class TABLE version: "1.0.0" new: (@t = t) => -- makes arithmetic operations on a table -- @param fn function -- @return table arithmeticOp: (fn = ((v) -> v), operation = "+") => result = 0 for k, v in ipairs @t switch operation when "+", "sum" then result += fn v when "-", "sub" then result -= fn v when "*", "mul" then result *= fn v when "/", "div" then result /= fn v when "%", "rem" then result %= fn v when "^", "exp" then result = result ^ fn v return result -- removes duplicate elements in a table -- @return table clean: => f, n = {}, {} for k, v in pairs @t if type(v) == "table" TABLE(n)\push TABLE(v)\clean v else unless f[v] TABLE(n)\push v f[v] = 0 return n -- makes a shallow copy of an table -- -- @return table shallowcopy: => shallowcopy = (t) -> copy = {} if type(t) == "table" for key, value in pairs t copy[key] = value else copy = t return copy return shallowcopy @t -- makes a deep copy of an table -- -- @return table deepcopy: => deepcopy = (t, copies = {}) -> copy = {} if type(t) == "table" if copies[t] copy = copies[t] else copies[t] = copy for key, value in next, t, nil copy[deepcopy key, copies] = deepcopy value, copies setmetatable copy, deepcopy getmetatable(t), copies else copy = t return copy return deepcopy @t -- makes a deep or shallow copy of a table -- @param deepcopy boolean -- @return table copy: (deepcopy = true) => deepcopy and @deepcopy! or @shallowcopy! -- concatenates values to the end of the table -- @param ... any -- @return table concat: (...) => t = @copy! for val in *{...} if type(val) == "table" for k, v in pairs val TABLE(t)\push(v) if type(k) == "number" else TABLE(t)\push(val) return t -- creates a new table populated with the results of calling a provided function on every element in the calling table -- @param fn function -- @return table map: (fn) => {k, fn(v, k, @t) for k, v in pairs @t} -- removes the last element from the table -- @return integer pop: => table.remove @t -- adds one or more elements to the end of the table -- @param ... any -- @return integer push: (...) => arguments, insert = {...}, table.insert for i = 1, #arguments insert @t, arguments[i] return #arguments -- executes a reducer function on each element of the table -- @param fn function -- @param ... any -- @return table reduce: (fn, ...) => arguments, init, len, acc = {...}, 1, #@t, nil if #arguments != 0 acc = arguments[1] elseif len > 0 init, acc = 2, @t[1] for i = init, len acc = fn acc, @t[i], i, @t return acc -- Reverses all table values -- @return table reverse: => [@t[#@t + 1 - i] for i = 1, #@t] -- returns a copy of part of an table from a subarray created between the start and end positions -- @param f integer -- @param l integer -- @param s integer -- @return table slice: (f, l, s) => [@t[i] for i = f or 1, l or #@t, s or 1] -- changes the contents of an table by removing or replacing existing elements and/or adding new elements -- @param start integer -- @param delete integer -- @param ... any -- @return table splice: (start, delete, ...) => arguments, removes, t_len = {...}, {}, #@t n_args, i_args = #arguments, 1 start = start < 1 and 1 or start delete = delete < 0 and 0 or delete if start > t_len start = t_len + 1 delete = 0 delete = start + delete - 1 > t_len and t_len - start + 1 or delete for pos = start, start + math.min(delete, n_args) - 1 TABLE(removes)\push @t[pos] @t[pos] = arguments[i_args] i_args += 1 i_args -= 1 for i = 1, delete - n_args TABLE(removes)\push table.remove(@t, start + i_args) for i = n_args - delete, 1, -1 @push start + delete, arguments[i_args + i] return removes -- removes the first element from the table -- @return integer shift: => table.remove @t, 1 -- inserts new elements at the start of an table, and returns the new length of the table -- @param ... any -- @return integer unshift: (...) => arguments = {...} for k = #arguments, 1, -1 table.insert @t, 1, arguments[k] return #@t -- checks if the table is empty -- @return boolean isEmpty: => next(@t) == nil -- returns a string with the contents of the table -- @param table_name string -- @param indent string -- @return string view: (table_name = "table_unnamed", indent = "") => cart, autoref = "", "" basicSerialize = (o) -> so = tostring o if type(o) == "function" info = debug.getinfo o, "S" return format "%q", so .. ", C function" if info.what == "C" format "%q, defined in (lines: %s - %s), ubication %s", so, info.linedefined, info.lastlinedefined, info.source elseif (type(o) == "number") or (type(o) == "boolean") return so format "%q", so addtocart = (value, table_name, indent, saved = {}, field = table_name) -> cart ..= indent .. field if type(value) != "table" cart ..= " = " .. basicSerialize(value) .. ";\n" else if saved[value] cart ..= " = {}; -- #{saved[value]}(self reference)\n" autoref ..= "#{table_name} = #{saved[value]};\n" else saved[value] = table_name if TABLE(value)\isEmpty! cart ..= " = {};\n" else cart ..= " = {\n" for k, v in pairs value k = basicSerialize k fname = "#{table_name}[ #{k} ]" field = "[ #{k} ]" addtocart v, fname, indent .. " ", saved, field cart = "#{cart}#{indent}};\n" return "#{table_name} = #{basicSerialize @t}" if type(@t) != "table" addtocart @t, table_name, indent return cart .. autoref {:TABLE}