--- title: "STAT 545A Troubleshooting Exercise for Milestone 1" output: github_document --- There are **3 code chunks with errors** in this Rmd. Your objective is to fix all of the errors in this worksheet. Make sure to indicate what lines you changed and why (by commenting \# in the code). For the purpose of grading, each erroneous code chunk is equally weighted. ## Welcome to R and Rmd! This document is written in **R Markdown**. We'll use this document to explore the `mtcars` dataset. First, let's store the current date as a variable. We can use the function `Sys.Date` with no arguments to get the current date: ```{r, error = TRUE} ## ERROR 1 ## _today_ <- Sys.Date() ``` You may notice that, although an error might appear in these cells, this Rmd file knits just fine. That's because the `error = TRUE` *chunk option* is included in each chunk, allowing the Rmd file to knit, even when an error is encountered. Now, let's load the `tidyverse` (meta-) package: ```{r, error = TRUE} ## ERROR 2 ## libraries(tidyverse) ``` By loading the tidyverse, a function called `glimpse` has been made available. This function is useful for viewing a data set. Let's take a look at the `mtcars` dataset by applying the `glimpse` function to `mtcars`! ```{r, error = TRUE} ## ERROR 3 ## glimpse mtcars ``` ## Attribution Thanks to Icíar Fernández Boyano for coming up with most of this worksheet.