'''Command line utilities for a command line session of Jython-UACalc. Created on Jun 23, 2013 @see: AlgebraConstructionExample.py @author: ralph at math.hawaii.edu, williamdemeo at gmail ''' import sys from os.path import expanduser ''' ATTENTION!!! UACALC_CLI_ROOT must be set equal to the fully qualified name of the UACalc_CLI directory, that is, the directory containing: Algebras, Examples, and CLI subdirectories. ''' UACALC_CLI_ROOT = expanduser("~/git/UACalc_CLI") sys.path.append(UACALC_CLI_ROOT+"/CLI/Jars/uacalc.jar") sys.path.append(UACALC_CLI_ROOT+"/CLI/Jars/LatDraw.jar") sys.path.append(UACALC_CLI_ROOT+"/Examples") import rlcompleter import readline readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete") from OperationFactory import Operation from org.uacalc.alg import BasicAlgebra from org.uacalc.io import AlgebraIO from org.uacalc.alg import Malcev from org.uacalc.alg.conlat import BasicPartition print "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%" print "Welcome to the command line version of UACalc!" print " to exit type quit()" print " (more help coming)" print "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"