import TABLE from require "ZF.main.util.table" -- gets the patterns for ass tags getPatterns = (get_value) -> patterns = {} for name, pattern in pairs { font: "[^\\}]*" unsigned_int: "%d+" unsigned_float: "%d[%.%d]*" float: "%-?%d[%.%d]*" hex: "&?[Hh]%x+&?" bool: "[0-1]" zut: "[0-3]" oun: "[1-9]" braces: "%b{}" bracket: "%b()" shape: "m%s+%-?%d[]" } if name == "braces" patterns[name] = get_value and "%{(.-)%}" or pattern elseif name == "bracket" patterns[name] = get_value and "%((.+)%)" or pattern else patterns[name] = "%s*" .. (get_value and "(" .. pattern .. ")" or pattern) return patterns -- gets the patterns for ass tags in an extended form getTagsPatterns = -> tagsPatterns = { an: {id: "\\an", type: "oun", style_name: "align", default_value: 7} fn: {id: "\\fn", type: "font", style_name: "fontname", default_value: "Arial"} fs: {id: "\\fs", type: "unsigned_float", style_name: "fontsize", default_value: 20, transformable: true} fsp: {id: "\\fsp", type: "float", style_name: "spacing", default_value: 0, transformable: true} fscx: {id: "\\fscx", type: "unsigned_float", style_name: "scale_x", default_value: 100, transformable: true} fscy: {id: "\\fscy", type: "unsigned_float", style_name: "scale_y", default_value: 100, transformable: true} frz: {id: "\\frz", type: "float", style_name: "angle", default_value: 0, transformable: true} bord: {id: "\\bord", type: "unsigned_float", style_name: "outline", default_value: 2, transformable: true} shad: {id: "\\shad", type: "unsigned_float", style_name: "shadow", default_value: 2, transformable: true} alpha: {id: "\\alpha", type: "hex", style_name: "alpha", default_value: "&H00&", transformable: true} ["1c"]: {id: "\\1c", type: "hex", style_name: "color1", default_value: "&HFFFFFF&", transformable: true} ["2c"]: {id: "\\2c", type: "hex", style_name: "color2", default_value: "&HFFFFFF&", transformable: true} ["3c"]: {id: "\\3c", type: "hex", style_name: "color3", default_value: "&HFFFFFF&", transformable: true} ["4c"]: {id: "\\4c", type: "hex", style_name: "color4", default_value: "&HFFFFFF&", transformable: true} ["1a"]: {id: "\\1a", type: "hex", style_name: "alpha1", default_value: "&HFFFFFF&", transformable: true} ["2a"]: {id: "\\2a", type: "hex", style_name: "alpha2", default_value: "&HFFFFFF&", transformable: true} ["3a"]: {id: "\\3a", type: "hex", style_name: "alpha3", default_value: "&HFFFFFF&", transformable: true} ["4a"]: {id: "\\4a", type: "hex", style_name: "alpha4", default_value: "&HFFFFFF&", transformable: true} b: {id: "\\b", type: "bool", style_name: "bold", default_value: false} i: {id: "\\i", type: "bool", style_name: "italic", default_value: false} s: {id: "\\s", type: "bool", style_name: "strikeout", default_value: false} u: {id: "\\u", type: "bool", style_name: "underline", default_value: false} k: {id: "\\[kK]^*[fo ]*", type: "unsigned_int", default_value: 0} p: {id: "\\p", type: "oun", default_value: 1} q: {id: "\\q", type: "zut", default_value: 0} t: {id: "\\t", type: "bracket"} pos: {id: "\\pos", type: "bracket"} org: {id: "\\org", type: "bracket"} move: {id: "\\move", type: "bracket"} fad: {id: "\\fad", type: "bracket"} fade: {id: "\\fade", type: "bracket"} clip: {id: "\\clip", type: "bracket"} iclip: {id: "\\iclip", type: "bracket"} frx: {id: "\\frx", type: "float", default_value: 0, transformable: true} fry: {id: "\\fry", type: "float", default_value: 0, transformable: true} fax: {id: "\\fax", type: "float", default_value: 0, transformable: true} fay: {id: "\\fay", type: "float", default_value: 0, transformable: true} be: {id: "\\be", type: "unsigned_float", default_value: 0, transformable: true} blur: {id: "\\blur", type: "unsigned_float", default_value: 0, transformable: true} xbord: {id: "\\xbord", type: "float", default_value: 0, transformable: true} ybord: {id: "\\ybord", type: "float", default_value: 0, transformable: true} xshad: {id: "\\xshad", type: "float", default_value: 0, transformable: true} yshad: {id: "\\yshad", type: "float", default_value: 0, transformable: true} } for name, info in pairs tagsPatterns {:id, :type} = info info["patterns_none_value"] = id .. AssPatternsNoneValues[type] info["patterns_with_value"] = id .. AssPatternsWithValues[type] return tagsPatterns export AssPatternsNoneValues = getPatterns false export AssPatternsWithValues = getPatterns true export AssTagsPatterns = getTagsPatterns! class LAYER version: "1.0.0" new: (@layer = "", last = true) => @layer = type(@layer) == "table" and @layer["layer"] or @layer -- solves layer if l = last and @__lmatch("%b{}") or @__match("%b{}") @layer = l elseif @layer == "" @layer = "{}" @layer = @__gsub "\\a(#{AssPatternsNoneValues["oun"]})", "\\an%1" @layer = @__gsub "\\c(#{AssPatternsNoneValues["hex"]})", "\\1c%1" @layer = @__gsub "\\fr(#{AssPatternsNoneValues["float"]})", "\\frz%1" @layer = @__gsub "\\fad(#{AssPatternsNoneValues["bracket"]})", "\\fade%1" @animated "relocate" for name in *{"t", "pos", "org", "move", "fad", "fade", "i?clip"} @layer = @__gsub "\\#{name}%(%s*%)", "" -- extends the class with functions from the string lib __find: (pattern, init, plain) => @layer\find pattern, init, plain __match: (pattern, init, plain) => @layer\match pattern, init, plain __gsub: (pattern, repl, n) => @layer\gsub pattern, repl, n __gmatch: (pattern) => @layer\gmatch pattern __lmatch: (pattern, value = [v for v in @__gmatch pattern]) => value[#value] -- checks if the tag is contained in the layer -- @param name string -- @return bool contain: (name) => if @__match AssTagsPatterns[name]["patterns_none_value"] return true -- gets the tag value if it exists in the layer -- @param name string -- @return bool getTagValue: (name, info = AssTagsPatterns[name]) => def_value = (val) -> if name != "t" if info["type"] == "bool" return val == "1" elseif n = tonumber val return n elseif val\match "," return [tonumber v for v in val\gmatch "[^,]+"] return val else s, e, a, transform = val\match "([%.%d]*)%,?([%.%d]*)%,?([%.%d]*)%,?(.+)" s = tonumber s e = tonumber e a = tonumber a return {:s, :e, :a, :transform} {:patterns_none_value, :patterns_with_value} = info if tag = name != "t" and @__lmatch(patterns_none_value) or @__match(patterns_none_value) value = def_value tag\match patterns_with_value return value, name, info, tag, @__find tag, 1, true -- adds or removes the braces from the layer -- @param cmd string -- @return LAYER braces: (cmd = "add") => if cmd == "add" unless @__match "%b{}" @layer = "{" .. @layer .. "}" elseif cmd == "rem" if @__match "%b{}" @layer = @__gsub "{(.-)}", "%1" else error "incompatible command" return @ -- hides or unhides the tag \t of the layer -- @param cmd string -- @return LAYER animated: (cmd = "hide") => if cmd == "hide" @layer = @__gsub "\\t%b()", (t) -> t\gsub "\\", "\\@" elseif cmd == "unhide" @layer = @__gsub "\\@", "\\" elseif cmd == "relocate" move = (val, new = "") -> val = val\match "%((.+)%)" while val tag = val\gsub "\\t%b()", "" val = val\match "\\t%((.+)%)" new ..= "\\t(#{tag})" return new @layer = @__gsub "\\t%b()", (t) -> move t else error "incompatible command" return @ -- removes one or more tags in the layer -- @return LAYER remove: (...) => for t in *{...} if type(t) == "table" {a, b, c} = t @layer = @__gsub AssTagsPatterns[a]["patterns_none_value"], b or "", c elseif type(t) == "string" @layer = @__gsub AssTagsPatterns[t]["patterns_none_value"], "" else error "incompatible value type" return @ -- adds one or more tags to the layer -- @return LAYER insert: (...) => @braces "rem" for t in *{...} if type(t) == "table" {a, b} = t if a @layer = b and a .. @layer or @layer .. a elseif type(t) == "string" @layer ..= t else error "incompatible value type" @braces "add" return @ -- adds the style tag values in the layer if the tag does not exist in the layer -- @param styleref table -- @param onlyAnimated bool -- @return LAYER insertStyleRef: (styleref, onlyAnimated = true) => for name, info in pairs AssTagsPatterns if style_name = info["style_name"] unless @contain name if onlyAnimated continue unless info["transformable"] value = styleref[style_name] if info["type"] == "bool" value = value and "1" or "0" @insert info["id"] .. value return @ -- removes the style tag values in the layer if the tag exists in the layer and equals the style value -- @param styleref table -- @return LAYER removeStyleRef: (styleref) => for name, info in pairs AssTagsPatterns if style_name = info["style_name"] if value = @getTagValue name if styleref[style_name] == value @remove name elseif info["transformable"] if value = @getTagValue name if info["value"] == value or info["default_value"] == value @remove name return @ -- adds pending tags from a previous layer value as a reference -- @param prev string || LAYER -- @return LAYER insertPending: (prev, concat = {}) => for val in *LAYER(prev)\split! {:name, :info, :tag} = val if info["transformable"] TABLE(concat)\push tag @insert {table.concat(concat), true} return @ -- removes equal tags from a previous layer value as reference -- @param prev string || LAYER -- @return LAYER removeEquals: (prev) => for val in *LAYER(prev)\split! {:name, tag: prev_tag} = val infos = {@getTagValue name} if infos[1] and prev_tag == infos[4] @remove name return @ -- replaces position values in the layer -- @param posVals table -- @param orgVals table -- @return LAYER replaceCoords: (posVals, orgVals) => @braces "rem" if @__match "\\move%b()" if #posVals >= 4 {a, b, c, d, e, f} = posVals e = e and ",#{e}" or "" f = f and ",#{f}" or "" move = "\\move(#{a},#{b},#{c},#{d .. e .. f})" @remove {"move", move, 1} elseif #posVals == 2 {a, b} = posVals pos = "\\pos(#{a},#{b})" if @__match "\\pos%b()" @remove {"pos", pos, 1} else @insert {pos, true} if orgVals and #orgVals == 2 {a, b} = orgVals org = "\\org(#{a},#{b})" if @__match "\\org%b()" @remove {"org", org, 1} else @insert {org, true} @braces "add" return @ -- splits layer tag by tag -- @return table split: (split = {}) => copy = LAYER @layer -- adds the values to the split table push = (name) -> value, name, info, tag, i = copy\getTagValue name if value TABLE(split)\push {:name, :info, :tag, :value, :i} -- adds all the \t tags present in the layer while copy\__match "\\t%b()" push "t" copy.layer = copy\__gsub "\\t%b()", "", 1 -- adds tags other than the \t tag @animated "hide" [push name for name in pairs AssTagsPatterns] @animated "unhide" -- gets an already processed value split.getTagValue = (name) -> for val in *split if val["name"] == name return val -- converts the split to string split.__tostring = (concat = "") -> for val in *@split! concat ..= val["tag"] return "{" .. concat .. "}" -- fixes the position of the split tags according to their original position in the layer table.sort split, (a, b) -> a.i < b.i return split -- removes repeated tags and optionally removes values equal to the style values in the layer -- @param styleref table -- @return LAYER clear: (styleref) => @layer = @split!["__tostring"]! if styleref @removeStyleRef styleref return @ __tostring: => @layer {:LAYER}