export script_name = "Note Browser" export script_description = "Loads a set of timestamped notes and adds options to mark them or jump between them." export script_version = "1.3.5" export script_namespace = "arch.NoteBrowser" export script_author = "arch1t3cht" -- This script allows loading a collection of subtitle QC notes prefixed by timestamps, -- and allows navigation between mentioned lines in Aegisub. -- It's able to add the notes themselves to the lines, but it can also simply highlight -- the notes mentioned in the timestamps. Depending on the format of the notes, it could -- either be helpful to see them directly in Aegisub, or it could be too hard to navigate. -- In the latter case, the script could still save the time required to switch back and -- forth between Aegisub and the notes file and scroll to the mentioned line. -- -- Note format: -- A note is any line starting with a timestamp of the form hh:mm:ss or mm:ss . -- (As a consequence, lines starting with timestamps like 00:01:02.34 including centiseconds -- will also be recognized as a note, however the centiseconds will be ignored.) -- A note's text can be broken into multiple lines by indenting the following lines. -- -- More precisely, a note's text consists of all the following lines up until the first blank line -- with the property that the previous line is not indented. -- -- A file of notes can be organized into different sections (say, collecting notes on different -- topics or from different authors - the latter being the motivation for the macro names). -- A section is started by a line of the form [], where the -- section's name must not contain a closing bracket. -- -- Any text not matching one of these two formats is skipped. -- -- Furthermore, mpvQC files are transparently converted to the above format, provided the header is also included. -- -- Example: -- -- 0:01 - General note 1 -- More explanation for that note -- -- Even more explanation -- 1:50 - General note 2 -- -- [TLC] -- 3:24 - yabai should be translated as "terrible" instead. -- -- [Timing] -- 1:55 - Scene bleed -- 2:10 - Flashing subs -- -- Most of the script's functions should be self-explanatory with this. -- The one tricky element is "Jump to next/previous note by the same author": -- This will jump to the next note whose author is *the author of the last note -- the user jumped to using the ordinary "Jump to next/previous note" command. -- While this may seem counter-intuitive, this ensures that successively using -- "Jump to next/previous note by author" will indeed always jump to notes of the -- same author, even after arriving at a subtitle line with multiple notes on it. default_config = { mark: false, } haveDepCtrl, DependencyControl = pcall(require, "l0.DependencyControl") local config local fun local depctrl if haveDepCtrl depctrl = DependencyControl({ feed: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TypesettingTools/arch1t3cht-Aegisub-Scripts/main/DependencyControl.json", { {"l0.Functional", version: "0.6.0", url: "https://github.com/TypesettingTools/Functional", feed: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TypesettingTools/Functional/master/DependencyControl.json"}, } }) config = depctrl\getConfigHandler(default_config, "config", false) fun = depctrl\requireModules! else id = () -> nil config = {c: default_config, load: id, write: id} fun = require "l0.Functional" current_notes = {} notes_owners = {} current_all_notes = {} local current_author clear_markers = (subs) -> for si, line in ipairs(subs) continue if line.class != "dialogue" line.text = line.text\gsub("{|QC|[^}]+}", "")\gsub("- |QC|[^|]+|", "- OG") line.effect = line.effect\gsub("%[QC%-[^%]]*%]", "") subs[si] = line index_of_closest = (times, ms) -> local closest mindist = 15000 for si, time in pairs(times) continue if time == nil diff = math.abs(time - ms) if diff < mindist mindist = diff closest = si return closest -- Joins lines with subsequent lines, until encountering a new line following an unindented line join_lines = (notelines) -> joined_lines = {} local currentline local lastindent for line in *notelines if currentline == nil currentline = line lastindent = "" else if line\match("^[%d]+:[%d]+") or line\match("^%[") or (line\match("^[%s]*$") and lastindent == "") table.insert(joined_lines, currentline) currentline = line lastindent = "" elseif not currentline\match("^[%s]*$") currentline ..= "\\N" .. line\gsub("^[%s]*", "") lastindent = currentline\match("^[%s]*") table.insert(joined_lines, currentline) unless currentline == nil return joined_lines patch_for_mpvqc = (lines) -> return lines unless #[true for line in *lines when line\match "^generator.*mpvQC"] > 0 patched_lines = {} for line in *lines if line\match "^%[[%d:]+%]" section_header = line\match "^%[[^%]]+%] %[([^%]]+)%].*" qc = line\gsub("^%[([%d:]+)%] %[[^%]]-%](.*)$", "%1 -%2") table.insert(patched_lines, "[#{section_header}]") table.insert(patched_lines, qc) return patched_lines load_notes = (subs) -> config\load() btn, result = aegisub.dialog.display({{ class: "label", label: "Paste your QC notes here: ", x: 0, y: 0, width: 2, height: 1, },{ class: "checkbox", name: "mark", value: config.c.mark, label: "Mark lines with notes", x: 0, y: 1, width: 1, height: 1, },{ class: "checkbox", name: "inline", value: config.c.inline, label: "Show notes in line", x: 1, y: 1, width: 1, height: 1, },{ class: "textbox", name: "notes", x: 0, y: 2, width: 2, height: 10, }}) return if not btn notes = result.notes\gsub("\r\n", "\n") notelines = fun.string.split notes, "\n" notelines = patch_for_mpvqc notelines notelines = join_lines notelines current_section = "N" newnotes = {} report = {} for i, line in ipairs(notelines) newsection = line\match("^%[([^%]]*)%]$") if newsection current_section = newsection continue timestamp = line\match("^%d+:%d+:%d+") or line\match("^%d+:%d+") continue if not timestamp hours, minutes, seconds = line\match("^(%d+):(%d+):(%d+)") sminutes, sseconds = line\match("^(%d+):(%d+)") hours or= 0 minutes or= sminutes seconds or= sseconds ms = 1000 * (3600 * hours + 60 * minutes + seconds) newnotes[current_section] or= {} table.insert(newnotes[current_section], ms) qc_report = line\match("^[%d:%s%.%-]+(.*)")\gsub("{", "[")\gsub("}", "]")\gsub("\\([^N])", "/%1") report[ms] or= {} table.insert(report[ms], qc_report) for k, v in pairs(newnotes) table.sort(v) current_notes = newnotes notes_owners = {} allnotes = {} for k, v in pairs(newnotes) for i, n in ipairs(v) notes_owners[n] or= {} table.insert(notes_owners[n], k) table.insert(allnotes, n) table.sort(allnotes) current_all_notes = allnotes current_author = nil clear_markers(subs) config.c.mark = result.mark config.c.inline = result.inline config\write() sections = fun.table.keys(current_notes) table.sort(sections) for i, section in ipairs(sections) for ni, ms in ipairs(current_notes[section]) si = index_of_closest({i,line.start_time for i, line in ipairs(subs) when line.class == "dialogue"}, ms) continue if not si line = subs[si] if result.inline for _, note in ipairs(report[ms]) line.text ..= "{|QC|#{note}|}" line.effect ..= "[QC-#{section}]" if result.mark subs[si] = line jump_to = (forward, same, subs, sel) -> if #current_all_notes == 0 aegisub.log("No notes loaded!\n") aegisub.cancel() si = sel[1] pool = current_all_notes if same and current_author != nil pool = current_notes[current_author] -- we do this dynamically, since lines might have changed of shifted since loading the notes. subtitle_times = {i,line.start_time for i, line in ipairs(subs) when line.class == "dialogue"} lines_with_notes_rev = {} for _, n in ipairs pool closest_lines_with_notes = index_of_closest(subtitle_times, n) continue unless closest_lines_with_notes lines_with_notes_rev[closest_lines_with_notes] = n lines_with_notes = fun.table.keys lines_with_notes_rev -- yeeeeeah there are marginally faster algorithms, but that's not necessary at this scale. Let's keep it clean and simple. table.sort(lines_with_notes) for i=1,#lines_with_notes ind = if forward then i else #lines_with_notes + 1 - i comp = if forward then ((a,b) -> a > b) else ((a, b) -> a < b) new_si = lines_with_notes[ind] if comp(new_si, si) if not same -- if there are multiple notes on this line, pick one at random. It's very hard to think up a scenario -- where this would cause problems and not be easily avoidable. corresponding_note = lines_with_notes_rev[new_si] if corresponding_note != nil owners = notes_owners[corresponding_note] current_author = owners[1] if #owners >= 1 return {new_si}, new_si mymacros = {} wrap_register_macro = (name, ...) -> if haveDepCtrl table.insert(mymacros, {name, ...}) else aegisub.register_macro("#{script_name}/#{name}", ...) wrap_register_macro("Load notes", "Load QC notes", load_notes) wrap_register_macro("Jump to next note", "Jump to the next note", (...) -> jump_to(true, false, ...)) wrap_register_macro("Jump to previous note", "Jump to the previous note", (...) -> jump_to(false, false, ...)) wrap_register_macro("Jump to next note by author", "Jump to the next note with the same author", (...) -> jump_to(true, true, ...)) wrap_register_macro("Jump to previous note by author", "Jump to the previous note with the same author", (...) -> jump_to(false, true, ...)) wrap_register_macro("Clear all markers", "Clear all the [QC-...] markers that were added when loading the notes", clear_markers) if haveDepCtrl depctrl\registerMacros(mymacros)