] [time] - [day]/[month][/year] [time] ]] local function looks_like_a_month(w) return w:match '^%a+,*$' ~= nil end local is_number = stringx.isdigit local function tonum(s,l1,l2,kind) kind = kind or '' local n = tonumber(s) if not n then error(("%snot a number: '%s'"):format(kind,s)) end if n < l1 or n > l2 then error(("%s out of range: %s is not between %d and %d"):format(kind,s,l1,l2)) end return n end local function parse_iso_end(p,ns,sec) -- may be fractional part of seconds local _,nfrac,secfrac = p:find('^%.%d+',ns+1) if secfrac then sec = sec .. secfrac p = p:sub(nfrac+1) else p = p:sub(ns+1) end -- ISO 8601 dates may end in Z (for UTC) or [+-][isotime] -- (we're working with the date as lower case, hence 'z') if p:match 'z$' then -- we're UTC! return sec, {h=0,m=0} end p = p:gsub(':','') -- turn 00:30 to 0030 local _,_,sign,offs = p:find('^([%+%-])(%d+)') if not sign then return sec, nil end -- not UTC if #offs == 2 then offs = offs .. '00' end -- 01 to 0100 local tz = { h = tonumber(offs:sub(1,2)), m = tonumber(offs:sub(3,4)) } if sign == '-' then tz.h = -tz.h; tz.m = -tz.m end return sec, tz end function parse_date_unsafe (s,US) s = s:gsub('T',' ') -- ISO 8601 local parts = stringx.split(s:lower()) local i,p = 1,parts[1] local function nextp() i = i + 1; p = parts[i] end local year,min,hour,sec,apm local tz local _,nxt,day, month = p:find '^(%d+)/(%d+)' if day then -- swop for US case if US then day, month = month, day end _,_,year = p:find('^/(%d+)',nxt+1) nextp() else -- ISO year,month,day = p:match('^(%d+)%-(%d+)%-(%d+)') if year then nextp() end end if p and not year and is_number(p) then -- has to be date if #p < 4 then day = p nextp() else -- unless it looks like a 24-hour time year = true end end if p and looks_like_a_month(p) then -- date followed by month p = p:sub(1,3) if not months then create_months() end local mon = months[p] if mon then month = mon else error("not a month: " .. p) end nextp() end if p and not year and is_number(p) then year = p nextp() end if p then -- time is hh:mm[:ss], hhmm[ss] or H.M[am|pm] _,nxt,hour,min = p:find '^(%d+):(%d+)' local ns if nxt then -- are there seconds? _,ns,sec = p:find ('^:(%d+)',nxt+1) --if ns then sec,tz = parse_iso_end(p,ns or nxt,sec) --end else -- might be h.m _,ns,hour,min = p:find '^(%d+)%.(%d+)' if ns then apm = p:match '[ap]m$' else -- or hhmm[ss] local hourmin _,nxt,hourmin = p:find ('^(%d+)') if nxt then hour = hourmin:sub(1,2) min = hourmin:sub(3,4) sec = hourmin:sub(5,6) if #sec == 0 then sec = nil end sec,tz = parse_iso_end(p,nxt,sec) end end end end local today if year == true then year = nil end if not (year and month and day) then today = Date() end day = day and tonum(day,1,31,'day') or (month and 1 or today:day()) month = month and tonum(month,1,12,'month') or today:month() year = year and tonumber(year) or today:year() if year < 100 then -- two-digit year pivot around year < 2035 year = year + (year < 35 and 2000 or 1900) end hour = hour and tonum(hour,0,apm and 12 or 24,'hour') or 12 if apm == 'pm' then hour = hour + 12 end min = min and tonum(min,0,59) or 0 sec = sec and tonum(sec,0,60) or 0 --60 used to indicate leap second local res = Date {year = year, month = month, day = day, hour = hour, min = min, sec = sec} if tz then -- ISO 8601 UTC time local corrected = false if tz.h ~= 0 then res:add {hour = -tz.h}; corrected = true end if tz.m ~= 0 then res:add {min = -tz.m}; corrected = true end res.utc = true -- we're in UTC, so let's go local... if corrected then res = res:toLocal() end-- we're UTC! end return res end function parse_date (s) local ok, d = pcall(parse_date_unsafe,s) if not ok then -- error d = d:gsub('.-:%d+: ','') return nil, d else return d end end return Date