import CPP, has_loaded, version from require "zpolyclipping.polyclipping" import POINT from require "ZF.main.2D.point" import SEGMENT from require "ZF.main.2D.segment" import PATH from require "ZF.main.2D.path" import SHAPE from require "ZF.main.2D.shape" class CLIPPER version: "1.0.3" -- @param subj string || SHAPE -- @param clip string || SHAPE -- @param close boolean -- @param scale number new: (subj, clip, close = false) => unless has_loaded libError "libpolyclipping" assert subj, "subject expected" subj = SHAPE(subj, close)\flatten nil, nil, 1, "b" clip = clip and SHAPE(clip, close)\flatten(nil, nil, 1, "b") or nil scale = CPP.SCALE_POINT_SIZE createPaths = (paths) -> createPath = (path) -> newPath =! if path[1] {a, b} = path[1]["segment"] newPath\add a.x * scale, a.y * scale newPath\add b.x * scale, b.y * scale for i = 2, #path c = path[i]["segment"][2] newPath\add c.x * scale, c.y * scale return newPath newPaths =! for p in *paths newPaths\add createPath p.path return newPaths @cls = close @sbj = createPaths subj.paths @clp = clip and createPaths(clip.paths) or nil -- removes useless vertices from a shape -- @return CLIPPER simplify: (ft) => @sbj = @sbj\simplify ft return @ -- creates a run for the clipper -- @param fr string -- @param ct string -- @return CLIPPER clipper: (ct = "intersection", ft = "even_odd") => assert @clp, "expected clip" c =! c\add_paths @sbj, "subject" c\add_paths @clp, "clip" @sbj = c\execute ct, ft return @ -- creates a run for clipper offset -- @param size number -- @param jt string -- @param et string -- @param mtl number -- @param act number -- @return CLIPPER offset: (size, jt = "round", et = "closed_polygon", mtl = 2, act = 0.25) => jt = jt\lower! o = mtl, act @sbj = o\paths @sbj, size, jt, et return @ -- generates a stroke around the shape -- @param size number -- @param jt string -- @param mode string -- @param mtl number -- @param act number -- @return CLIPPER, CLIPPER toStroke: (size, jt = "round", mode = "center", mtl, act) => assert size >= 0, "The size must be positive" mode = mode\lower! size = mode == "inside" and -size or size fill = CLIPPER (mode != "center" and @simplify! or @)\build! offs = CLIPPER @offset(size, jt, mode == "center" and "closed_line" or nil, mtl, act)\build! switch mode when "outside" @sbj = offs.sbj @clp = fill.sbj @clip(true), fill when "inside" @sbj = fill.sbj @clp = offs.sbj @clip(true), offs when "center" @sbj = fill.sbj @clp = offs.sbj offs, @clip(true) -- cuts a shape through the \clip - \iclip tags -- @param iclip boolean -- @return CLIPPER clip: (iclip) => iclip and @clipper("difference") or @clipper "intersection" -- builds the shape -- @param simplifyType string -- @param precision integer -- @param decs integer -- @return string build: (simplifyType, precision = 1, decs = 3) => new, rsc = SHAPE!, CPP.RESCALE_POINT_SIZE for i = 1, @sbj\len! path = @sbj\get i new.paths[i] = PATH! for j = 2, path\len! prevPoint = path\get j - 1 currPoint = path\get j - 0 p, c = POINT!, POINT! p.x = tonumber(prevPoint.X) * rsc p.y = tonumber(prevPoint.Y) * rsc c.x = tonumber(currPoint.X) * rsc c.y = tonumber(currPoint.Y) * rsc new.paths[i]\push SEGMENT p, c if simplifyType new.paths[i] = new.paths[i]\simplify simplifyType, precision, precision * 3 return new\build decs {:CLIPPER}