import PATHS from require "ZF.main.2D.paths" import PATH from require "ZF.main.2D.path" import SEGMENT from require "ZF.main.2D.segment" import POINT from require "ZF.main.2D.point" class SHAPE extends PATHS version: "1.1.4" -- @param shape string || SHAPE -- @param close boolean new: (shape, close = true) => -- checks if the value is a number, otherwise it returns an invalid error isNumber = (v) -> if v = tonumber v return v else error "unknown shape" @paths = {} if type(shape) == "string" -- indexes all values that are different from a space i, data = 1, [s for s in shape\gmatch "%S+"] while i <= #data switch data[i] when "m" -- creates a new path layer @push PATH! -- skip to the next letter i += 2 when "l" j = 1 while tonumber(data[i + j]) != nil last = @paths[#@paths] path, p0 = last.path, POINT! if #path == 0 and data[i - 3] == "m" p0.x = isNumber data[i - 2] p0.y = isNumber data[i - 1] else segment = path[#path].segment p0 = POINT segment[#segment] -- creates the new line points and -- checks if they are really a number p1 = POINT! p1.x = isNumber data[i + j + 0] p1.y = isNumber data[i + j + 1] -- adds the line to the path last\push SEGMENT p0, p1 j += 2 -- skip to the next letter i += j - 1 when "b" j = 1 while tonumber(data[i + j]) != nil last = @paths[#@paths] path, p0 = last.path, POINT! if #path == 0 and data[i - 3] == "m" p0.x = isNumber data[i - 2] p0.y = isNumber data[i - 1] else segment = path[#path].segment p0 = POINT segment[#segment] -- creates the new bezier points and -- checks if they are really a number p1, p2, p3 = POINT!, POINT!, POINT! p1.x = isNumber data[i + j + 0] p1.y = isNumber data[i + j + 1] p2.x = isNumber data[i + j + 2] p2.y = isNumber data[i + j + 3] p3.x = isNumber data[i + j + 4] p3.y = isNumber data[i + j + 5] -- adds the bezier to the path last\push SEGMENT p0, p1, p2, p3 j += 6 -- skip to the next letter i += j - 1 else -- if the (command | letter) is other than "m", "l" and "b", that shape is unknown error "unknown shape" i += 1 elseif type(shape) == "table" and rawget shape, "paths" for key, value in pairs shape\copy! @[key] = value -- removes invalid path i = 1 while i <= #@paths path = @paths[i].path if #path == 0 table.remove @paths, i i -= 1 i += 1 -- checks whether to close or open the shape if close == true or close == "close" @close! elseif close == "open" @open! -- sets the bounding box @setBoudingBox! -- sets the position the paths will be -- @param an integer -- @param mode string -- @param px number -- @param py number -- @return SHAPE setPosition: (an = 7, mode = "tcp", px = 0, py = 0) => {:w, :h} = @ switch an when 1 switch mode when "tcp" then @move px, py - h when "ucp" then @move -px, -py + h when 2 switch mode when "tcp" then @move px - w / 2, py - h when "ucp" then @move -px + w / 2, -py + h when 3 switch mode when "tcp" then @move px - w, py - h when "ucp" then @move -px + w, -py + h when 4 switch mode when "tcp" then @move px, py - h / 2 when "ucp" then @move -px, -py + h / 2 when 5 switch mode when "tcp" then @move px - w / 2, py - h / 2 when "ucp" then @move -px + w / 2, -py + h / 2 when 6 switch mode when "tcp" then @move px - w, py - h / 2 when "ucp" then @move -px + w, -py + h / 2 when 7 switch mode when "tcp" then @move px, py when "ucp" then @move -px, -py when 8 switch mode when "tcp" then @move px - w / 2, py when "ucp" then @move -px + w / 2, -py when 9 switch mode when "tcp" then @move px - w, py when "ucp" then @move -px + w, -py return @ -- transforms the points from perspective tags [fax, fay...] -- -- @param line table -- @param data table -- @return SHAPE expand: (line, data) => pf = (sx = 100, sy = 100, p = 1) -> assert p > 0 and p == floor p if p == 1 sx / 100, sy / 100 else p -= 1 sx /= 2 sy /= 2 pf sx, sy, p with data p = .p == "text" and 1 or .p frx = pi / 180 * .frx fry = pi / 180 * .fry frz = pi / 180 * line.styleref.angle sx, cx = -sin(frx), cos(frx) sy, cy = sin(fry), cos(fry) sz, cz = -sin(frz), cos(frz) xscale, yscale = pf line.styleref.scale_x, line.styleref.scale_y, p fax = .fax * xscale / yscale fay = .fay * yscale / xscale wx = line.styleref.shadow wy = line.styleref.shadow if data.xshad != 0 and data.yshad == 0 wx = data.xshad elseif data.xshad == 0 and data.yshad != 0 wy = data.yshad elseif data.xshad != 0 and data.yshad != 0 wx = data.xshad wy = data.yshad ascent = 0 switch line.styleref.align when 1, 2, 3 ascent = .p == "text" and line.height or @h when 4, 5, 6 ascent = (.p == "text" and line.height or @h) / 2 x1 = {1, fax, .pos[1] - .org[1] + wx + fax * ascent} y1 = {fay, 1, .pos[2] - .org[2] + wy} x2, y2 = {}, {} for i = 1, 3 x2[i] = x1[i] * cz - y1[i] * sz y2[i] = x1[i] * sz + y1[i] * cz y3, z3 = {}, {} for i = 1, 3 y3[i] = y2[i] * cx z3[i] = y2[i] * sx x4, z4 = {}, {} for i = 1, 3 x4[i] = x2[i] * cy - z3[i] * sy z4[i] = x2[i] * sy + z3[i] * cy dist = 312.5 z4[3] += dist offs_x = .org[1] - .pos[1] - wx offs_y = .org[2] - .pos[2] - wy matrix = [{} for i = 1, 3] for i = 1, 3 matrix[1][i] = z4[i] * offs_x + x4[i] * dist matrix[2][i] = z4[i] * offs_y + y3[i] * dist matrix[3][i] = z4[i] @filter (x, y) -> v = [(matrix[m][1] * x * xscale) + (matrix[m][2] * y * yscale) + matrix[m][3] for m = 1, 3] w = 1 / max v[3], 0.1 return v[1] * w, v[2] * w return @ -- distorts a shape into a clip -- -- @param an integer -- @param clip string || SHAPE -- @param mode string -- @param leng integer -- @param offset number -- @return SHAPE inClip: (an = 7, clip, mode = "left", leng, offset = 0) => mode = mode\lower! @toOrigin! if type(clip) != "table" clip = SHAPE clip, false leng or= clip\length! size = leng - @w @ = @flatten nil, nil, 2 @filter (x, y) -> y = switch an when 7, 8, 9 then y - @h when 4, 5, 6 then y - @h / 2 -- when 1, 2, 3 then y x = switch mode when 1, "left" then x + offset when 2, "center" then x + offset + size / 2 when 3, "right" then x - offset + size -- gets normal tangent tan, pnt, t = clip\getNormal x / leng, true -- reescale tangent tan.x = pnt.x + y * tan.x tan.y = pnt.y + y * tan.y return tan return @ {:SHAPE}