--- A Map class. -- -- > Map = require 'pl.Map' -- > m = Map{one=1,two=2} -- > m:update {three=3,four=4,two=20} -- > = m == M{one=1,two=20,three=3,four=4} -- true -- -- Dependencies: `pl.utils`, `pl.class`, `pl.tablex`, `pl.pretty` -- @classmod pl.Map local tablex = require 'pl.tablex' local utils = require 'pl.utils' local stdmt = utils.stdmt local deepcompare = tablex.deepcompare local pretty_write = require 'pl.pretty' . write local Map = stdmt.Map local Set = stdmt.Set local class = require 'pl.class' -- the Map class --------------------- class(nil,nil,Map) function Map:_init (t) local mt = getmetatable(t) if mt == Set or mt == Map then self:update(t) else return t -- otherwise assumed to be a map-like table end end local function makelist(t) return setmetatable(t, require('pl.List')) end --- list of keys. Map.keys = tablex.keys --- list of values. Map.values = tablex.values --- return an iterator over all key-value pairs. function Map:iter () return pairs(self) end --- return a List of all key-value pairs, sorted by the keys. function Map:items() local ls = makelist(tablex.pairmap (function (k,v) return makelist {k,v} end, self)) ls:sort(function(t1,t2) return t1[1] < t2[1] end) return ls end -- Will return the existing value, or if it doesn't exist it will set -- a default value and return it. function Map:setdefault(key, defaultval) return self[key] or self:set(key,defaultval) or defaultval end --- size of map. -- note: this is a relatively expensive operation! -- @class function -- @name Map:len Map.len = tablex.size --- put a value into the map. -- This will remove the key if the value is `nil` -- @param key the key -- @param val the value function Map:set (key,val) self[key] = val end --- get a value from the map. -- @param key the key -- @return the value, or nil if not found. function Map:get (key) return rawget(self,key) end local index_by = tablex.index_by --- get a list of values indexed by a list of keys. -- @param keys a list-like table of keys -- @return a new list function Map:getvalues (keys) return makelist(index_by(self,keys)) end --- update the map using key/value pairs from another table. -- @tab table -- @function Map:update Map.update = tablex.update --- equality between maps. -- @within metamethods -- @tparam Map m another map. function Map:__eq (m) -- note we explicitly ask deepcompare _not_ to use __eq! return deepcompare(self,m,true) end --- string representation of a map. -- @within metamethods function Map:__tostring () return pretty_write(self,'') end return Map