{ "dependencyControlFeedFormatVersion": "0.2.0", "name": "SubInspector", "description": "Official SubInspector repository", "baseUrl": "https://github.com/TypesettingTools/SubInspector", "url": "@{baseUrl}", "maintainer": "torque", "knownFeeds": { "ffi-experiments": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TypesettingTools/ffi-experiments/master/DependencyControl.json" }, "modules": { "SubInspector.Inspector": { "url": "@{baseUrl}", "author": "torque", "name": "SubInspector", "description": "Provides low level inspection and analysis of subtitles post-rasterization.", "channels": { "release": { "version": "0.7.2", "released": "2018-04-0.6", "default": true, "platforms": ["Windows-x86", "Windows-x64", "OSX-x64"], "fileBaseUrl": "https://github.com/TypesettingTools/@{scriptName}/releases/download/v0.5.1/", "files": [ { "name": ".moon", "url": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TypesettingTools/@{scriptName}/c2db2971c9f959b6dcd84ea8438eef8e5702f400/examples/Aegisub/Inspector@{fileName}", "sha1": "112009C60FFF28FD56B47AE51F562E306272AFF6" }, { "name": "/SubInspector.dll", "url": "@{fileBaseUrl}@{scriptName}-win32.dll", "platform": "Windows-x86", "sha1": "E9A75D53FFE6DD5DBE35451B2DEA336AD2104C66" }, { "name": "/SubInspector.dll", "url": "@{fileBaseUrl}@{scriptName}-win64.dll", "platform": "Windows-x64", "sha1": "719A281B1FCDF73EF058FF210CBC3674CB1A6831" }, { "name": "/libSubInspector.dylib", "url": "https://github.com/TypesettingTools/SubInspector/releases/download/v0.5.2/libSubInspector.dylib", "platform": "OSX-x64", "sha1": "CE34B98F880FD7BB0DD6BDDCDC6484C7781EEF71" } ], "requiredModules": [ { "moduleName": "ffi" }, { "moduleName": "requireffi.requireffi", "version": "0.1.2", "feed": "@{feed:ffi-experiments}" } ] } }, "changelog": { "0.7.2": [ "Fix Inspector.moon C library version compatibility check in some cases." ], "0.7.1": [ "Fix Inspector.moon log function invocation." ], "0.7.0": [ "Fix Inspector.moon for libass with DirectWrite. No more XP support." ], "0.6.1": [ "Improve hash reliability as a measure of visual sameness." ], "0.6.0": [ "Rebrand as SubInspector." ], "0.5.1": [ "Fix bounds calculation in weird cases." ], "0.5.0": [ "DependencyControl integration." ], "0.4.0": [ "Added solid field to ASSI_Rect." ], "0.3.1": [ "Fixed hash reliability by not hashing junk memory." ], "0.3.0": [ "All inputs are hashed (CRC32) to provide a measure of uniqueness." ] } } } }